About The Book Of: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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About the book of


Effective Ineffective

 are guided by their own

 follow other people’s agenda
 manage their lives around
 manage their lives according to
pressing matters
7 habits

 Habits of effectiveness

 True effectiveness

Based on timeless principles


7 habits
Character based


What is principle?

Principle is natural truth.

 not depend on culture, geography, race,

religious and etc.

 Principles are universal, timeless such as

 fairness
 kindness
 respect
 honesty
 integrity
 services
P / PC Balance
Should conserve PC

But people conserve P for short-term success

So, people use wrong principles.

To become principle-centered, we must change our

What is paradigm?

Paradigm is like perception, the way we see the world.

Paradigm mostly depend on

environment genealogy

To change our paradigm, we must know ourselves.

Character may be called in another way as ethic.

Character-ethic Primary

Personality-ethic Secondary
What are character-ethic?




Character-ethic is the foundation of success.

What is personality ethic?
 the process of human interaction

Used mostly in short-term

So, firstly people must fill primary in paradigm and as secondly fill secondary.

Otherwise, success in wrong place.

Inside- out

What do you want to be?

So, must start from YOU.

 Began to work from inside-out.

If you want to change you boyfriend/girlfriend, you must

change in first yourself.

 Transition person is you.

 You are the link between the past and the future.
To become habits, there must be three objects.

 Knowledge ( what, why)

 Skill (how)

 Desire (want)

The 7 habits is a continuum process.

Habit 1,2,3
Habit 4,5,6
interdependence (public)

Habit 7 To renew in four dimensions to become effective

Habit – 1
Be proactive

 is about taking responsibility for your life

 is the principles of personal vision

 everything depends on your choice.

 We do have the freedom to choose. All of us do.

 Proactive person response with following way.

Stimulus Freedom to choose Response

Self - awareness Imagination Conscience Independent will

Habit – 2
Begin with the end in mind

 is the principles of personal leadership.

 based on imagination

 based on the principle that all things are created twice.

mental first creation

physical second creation

 Second creation follow first creation.

 One of the best way to begin with the end in mind is to develop a personal
mission statement.

 That focuses on what you want to be and do.

Habit – 3
Put first
things first
 is the principles of personal management

 need to become clear about who you are and what you really want.

 must do according to highest priorities to more balanced life.

 Habit – 1 Choice

Habit – 2 Mental

Habit – 3 Physical

 effective personal management

 things that are not urgent but are important

Habit – 4
Think Win Win

 is the principles of interpersonal leadership.

 Win Win situation means to get mutual benefits that it is not your way or my way .

 It is a better way and higher way.

 Character is the foundation of Win Win situation.

 Character Integrity
Abundance mentality
 Real maturity is the balancing of courage and consideration.

 Win Win outcomes is to build highly trust.

Habit – 5
Seek first to understand
Then to be understood
 is the principles of empathic communication.

 communication is the most important skill in life.

 seek first to understand means to listen until the words end.

 empathic listening skill is the main point of this habit.

 to become empathic listening, there may need three important things. They are
ears, eyes and heart.
Habit – 6

 is the principles of creative cooperation.

 the whole is greater than the sum of its parts is the synergy.
1+1=3 or more
 family life provides many opportunities to observe synergy and to practice it.

 The essence of synergy is to value differences to respect them, to build on strengths,

to compensate for weakness.

Courage open honest synergistic communication process

Habit – 7
Sharpen the Saw

 is the principle of balanced self-renewal

 is taking time to sharpen the saw

 is to maintain personal PC

 balanced renewal in four dimensions of human needs

spiritual investment in ourselves

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