Arduino Based Automatic Waste Segregation System: Name of Guide

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Arduino based automatic waste segregation system


Why this Project :

▸ In today’s global environment

everyone is trying to fight against
Covid-19 virus.
▸ At present, the only way to defend
ourselves from corona is to sanitize
▸ This machine will automatically
sanitize the person’s entire body,
clothes, shoes, etc. 2
Objectives :

▸ Our Project deals with the most blistering topic i.e. waste
segregation. An efficacious management needs to be materialized
for better planet to live in.

▸ Our project is about fully automatic system for segregation of

dry ,wet and metallic waste.

▸ Our projects reduces the human effort for segregation of waste.

▸ The automation system also reduces the deases issues during the
manual segregation of waste.

▸ This system utilizes low cost components for the successful

Introduction :
As we move towards a more digitalized future, it is directly proportional to increase in
urbanization and industrialization. This is the main cause of generation of large amount of waste.
As per the report published by World Bank, approximately1.3 billion tones of municipal waste is
generated every year and it is expected to rise to approximately 2.2 billion tons per year by
2025.Due to this waste lies littered in the surrounding, dumped on open lands and this becomes
major problem for various types of disease causing bacteria and viruses which is why waste
management is of vital importance. Segregation makes it possible to reuse and recycle the waste
effectively. So the waste management becomes an important concern for the health and well-
being of the society. Presently, the waste segregation is done manually by installing different bins
for collecting different type of waste such as wet, dry and metal etc. But this method has lot of
discrepancy; one is being the Unawareness of most people towards waste management. Due to
lack of proper segregation methods, a large amount of untreated waste is dumped as landfills. So
our idea is to make a garbage segregator which can identify the type of waste and put them in
different bins accordingly and automatically. Implementing our project at household level will
reduce the expenditure on waste disposal, manual effort Required for waste segregation and the
waste could be easily being recycled, reused and reduced. 4
Review of literature :

▸ David W Wood dell E-Waste- Ntional

geographic January- 2008.
▸ PIC16F87XA DATA Sheet 28/40/,Microchip
Technology Inc. 2003.
▸ Jon S Wilson, Editor-in-chief, “Sensor
Technology Handbook”, Elsevier Inc. 2005.
▸ Louis Nashelsky and Robert Boylestand,
“Electronic Devices and circuit Theory”, 11 th
edition, Pearson Educations India, 2006.
Components :

• Arduino UNO (AT mega 328P )

• IR sensor
• Moisture sensor
• Metal sensor
• Dc moter
• Moter driver (LM358)
• Moter driver circuit (L293D)
Working :

▸ Step-1:- When the waste enters the conveyer belt motor turns on and the conveyer belt starts moving.
▸ Step-2:- The microcontroller, all the motors, and sensors are turned on.
▸ Step-3:- The waste is sensed by the inductive proximity sensor to detect if it is a metal or no.
▸ Step-4:- If the waste is metal waste then M1 is turned off and M2 is turned on and the waste is pushed into the
metal waste bin. Also, the counter 1 is incremented (keeps a count of a number of metal waste dumped).
▸ Step-5:- If not a metallic waste, M1 is kept on when it comes in contact with the moisture sensor that decides
whether the waste is a wet waste or dry waste by checking the moisture content of the waste.
▸ Step-6:- If the waste has some humidity it is detected as wet waste and M1 is turned off and M3 is turned on
and the waste is pushed into the wet waste bin. Also, the counter 2 is incremented (keeps a count of a number
of wet waste being dumped).
▸ Step-7:- If not a wet waste M1 is kept on and then the waste is dropped into the dry waste bin placed at the
end of the conveyer belt.
▸ Step-8:- Finally the wastes are dropped into the respective bins and the segregation process is completed.
Advantages :
Conclusion :
We come to know that alcohol base full body
sanitizers are more effective than soaps, and
also easy to use.
The paper also says that non contact
dispensing is again important to prevent
pathogen spreading and finally, hand hygiene is
most important and must be part of our daily
life .

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