Lecture 1

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Lecture 1

(Chapter 1)
• This course describes statistical methods
for the analysis of longitudinal data, with a
strong emphasis on applications in the
biological and health sciences
– Univariate statistics: each subject gives rise
to a single measurement, termed response
– Multivariate statistics: each subject gives
rise to a vector of measurements, or different
– Longitudinal data: each subject gives rise to
a vector of measurements, but these represent
the same response measured at a sequence of
observation times
• Repeated responses over time on independent units
• Basic issues and exploratory analyses
– Definition and examples of LDA
– Approaches to LDA
– Exploring correlation
• Statistical methods for continuous measurements
– General Linear Model with correlated data
• Weighted Least Squares estimation
• Maximum Likelihood estimation
• Parametric models for covariance structure
• Generalized linear models for continuous/discrete
– Marginal Models
– Log Linear Model and Poisson Model for count responses
– Logistic model for binary responses
– GEE estimation methods
– Estimation techniques
– Random Effects Models (Multi-level models)
– Transition Models
• Longitudinal study: people are
measured repeatedly over time
• Cross-sectional study: a single
outcome is measured for each individual
• In LDA, we can investigate:
– changes over time within individuals (ageing
– differences among people in their baseline
levels (cohort effects)
• LDA requires special statistical methods
because the set of observations on one
subject tends to be inter-correlated
• Reading ability appears to be poorer
among older children.
• Let’s assume that the reading ability of
each child has been measured twice.
• LDA can distinguish between changes over
time within individual & differences among
people in their baseline levels
Why special methods?

• Repeated observations

are likely to be correlated, so assumption

of independence is violated

• What if we used standard regression

methods anyway (ignore correlation)?
– Correlation may be of scientific focus
– Incorrect inference
– Inefficient estimates of β
What is special about longitudinal
• Opportunities
• Distinguish “longitudinal” from “cross-
sectional” effects
• Choose several targets of estimation

• Repeated observations tend to be auto-

• Correlation must be modeled


• Repeated observations on individuals

• Scientific questions regression methods
• Response = f(predictors)
• Discrete/continuous responses and

Types of Studies
• Time series studies
• Panel studies (Sociology & Economics)
• Prospective studies (Clinical Trials)

1. CD4+ cell numbers (continuous)

2. Growth of Sitka spruce – tree size
3. Protein contents of milk (continuous)
4. Indonesian Children’s health study (binary)
5. Analgesic Crossover trial (binary)
6. Epileptic seizures (count)
7. Health Effects of Air Pollution (count)

Note: All these datasets are posted on the

course website
Ex: CD4+ cell numbers

• HIV attacks CD4+ cells, which regular

the body’s immunoresponse to infectious
• 2376 values of CD4+ cell number plotted
against time since seroconversion for
369 infected men enrolled in the MACS
• Q: What is the impact of HIV infection
on CD4 counts over time?
Ex: CD4+ cell numbers (cont’d)

1.Characterize the typical time course of
CD4+ cell depletion
2.Identify factors which predict CD4+ cell
3.Estimate the average time course of
CD4+ cell depletion
4.Characterize the degree of heterogeneity
across men in the rate of progression
• This figure displays 2376 values of CD4+
cell numbers plotted against time since
sero-conversion for 369 infected men
enrolled in the MACS study.
Ex: Growth of trees

• Data for 79 trees over two growing

– 54 trees were grown with ozone
exposure at 70 ppb
– 25 trees were grown under control
• Goal: Compare the growth patterns of
trees under the two conditions
To assess the
effect of
pollution on
tree growth

Figure 1.3. Log-size of 79 sitka spruce trees over 2 growing seasons

Ex: Protein content of milk

• Milk was collected weekly for 79 Australian

cows and analyzed for their protein
• Cows were maintained on one of three
• Goal: To determine how diet affects the
protein content in milk
• Problem: About half of the 79 sequences
are incomplete (i.e. missing data)
• Barley (25

• Mixed (27

• Lupins (27
Ex: Indonesian Children’s Health Study

• Dr. Sommer conducted a study to

determine effects of vitamin A deficiency in
pre-school children
• Over 3000 children were examined for up
to 6 visits to assess whether they suffered
from respiratory infection or xerophthalmia
(an ocular manifestation of vit A
deficiency). Weight and height are also
• Q: What are the predictors of infection?
Ex: ICHS (cont’d)

1. Estimate the increase in risk of
respiratory infection for children who are
vitamin A deficient while controlling for
other demographic factors
2. Estimate the degree of heterogeneity in
the risk of disease among children
Ex: ICHS (cont’d)

Respiratory Infection (RI) i (0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)

Xerophthalmia i (1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
Ex: Analgesic Crossover trial

• 3-period crossover trial of an analgesic drug

for relieving pain for primary dysmenorrhea
• 3 levels of analgesic (control, low, and high)
were given to each of the 86 women
• Women were randomized to one of the 6
possible orders for administering the 3
treatment levels
• Pain was relieved for 26% with placebo, 71%
with low dose, and 80% with high dose
• Q: Treatment effect?
• Q: How about carry-over effects?
Ex: Analgesic Crossover trial (cont’d)

• Ignoring the order of treatments, pain was

relieved for 22 women under placebo
Ex: Epileptic seizures

• Clinical trial of 59 epileptics

• For each patient, the number of epileptic
seizures was recorded during a baseline
period of 8 weeks
• Patients were randomized to treatment with
the antiepileptic drug progabide or placebo
• Number of seizures was then recorded in 4
consecutive 2-week intervals
• Q: Does progabide reduce the epileptic
seizure rate?
• Placebo

• Progabide
What do these examples have in
• These are repeated observations on each
experimental unit
• Units can be assumed independent of one
• Multiple responses within each unit are
likely to be correlated
• The objectives can be formulated as
regression problems whose purpose is to
describe the dependence of the response
on explanatory variables
• The choice of the statistical model must
depend on the type of the outcome variable
Course Overview

• Scientific objectives include:

– Characterize change
– Component of variation
– Hypothesis testing
• We will focus on regression models
• We will consider (up to 6) case studies
in detail
• Computing using Stata will be
introduced (SAS macros will be
Notation (cont’d)

Regression Model

(n1 x 1) (n1 x p) (p x 1) (n1 x 1)

Cross-sectional versus Longitudinal Study

with respect to its baseline value

Cross-sectional versus Longitudinal Study
Cross-sectional versus Longitudinal Study
Cross-sectional versus Longitudinal Study
Approaches to LDA

• If we have one observation on each

experimental unit, we are confined to
modeling the population average of Y,
called marginal mean response
• If we have repeated measurements, there
are several approaches we can use:
1. Reduce the repeated values into one or
two summary variables
2. Analyze each summary variable as a
function of covariates xi (two-stage
Approaches to LDA (cont’d)

For example, in the Sitka spruce data,

we can:
1. Estimate the growth rate of each tree
2. Compare the rates across ozone
xij = xi
Explanatory variables do not change
over time.
Where is the correlation coming from?
Approaches to LDA
ICHS Example

To illustrate the three approaches, we consider the

ICHS example.
Marginal Models
Compare with Standard logistic regression model (only one measurement for
each subject)
Random Effects Models
Transition Models
Appropriate EDA techniques

• Lines plots (spaghetti plots)

• Average and distribution plots (boxplot,
• Empirical covariance
• Residual “pairs” plots
• Variograms (for unequally spaced
• Scatterplot of a response against time
• Smoothing to highlight the typical
response as a function of an explanatory
Why LDA?
Why LDA?
Visualize the Independence Case:
Visualize the Correlation Case:
Visualize the Correlation Case:
Visualize the Correlation Case:
Compare with Independence Case:
LDA & Correlation:
LDA & Correlation:

…LDA takes care of R

Visualizing Correlation Structures:
Visualizing Correlation Structures:
Visualizing Correlation Structures:

Uniform, Exchangeable, Compound Symmetry…

Visualizing Correlation Structures:

Uniform, Exchangeable, Compound Symmetry…

Visualizing Correlation Structures:

Uniform, Exchangeable, Compound Symmetry…

Visualizing Correlation Structures:

Stationary (Toeplitz): many forms…

Visualizing Correlation Structures:

Stationary (Toeplitz): decreasing

Visualizing Correlation Structures:

Stationary (Toeplitz): “mdependent” (ha) (m=2)

Visualizing Correlation Structures:

Stationary (Toeplitz): “mdependent” (ha) (m=3)

Visualizing Correlation Structures:

Stationary (Toeplitz): Autoregressive (AR)

Visualizing Correlation Structures:

Stationary (Toeplitz): Autoregressive (AR)

Visualizing Correlation Structures:

Stationary (Toeplitz): Autoregressive (AR)

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