Sumbagut - Gas Polll !!!

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Cloud X Call Centre

Sumbagut – Gas Polll … !!!

New Insight on Industry or Territory

197.577 employees
1.114 CB Existing

147.818 employees
1.748 CB Existing
Team Sumbagut
• 242 Mio • 352 Mio
• BIG Potency from Human • BIG Potency from Human and
and Need special Product to Need special Product to 4 Officer
acquisition acquisition
2 AM
• 253 Travel Agents – • 83 Agriculture Companies
45 Follow Up By AM member of GAPKI (Palm
– 21 Contracts IR Oil Company Association) Aceh : 2 AM
Resellers. • 19 % Telkomsel’s
• Validation needed to customer. Medan : 3 AM
secure revenue &
avoid fraud.
• 67 companies can be
prospek customers
PSP : 1 AM
• Offering Products : • Product Offering : PDS : -WESTERN
Team Plan, IR TeamPlan, TTT, Tank
Reseller, My Ads. Monitoring, Agritech :-
Solotion, Human Cloudz,
SmS Broadcast.
• 3 Industrial Park @Medan
• 41 Hotels @ Medan 1. KIM : 335 Tenants 35 Bio
• 30 % Telkomsel’s 2. KIMStar : 76 Tenants
customer 3. Kaw. Industri Belawan : 26
• 29 Hotels can be Company & Gov. Office
• 60 Branded Resto
prospek customers • 12 Resto already
• Product Offering : maintenance by AM 1.383 Acc.
Teamplan, Mobile • Include Wong Solo 1,8
Consierce, My Ads Bio /Year

SA : 21
Sumatera Utara TOP 50 : 322
ACEH TOP 9000 : 707
• Macro Economy 5.18 %
• Macro Economy 4.03 % • Tele : 333
Economy Growth Source : Manufacture,
• Economy Growth source : Government, Agriculture Trading, Tourism, Industry,
Tourism, Mining, Agriculture. • Large Account : Musim Mas, Inalum,
• Large Account : Pemda, Arun, Pupuk Iskandar Wilmar,Pelindo1, ITC Finance PTPN III, PTPN IV,
Muda, Lafarge. Sarana Bakar Digdaya.
• Industrial Park : KIM, KimStar dan Sei Mangke
COVID 19 – Impact on SME-LE
Declining or Growing

During this bad condition, some industries potentially business declining and some industries potentially growing
Potential decline Rev & Project Delay Note
Industry Impacted for Covid 19  Request of pricing discount from 1st  50% discount request from
Tourism & identified hotel : Trans Hotel Bandung, Hotel
1 Resort Wakatobi Sulawesi, Hotel Alila Solo  IR reseller rev From 1.4
 IR reseller program decreased revenue bn/month potentially
decreased 90%-99%
 17 Companies at Batam already inform no
2 Manufacturing operation because of no Raw material
 Blue Collar project delay at Bekasi and
 Private Network Project Delay Kaltim  Potential Revenue delay 2
3 Oil, Gas, & Mining Prima Coal (KPC) at Kalimantan bn/month
 IOT project delay

Potential New Growth Revenue Total Leads

 Shifting to technology (e-learning & Video  133 TOP priority (April)
1 Education Conference) to mitigate learning system  4 k Edu Sector (May – Jul)
 Data package gift to Students to support  Potential Rev : 50 bn (apr
online learning to Jul)
 Migration from direct sales (store) to online  4 Big partner
store  Potential Rev 15 bn
2 Iot  Special data package to seller to increased
online activities  Total account approach
 Free CloudX program supporting Work  Total closed leads : 439
3 CloudX From Home  Total MSISDN : 896
 Potential rev = 170 mn/month

Revenue Basis Achievement – Q1

Jan Feb Mar Q1 2020
Target Actual %Ach Target Actual %Ach Target Outlook %Ach Target Actual GAP Q1 %Ach

01. LE - SUMBAGUT 5.59 7.05 126% 6.44 7.88 122% 6.77 7.91 117% 18.81 22.84 4.03 121.5%

IR Reseller Trx NOV - JAN

Revenue Loss In Q1 Row Labels Sum of NOV Sum of DEC Sum of Jan
LE - CENTRAL 1 29,944,420 30,325,007 9,210,533
LE - CENTRAL 2 60,898,489 78,509,255 80,692,412
LE - EASTERN 9,071,006 1,286,001 1,991,001
No Pro gram / Ac c ount De s c ribtion Re v. / Month Re v. / Ye ar LE - JABAR 66,799,819 77,877,549 68,280,611
LE - SUMBAGSEL 65,259,748 83,417,793 92,849,028
1 IR Re se lle r Pe la ra ng a n Pro g ra m Um ro h Co vid 19 200,000,000 2,400,000,000
LE - SUMBAGTENG 54,033,004 70,186,089 50,111,664
2 SMS Bla st Ba nk Ac e h Pro m o Cha ng e ATM Ka rtu Chips (Pe nding ) 30,000,000 360,000,000 LE - SUMBAGUT 99,861,524 176,709,835 217,569,333
LE - WESTERN 17,685,493 39,958,423 7,214,061
3 Sa m sa t Ba nda Ac e h Sm a rt Co nne c tivity sa m sa t Ac e h 36,000,000 432,000,000 SME - JABOTABEK 27,500 51,333 55,000
4 Ghuro ba Ma da ni IOT Sm a rt Me te ring PLN 52,500,000 630,000,000 SME - JAWA BARAT 19,737,017 40,576,025 32,890,024
SME - SUMBAGSEL 39,464,550 55,640,003 36,418,772
5 Sa m sa t Me da n Bla st SMS him ba ua n pe m ba ya ra n pa ja k 25,000,000 300,000,000 SME - SUMBAGTENG 87,678,565 131,857,444 148,919,557
SME - SUMBAGUT 47,907,333 96,650,250 122,067,860
6 Pa nc a Pila r Upg ra de Te a m pla n 1,500,000 18,000,000
(blank) - 1,335,606
7 Me dc o La ng sa Fle e t Sig ht, pe nding POC da n Co m e rc ia l 6,541,667 78,500,000 Grand Total 598,368,468 883,045,007 869,605,462
Outlook Performance Q2 – Sem1

Target & Outlook Q2 – Sem 1

Apr May Jun Q2 2020 H1 2020
Target Actual %Ach Target Actual %Ach Target Outlook %Ach Target Actual GAP Q2 %Ach Target Actual GAP Q2 %Ach

01. LE - SUMBAGUT 7.11 7.96 112% 7.46 9.81 131% 7.84 10.97 140% 22.41 28.74 6.33 128.2% 41.22 51.58 10.36 125.1%

Pada Q2 2020 Team Sumbagut Akan focus pada 3 pilar Potential New Growth Revenue yaitu : Education, CloudX dan IOT. Pada Segment
Education akan secara massif menawarkan CloudX sebagai entry product unggulan dan dilanjutkan dengan paket RED Society untuk Dosen +
Karyawan dan Sebagai revenue generator utama ditawarkan Bulk Mahasiswa

SA + TOP 50 CloudX + IoT AM

Focus TOP 9000+TELE CloudX AMX & Tele

Strategy School, Campus, CloudX + Society +

Health & Gov AM & MMS
Bulk Package
Blue Collar +
Programs Pabrik & Kawin
AM & Branch
Revenue Incremental – Aktivasi (Closed Won + Sign Agreement)
Nama AM Januari Februari Maret April MoM CloudX RED Society Bulk Rev Q2
fahmy 76,007,606 51,939,590 2,343,749 105,950,000 4421% 1,050,000 78,000,000 26,900,000 211,900,000
fahry_r_siregar 38,425,026 32,935,027 8,470,000 360,450,000 4156% 22,800,000 192,000,000 145,650,000 720,900,000
ragu_rahman 56,087,040 64,452,530 14,190,000 130,796,000 822% 1,340,000 129,456,000 - 261,592,000
raymond_f_S 18,095,003 19,257,280 16,280,000 418,756,000 2472% 74,270,000 266,736,000 77,750,000 837,512,000
rita_risma 41,790,043 23,120,018 5,224,999 637,250,000 12096% 45,200,000 67,200,000 524,850,000 1,274,500,000
surya_fauzi 7,200,000 37,790,004 5,530,000 151,846,000 2646% 7,030,000 144,816,000 303,692,000
Grand Total 237,604,718 229,494,449 52,038,748 1,805,048,000 3369% 151,690,000 878,208,000 775,150,000 3,610,096,000

Q2 Rev CONTRIBUTION 1,805,048,000

surya_fauzi fahmy
8% 6%


35% 637,250,000

130,796,000 151,846,000
raymond_f_S 105,950,000
fahmy fahry_r_siregar ragu_rahman raymond_f_S rita_risma surya_fauzi Grand Total

Januari Februari Maret April Linear (April)

Monitoring Hot Project : CloudX-RED SOCIETY-Bulk Mahasiswa

Commercial Report Only

# TRX # TRX # TRX To ta l
Re v C lo ud x Re v So c ie ty Re v Bulk
Ro w La b e ls Ac c . Ac c . RED Ac c . TRX To ta l REV
56 Pemda Vic o n Ka ry a w a n Ma ha sisw a
340 & Pemko
Ed u c a t io n 12 149,300,000 13 516,432,000 6 775,150,000 31 1,440,882,000
Fa h m y 2 66,000,000 1 26,900,000 3 92,900,000
Fa h ry Ro zy 1 22,800,000 2 96,000,000 1 145,650,000 4 264,450,000
230 Ra g u Ra h m a n 3 34,896,000 3 34,896,000
Rumah Ra y m o n d Fe rn a n d o 6 74,270,000 3 266,736,000 2 77,750,000 11 418,756,000
Sakit Rit a Rism a 2 45,200,000 2 43,200,000 2 524,850,000 6 613,250,000
Su ry a Fa u zi 3 7,030,000 1 9,600,000 4 16,630,000
G o v e rn m e n t 5 2,390,000 5 2,390,000
Fa h m y 2 1,050,000 2 1,050,000
Ra g u Ra h m a n 3 1,340,000 3 1,340,000
Prospect He a lt h 7 361,776,000 7 361,776,000
Fa h m y 1 12,000,000 1 12,000,000
Fa h ry Ro zy 1 96,000,000 1 96,000,000
51 Campus & School, 30 Ra g u Ra h m a n 2 94,560,000 2 94,560,000
Hospital, 27 Gov Ra y m o n d Fe rn a n d o - -
Rit a Rism a 1 24,000,000 1 24,000,000
Su ry a Fa u zi 2 135,216,000 2 135,216,000
G ra nd To ta l 17 151,690,000 20 878,208,000 6 775,150,000 43 1,805,048,000
8% 49% 43%
31 Campus & School, 7
Hospital, 5 Gov
Performance Sales Call CloudX Smele (Blm Update per 20 apr)

- Account Aktif : ??? , Host Actif : 340, secara Host Sumbagut tertinggi Nasional (per 20 April Acc Aktif 89 dan Host Aktif 430)
- Usulan reporting yg ditampilkan adalah Delivery / start create EMS (karna sales call deal belum 100% akan terdeliver layanannya, terkait dokumen
dan sebagainya)
- No xx secara Account, No xx Secara Host
- Usulan satu parameter lagi yaitu rasio produktifitas AM, Produktifitas AM Sumbagut : 15, (per AM : 15 aktivasi Acc.= Total Aktivasi/AM)
Performance Sales Call CloudX Smele (Blm Update per 20 apr)

- Account Actif : 89, Host Actif : 430

- No xx secara Account, No xx Secara Host
- Produktifitas AM : 15, (per AM : 15 aktivasi Acc.= Total Aktivasi/AM)
Cloud X

Untuk Aktivasi CloudX Commercial masih di dominasi dari Region Sumbagut sebanyak 20
Account atau 50% West AREA
Society & Blue Collar
Monitoring Hot Project : CloudX
Trial Commercial Total % ACCOUNT Total % HOST AM
LE Sumbagsel 50 100 7 38 57 30% 138 18% 9.50
LE Sumbagteng 34 63 8 116 41 22% 179 24% 5.13
LE Sumbagut 68 116 21 314 89 48% 430 58% 14.83
Fahmy 13 27 2 7 15 17% 34 8% 101%
Fahry Rozy Siregar 10 21 10 11% 21 5% 67%
Ragu Rahman 10 20 3 6 13 15% 26 6% 88%
Raymond F Sembiring 13 19 8 185 21 24% 204 47% 142%
Rita Risma 11 13 2 99 12 13% 112 26% 81%
Surya Fauzi 5 7 6 17 11 12% 24 6% 74%
Tele 6 8 6 7% 8 2% 40%
Grand Total 152 279 36 468 187 747

Tele Tele Fahmy
Surya Fauzi
7% Fahmy 6% 2% Fahry8% Rozy
Surya Fauzi 17%
13% Siregar
5% Rahman
Rita Risma 6%
Fahry Rozy 26%
Rita Risma 11%

Rahman Raymond F
Raymond F 15% Sembiring
Sembiring 47%
Monitoring Hot Project : CloudX : Segmentation

Education Finance Government hospitality Manufacture Media & Telco Trading Utilities Total Total
Account host Account host Account host Account host Account host Account host Account host Account host Account Host
LE Sumbagsel 23 82 7 13 6 12 6 6 13 21 2 4 57 138
LE Sumbagteng 15 127 1 1 6 23 1 1 4 6 12 16 2 5 41 179
LE Sumbagut 30 335 2 2 14 30 5 9 6 12 10 16 18 22 4 4 89 430
Fahmy 5 13 1 1 6 15 2 4 1 1 15 34
Fahry Rozy Siregar 5 12 1 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 10 21
Ragu Rahman 2 6 6 13 2 4 2 2 1 1 13 26
aymond F Sembiring 6 179 1 1 3 5 7 11 4 8 21 204
Rita Risma 7 107 2 2 2 2 1 1 12 112
Surya Fauzi 4 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 11 24
Tele 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 6 8
Grand Total 68 544 3 3 27 66 5 9 13 25 20 28 43 59 8 13 187 747


Utilities Utilities
4% Media 5% 1%
Trading hospitality
20% Education
34% 2%
Manufactur 2%
e hospitalityGovernmen
7% 6% t
CloudX : Call Centre COVID 19

No PEMDA / PEMKO # Hunting

1 Dina s Ke se ha t a n Pe m p ro v sum ut 4
2 Din a s Ko m in fo Me d a n 1
3 Disko minfo Lho kse uma w e 4
4 Ba d a n Pe na ng g ula ng a n Be nc a na Da e ra h Ka b . Ac e h Be sa r 3
5 Pe m ko Sia nt a r (Sig n Ag re e me nt ) 4
Monitoring Hot Project : Education
Di Sumbagut terdapat 340 Kampus dimana 11 % nya sudah dilakukan sales call. Fokus Sales Call dilakukan pada kampus yg memiliki jml mahasiswa >5K. Dengan
Klasifikasi 5K-10K sudah 41% difollow up sedangkan 10K-50K sudah 77% di follow up. Sebanyak 20 Kampus sudah bertransaksi. Kontribusi rev terbesar dari AM
Rita Risma, Adapun Kampus dgn rev terbesar adalah Unsyiah Banda Aceh dengan produk Bulk Mahasiswa. Bulk memberikan kontribusi rev. terbesar yaitu 775 Mio
atau 54%.
Sa le s C a ll % Sa le s So c ie ty
Ro w La b e ls C lo ud x Vic o n Bulk Ma ha sisw a To ta l
# Ma ha sisw a To ta l Ka ry a w a n
Be lum sud a h C a lls Fa hm y 66,000,000 26,900,000 92,900,000
BP2IP Po lit e kn ik Pe la y a ra n 12,000,000 26,900,000 38,900,000
100 - 1K 130 3 133 2% Ma liku ssa le h Lh o kse u m a we 54,000,000 54,000,000
Un ie rsit a s Ne g e ri Sa m u d e ra -
1K - 5K 151 14 165 8% Fa hry Ro zy 22,800,000 96,000,000 145,650,000 264,450,000
5K -10K 17 12 29 41% Po lit e kn ik Me d a n 22,800,000 145,650,000 168,450,000
STIMIK Bu d h i Dh a rm a 72,000,000 72,000,000
10K - 50K 3 10 13 77% UMSU 24,000,000 24,000,000
Ra g u Ra hm a n 34,896,000 34,896,000
G ra nd To ta l 301 39 340 11% A d zia St a n 5,760,000 5,760,000
IA IN La n g sa 29,136,000 29,136,000
Ra ym o nd Fe rna nd o 74,270,000 266,736,000 77,750,000 418,756,000
REVENUE CONTRIBUTION Se ko la h t in g g i p e rt a n ia n 1,140,000 15,120,000 16,260,000
SMK Te lko m J a m in G in t in g 3,990,000 50,850,000 54,840,000
Surya SMK Te lko m J a m in Ha la t 3,990,000 26,900,000 30,890,000
Fahmy UINSU 44,250,000 96,816,000 141,066,000
1%6% Fahry Un iv Pa n c a Bu d i 1,900,000 1,900,000
18% Un iv . Me d a n A re a 19,000,000 154,800,000 173,800,000
Rita Rism a 45,200,000 43,200,000 524,850,000 613,250,000
Risma Ragu Un it . Te u ku Um a r Me u la b o h 30,000,000 24,000,000 145,650,000 199,650,000
43% Rahman Un sy ia h 15,200,000 379,200,000 394,400,000
2% Ya y a sa n A l A za r C a iro A c e h 19,200,000 19,200,000
Surya Fa uzi 7,030,000 9,600,000 16,630,000
IT De ll 4,560,000 4,560,000
Raymon SD BO C Krist e n PMS 190,000 190,000
Fernand Un iv . A sa h a n 2,280,000 9,600,000 11,880,000
29% Gra nd To ta l 149,300,000 516,432,000 775,150,000 1,440,882,000
% 10% 36% 54%
Potential New Grew Impact For Covid-19 - Q2

Ada 7 kampus di Sumbagut yang masuk dalam Program TOP PRIORITY ATTACKED dimana keseluruhan kampus tersebut
sudah difollow up dengan result sesuai table dibawah. Disampaikan juga beberapa data Kampus yang telah Closed Won yang
tidak masuk tam Top Priority Attacked Program.

Fla g Jum la h HOST

Unive rsita s AM Tse l STATUS Pro je c t REVENUE
133/ No t CLo ud X
CloudX Red Society Special Bulk Data Package
Universitas Sumatera Utara 133 fahry_r_siregar Active Trial Proposal Penawaran Proposal Penawaran
Universitas Syiah Kuala 133 rita_risma Closed Won Sign Agreement Closed Won 394,400,000 80
Universitas Negeri Medan 133 ragu_rahman Initial Communication Initial Communication Initial Communication
Universitas Malikussaleh 133 Fahmy Active Trial Closed Won Negotiation 54,000,000
Universitas Panca Budi 133 raymond_f_sembiring Closed Won Negotiation Negotiation 1,900,000 10
Universitas Samudra 133 Fahmy Sign Agreement Negotiation Sign Agreement
UIN Ar Raniry 133 rita_risma Active Trial Negotiation Sign Agreement
Politeknik Pelayaran BP2IP Malahayati Non 133 Fahmy Active Trial sign agreement sign agreement
Universitas Asahan Non 133 Surya_fauzi Closed Won Closed Won Negotiation 14,280,000 11
Institut Teknologi IT Del Non 133 Surya_fauzi Closed Won Negotiation Negotiation 4,560,000 24
Universitas Teuku Umar Non 133 Rita Risma Closed Won closed Won closed Won 145,650,000 20
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Non 133 Raymond_f_Sembiring Closed Won closed won Negotiation 124,930,000 75
Universitas Medan Area Non 133 Raymond_f_Sembiring Closed Won closed won Negotiation 212,500,000 100
Politeknik Negeri Medan Non 133 fahry_r_siregar Active Trial Close Won Negotiation 179,000,000 120
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara Non 133 fahry_r_siregar Closed Won Close Won Negotiation 300,000,000
STMIK Budi Darma Non 133 fahry_r_siregar Active Trial Close Won Negotiation 120,000,000
SMK TELKOM JAMIN GINTING Non 133 Raymond_f_Sembiring Closed Won negotiation closed won 54,840,000 21
Blue Collar Update

7 Perusahaan 3,050 MSISDN Rp 228.7 Mio/Month

Detail Perusahaan:
Corp Name MSISDN Potensi Revenue Status
Asian Agri 1000 75,000,000 Masih dalam tahap diskusi internal corporate

Medco Energi 150 11,250,000 Initial Communication

Dairi Prima 300 Initial Communication


PTPN 3 800 60,000,000 Submit Proposal Penawaran

Menunggu update dari PIC terkait offer yang

PTPN 4 500 37,500,000

Solusi Bangun
100 7,500,000 Sudah dilakukan penawaran ke customer

Pupuk Iskandar
200 15,000,000 Initial Communication
Selasa Strategic Account 1BIG, Rabu Large Enterprise 2 Med, Kamis TOP 50 Acc. 3small

AM Tactical Account Project Product / Solution Est. Revenue Update Status
1 PTPN IV & III Digitalilasi PTPN Intank Monitoring 5,774,000,000 Menunggu hasil trial intank di PTPN V Apr-20
Masih dalam proses Test Trial Apps di Internal Bank
Bank Sumut Sales Force untuk FSO Field Force 240,000,000 SUMUT, request 1 paket dengan SDM, kolaborasi dgn May-20
Telkom Group
Raymond Medisafe Technologies Blue Collar Blue Collar 212,500,000 Initial Communication dengan customer Apr-20
Fernando Proposal cloudX masih dalam review pelanggan. Trial
Capella Dinamik Nusantara CloudX Cloud X 103,500,000 Apr-20
3 Sudah dilakukan offering layanan cloudX ke customer.
Everbright CloudX CloudX 15,000,000 Apr-20
Trial OK
Multimas Nabati Asahan Direct Connection Direct Connection 8,400,000 Sudah commercial layanan direct connection Mar-20

AM Tactical Account Project Product / Solution Est. Revenue Update Status
Menunggu surat resmi penawaran harga dari Asian
1 Asian Agri Tank Monitoring Tank Monitoring 1,240,000,000 Agri @258 mio, potensi 80 tanki di 37 mill / pabrik, Jun-20
satu pabrik ada 1-3 tanki
Royal Prima CloudX CloudX 24,500,000 Initial Communication dengan customer May-20
Ragu 2
RS Grand Medistra CloudX CloudX 24,500,000 Initial Communication dengan customer May-20
GPS Center Flash Small Denom Flash Small Denom 57,750,000 Dalam proses aktivasi kartuHALO Mar-20
Document Agreement sudah di tandatangani oleh
3 Multidaya Dinamika Flash Small Denom Flash Small Denom 57,750,000 Mar-20
customer, menunggu request aktivasi
Dwimitra Konstruksi Flash Small Denom Flash Small Denom 18,150,000 On progress aktivasi Mar-20
Selasa Strategic Account 1BIG, Rabu Large Enterprise 2 Med, Kamis TOP 50 Acc. 3small
AM Tactical Account Project Product / Solution Est. Revenue Update Status
Draft BAK Trial sedang dalam review pihak MEDCO,
1 Medco E&P Indonesia
Tank Monitoring Tank Monitoring 1,680,000,000 mundur POC terkait Covid Apr-20
Proposal cloudX masih dalam review pelanggan, plus
RSU Hj Adam Malik CloudX CloudX 91,500,000 May-20
paket society
Cloudx deal, waiting komersial, close won paket
2 UMSU CloudX CloudX 45,000,000 Apr-20
society, plan 50 Host
Fahry R Potensi jamaah berangkat besar namun menunggu
Ikhwanul Ikhlas Wisata IR Reseller IR Reseller 231,000,000 Apr-20
Siregar keputusan dari pemerintah Arab Saudi
Telkomsel Flash Small
CV Security Online System Telkomsel Flash Small Denom 108,750,000 Menunggu request pelanggan untuk aktivasi Apr-20
Sara Sumut entura Templan TeamPLAN Revamp 10,000,000 Close Won 50 pcs TP 200K Apr-20
USU Cloudx cloudx 90,000,000 100 host, submit proposal, paket society jugak Apr-20
Potensi jamaah berangkat besar namun menunggu
Grand Hijrah Haramain IR Reseller IR Reseller 110,000,000 Apr-20
keputusan dari pemerintah Arab Saudi

AM Tactical Account Project Product / Solution Est. Revenue Update Status
Meeting dengan AM Telkom, blm bisa visit ke Inalum,
1 Inalum Tank Monitoring & Fleet Management
Tank Monitoring 1,054,000,000 Jun-20
PIC promo jadi GM, hari ini trial cloudx
Initial Comm, masih penambahan Rev. AM, recuring
Agincourt Resources Touch to Talk Touch to Talk 68,250,000 May-20
sms blast 30 juta (taguhan pertama 48 juta)
close won sudah aktivasi 6 nomor, titik combat blm
Dairi Prima Mineral TeamPLAN Revamp TeamPLAN Revamp 166,000,000 Mar-20
bisa di review
Submit proposal, kelengkapan berkas dari koperasi
Fauzi Kebun Sei Silau PTPN 3 Blue Collar Blue Collar 40,000,000 Apr-20
kantor direksi
Draft PKS sedang dalam review customer, masih on
Macmahon Mining Service TeamPLAN Revamp TeamPLAN Revamp 28,000,000 May-20
3 review dengan legal
RS Vita Insani Paket Society paket society 180,000,000 Close Won
kendala kelengkapan legalitas untuk kerjasama nama
Albadriyah IR Reseller IR Reseller 120,000,000 Apr-20
pejabat / direktur di Akta berbeda
Selasa Strategic Account 1BIG, Rabu Large Enterprise 2 Med, Kamis TOP 50 Acc. 3small
AM Tactical Account Project Product / Solution Est. Revenue Update Status
Proposal sudah di kirimkan, PIC minta datang lgi
1 Mifa Bersaudara Fleetsight Fleetsight 210,000,000 Apr-20
bareng team Fleetsight, minta ketemu langsung
Ada request perubahan beberapa Pasal yang ada di
2 Bank Aceh MyAds MyAds 360,000,000 Mar-20
draft KB dari PIC Corporate
Badan penanggulangan Bencana
CloudX CloudX 30,000,000 Cloud Call Centre Ok Close Won Apr-20
Kab. Aceh Jaya
Fahmy Dinas Pemberdayaan perempuan
Team Plan TeamPLAN Revamp 43,000,000 Deal TP 18 Nomer 200K
Badan Pengelolaan Bencana Aceh CloudX CloudX 24,500,000 Change Produk My Ads Apr-20
3 Badan Pengelolaan Bencana Aceh My Adc My Ads 66,000,000 Bulan April terconsume 20 Juta Apr-20
Vendor Badan Bencana Aceh untuk HT, Harga sudah
PT Tikicom Sinergy Utama Flash Corporate Flash Corporate 42,000,000 Apr-20
OK, tunggu PO dari BPPA
Grand Arabia Hotel CloudX CloudX 24,500,000 Initial Communication dengan customer May-20

AM Tactical Account Project Product / Solution Est. Revenue Update Status
Saat ini sudah berjalan di 4 lokasi, sisa penambahan 15
Samsat Keliling & Samsat
1 Badan Pengelola Keuangan Aceh IoT Manage Service 450,000,000 device sedang di follow up ke PIC untuk percepatan( May-20
layanan samsat tutup, belum nambah lagi )

Sudah dilakukan offering ke customer, akan jalan

RS Harapan Bunda CloudX CloudX 72,000,000 dengan paket society. Existing 23 nomer TP . Sekitar Apr-20
Rita Risma 2
400 akan ke Paket Society
Multimis Mandiri Flash Corporate Flash Corporate 35,000,000 GPS Tracking repeat order, blm ada request Apr-20
RS Ibnu Sina CloudX CloudX 37,800,000 tertarik paket society , karyawan 210 May-20
GPS Tracking, berhenti 80 nomer akan lanjut jika
3 Alam Hijau Energi Flash Corporate Flash Corporate 20,000,000 Apr-20
keadaan kondusif
Dinas Perhubungan Prov. Aceh CloudX CloudX 24,500,000 Close Won cloudx trial, paket TP 13 nomer 200-300K May-20
Support Needed

Product Procedure People

1. User CloudX untuk Regional
minimal 1/2 dari jumlah AM 1. Penambahan team sales
1. RED Society bisa 2. Penyederhanaan proses aktivasi call untuk prospek awal
ditawarkan ke Segment produk (New Acc.)
Government 3. AM dibantu dalam follow up sales 2. Program karir AM (AM
deal (pengawalan s/d aktivasi)
2. Paket 30GB DPI CloudX 4. Report performance s/d level AM
>5tahun) band1
tetap berjalan sebagai 5. Report data taker RED Society 3. 1 AM band 2 menunggu
Value lebih dibanding 6. SmS Blast untuk WL RED Society hasil komite karir band 3
zoom 7. Gimmick Sales (Food Delivery) 4. 1 AM band 2 proses naik
3. Product Solusi IOT yg siap 8. Simplifikasi SOP CO (pelanggan ruang Band
harus bayar tag bln berjalan,
pakai grapari membatasi layanan terkait 5. 1 AM menunggu program
WFH) Pendi (program
sebelumnya tdk diapprove)

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