Computer Network - Topic 12
Computer Network - Topic 12
Computer Network - Topic 12
L. Budi Handoko, M.Kom. ([email protected])
Dian Nuswantoro University
Network Security Overview
• What is security ?
• Why do we need security ?
• Who is vulnerable ?
• Common security attacks and countermeasures
• Firewalls & Intrusion Detection Systems
• Denial of Service Attacks
• TCP Attacks
• Packet Sniffing
• Social Problems
What is “Security”
• says:
• 1. Freedom from risk or danger; safety.
• 2. Freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear; confidence.
• 3. Something that gives or assures safety, as:
• 1. A group or department of private guards: Call building security if a visitor acts
• 2. Measures adopted by a government to prevent espionage, sabotage, or attack.
• 3. Measures adopted, as by a business or homeowner, to prevent a crime such as
burglary or assault: Security was lax at the firm's smaller plant.
Why do we need security?
• Protect vital information while still allowing access to those who need it
• Trade secrets, medical records, etc.
• Provide authentication and access control for resources
• Ex: AFS
• Guarantee availability of resources
• Ex: 5 9’s (99.999% reliability)
Who is vulnerable?
Active threats
Passive threats
Interruption Modification Fabrication
(Availability) (Integrity) (authentication)
Internet DMZ
Web server, email
server, web proxy,
• Purpose: Make a network service unusable, usually by overloading the server or network
• Source IP address of a broadcast ping is forged
• Large number of machines respond back to victim, overloading it
Denial of Service
I C M P e c h o ( s p o o f e d s o u r c e a d d r e s s o f v ic t im )
S e n t to IP b ro a d c a s t a d d re s s
I C M P e c h o r e p ly
In te rn e t
P e rp e tra to r V ic t im
Denial of Service
• Fun Example 1:
• “Hi, I’m your AT&T rep, I’m stuck on a pole. I need you to punch a bunch of buttons for me”
Social Problems
• Fun Example 2:
• Someone calls you in the middle of the night
• “Have you been calling Egypt for the last six hours?”
• “No”
• “Well, we have a call that’s actually active right now, it’s on your calling card and it’s to Egypt and as a matter of fact,
you’ve got about $2000 worth of charges on your card and … read off your AT&T card number and PIN and then I’ll
get rid of the charge for you”
Social Problems
• Fun Example 3:
• Who saw Office Space?
• In the movie, the three disgruntled employees installed a money-stealing worm onto the companies
• They did this from inside the company, where they had full access to the companies systems
• What security techniques can we use to prevent this type of access?
Social Problems
Anything to discuss ?