Infant of Diabetic Mother
Infant of Diabetic Mother
Infant of Diabetic Mother
• Fetal macrosomia
• Impaired fetal growth
The major cause of impaired fetal growth is maternal diabetic
nephropathy. Maternal vascular disease compromises
uteroplacental blood flow and impairs fetal nutrient supply.
• Pulmonary disease
Insulin restricts substrate availability for surfactant
biosynthesis and interferes with the normal timing of
glucocorticoid-induced biosynthesis.They are at increased
risk for respiratory distress syndrome, transient tachypnea
of the newborn and persistent pulmonary hypertension
• Metabolic abnormalities
High levels of fetal insulin with cessation of continued maternal
glucose supply take place after birth. The neonatal shift to
gluconeogenesis with fatty acid use may provide an
insufficient supply of substrate, and, thus, the infant may
experience hypoglycemia
Cardiovascular anomalies
Fetal growth is regulated by insulin binding to cell receptors.
Compared with adults, fetuses have an increased number of
receptors. Because the fetal heart is particularly rich in
receptors, this may lead to increased myocardial protein,
glycogen, and fat synthesis with hyperplasia and hypertrophy
of myocardial cells
Clinical features contd…