Principles of PHC & Components L 2-3
Principles of PHC & Components L 2-3
Principles of PHC & Components L 2-3
• Health status of hundred of millions of people
in the world at 1978 and before, was
unacceptable, particularly in the developing
countries. More than half the population of
the world does not have the benefit of proper
health care.
• In view of the magnitude of health problems and
inequitable distribution of health resources between
and within countries, and believing that health is a
fundamental human right and worldwide social goal,
a new approach to health and health care to close
the gap between the “ haves” and “have-nots”,
achieve more equitable distribution of health
resources, and attain a level of health for all the
citizens of the world that will permit them to lead a
socially and economically productive life.
Alma Ata declaration (1978)
• An international conference in Alma Ata
(UUSR) issued declaration which stated that
“primary health care” is the key to attain HFA:
and the global strategy of WHO for the goal of
HFA was endorsed by the world health
assembly in 1981.
Goals of Alma Ata
• The global goal as stated in the Alma Ata Declaration is Health for
All by the year 2000. through self-reliance.
• Health begins at home, in schools and in the workplace because it
is there where people live and work that health is made or broken.
• It also means that people will use better approaches than they do
now for preventing diseases and alleviating unavoidable disease
and disability and have better ways of growing up, growing old and
dying gracefully.
• It also means that here will be even distribution among the
population of whatever resources for health are available.
• It means that essential health services will be accessible to all
individuals and families in an acceptable and affordable way.
Principles and Strategies of Alma Ata :
• Mental health
• Physical handicaps
• Health and social care of the elderly
WHO Strategies of PHC
1. Reducing excess mortality of poor marginalized populations:
PHC must ensure access to health services for the most
disadvantaged populations, and focus on interventions which
will directly impact on the major causes of mortality,
morbidity and disability for those populations.