Slide 5: What Is Community?

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What is community?
A community is a group of people who share something
in common. You can define a community by the shared
attributes of the people in it and/or by the strength of the
connections among them. You need a bunch of people
who are alike in some way, who feel some sense of
belonging or interpersonal connection.
Common shared
Values, Beliefs & Outlooks
1. Group
SLIDE 3 of people

 A person who believes in and

consciously followed Islam is
called Muslim.
 Islam is the second largest
religion in the world after
Christianity, with about 1.8
billion Muslims worldwide.
2. Definite
SLIDE 4 locality
A mosque is more than a place of worship.
Muslims worship, study and discuss Islam,
and do many other things in a mosque and
its compounds. Religious festivals and
gatherings are held in mosques. Weddings
are one example. Mosques have rules to
control what people do inside. Mosques
commonly serve as locations for prayer,
Ramadan vigils, funeral services, Sufi
ceremonies, marriage and business
agreements, alms collection and
distribution, as well as homeless shelters. CITY
3. Community
SLIDE 6 Sentiment
A. “We feeling” B. “Role Feeling”
 Muslim people believe more  Respect someone else’s religion
strongly in 'oneness' than by trying to understand their
those of any other religion beliefs and their point of view of
and are more satisfied with the world, you don’t have to
their lives for it. agree with it and you don’t
 A feeling of 'oneness' is need to practice it.
thought to be the common
thread between different
religions and is also linked to
better overall happiness.
C. “Dependency
SLIDE 7 Feeling”
 To accept , understand , and
be willing to learn from one
another. By being respectful
to one another, we can form
new bonds and bring people
closer together , you don’t all
need to follow the same
religion to be a good person.
4. Likeness
Politeness and Respect
for Elders
 is practiced by members of
 Muslims are very
some religions. It is important
particular about to Muslims and also to
showing respect for Christians. Muslims gave as
elders. their reason for fasting to show
“obedience to God” while in
Christians they said that “it
helps to raise the mind to
thoughts of God and to
5. Permanency
 It is said that Islam first came to our shores  The Spaniards never managed to
in Mindanao in the 13th century, making it completely suppress the Muslims in
the oldest recorded monotheistic religion in Mindanao. The Americans, during
the Philippines. Islam was reportedly the colonial period, did not have
brought by Muslim traders from the Persian much success either.
Gulf, Southern India, and from several
sultanate governments in the Malay

 In this sense, Muslim Mindanao is the

biggest cultural group that can be
considered not completely “conquered”
among Philippine ethnic groups.
6. Neutrality RAMADAN
Celebrate Ramadan, a month of sacrifice and
prayer, with the Muslims of Denver, Colorado.
The following key religious festivals and
significant cultural and religious days are
After the last day of Ramadan, Muslims
celebrate Eid al-Fitr—three days of festivities
where Muslims gather to pray, eat, exchange
1. Eid ul Fitr (the fasting month)
gifts, and pay their respects to deceased
2. Eid ul Adha (festival of sacrifice)

3. Many Muslims also celebrate the Prophet

Muhammad’s birthday

4. Some Muslims celebrate individual birthdays

but this is not based on Islamic teachings.
7. Sized
According to national religious surveys, about
5.6% of the population of the Philippines is
Muslim, making Islam the second largest
religion in the country. However, A 2012
estimate by the National Commission on
Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) stated that there
were 10.7 million Muslims, or approximately 11
percent of the total population.
8. Wider Ends
 Most Muslims live in parts of Mindanao,
Palawan, and the Sulu Archipelago – an area
known as Bangsamoro or the Moro region.
Some have migrated into urban and rural areas
in different parts of the country.

 We also recognized that most of the vendors

in our market are Muslims specially here in
Olongapo they are selling different kind of
stuffs like phones, dvd’s , clothes and etc.
9. Particular names

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