Chromosomal Disorder: Genetics Diseases

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Genetics Diseases :

Chromosomal disorder

dr.Yanuarita Tursinawati ,M.Si,Med

Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
Chromosomal mutation
Chromosomal mutation can be :

 Autosomal (Down syndrome, Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18)
 Sex chromosom (Turner syndrom, Klinefelter syndrom)

2. Structural
 Deletion (Cri du chat syndrome, Wolf Hirschhorn syndrom)
 Duplication (Charcot Marie Tooth disease type 1A)
 Translocation (Down syndrome, Leukemia)
 Inversion , Rings, Isochromosom
A.Numerical Chromosomal mutation
A.1. Autosomal chromosom disorder
a. Trisomy 13 (Patau's syndrome) 47,XX+13

– Very severe conditions of Trisomy caused by the presence

of an extra copy of genetic material on the 13th
– Incidence 1 in 5000 live birth
– Very poor prognosis, with most affected infants dying
during the first days or 4 days due to the presence of
cardiac defects, associated with poor brain stem control.
– Severe learning difficulties.
– Approximately 10% of cases are caused by mosaicism or
unbalanced rearrangements, particularly Robertsonian
translocations in cases of Patau syndrome.
– In a family with non-translocation trisomy 13, recurrence
risk is very low and almost unknown.
Patau Syndrome

Adam Fabumi
Penderita Trisomi
(diambil dari
b. Trisomy 18 (Edward's syndrome)
47,XX+18 or 47,XY+18

 Chromosomal disorder caused by the presence of

an extra copy of genetic material on the 18th
 Incidence 1 in 3000 live birth. The incidence
increases as the mother's age increases .
 The syndrome has a very low rate of survival,
resulting from heart abnormalities, kidney
malformations, and other internal organ disorders,
hearing loos, Rocker bottom feet.
 Those babies who are liveborn, 30% die in the first
month of life and 90% die by 12 months.
Edward Syndrome
c.Trisomy 21(Down Syndrome)

 Down syndrome is a chromosomal

disorder caused by the presence of an
extra copy of genetic material on the
21st chromosome.
 Incidence 1 in 800 live birth
 Three types of chromosomal DS:
1. Classical Trisomy 21 (95%)
2.Translocation trisomy, Robertsonian
translocation (3-4%)
3. Mosaic Trisomy 21 (1-2%)
Type of DS
1. Trisomy 21 (classic Down
Syndrome 47 ,XX, +21
– Caused by an error in cell division
(nondisjunction) in the egg or sperm formation 
meiotic nondisjuntion  aneuploidy
– 94 % of DS is classical DS
– Etiology of Down syndromes :
1. 90% coming from nondisjunction in the
maternal gamete
2. 10% coming from nondisjunction in the
paternal gamete
Trisomy 21 (classic Down Syndrome)
2. Translocation DS / Familial Down syndrome.

 46, XX, t(14,21)(q10,q10)

 4 % of total DS
 A Robertsonian translocation occurs
when one chromosome 21 attaches to
another chromosome,such as 14 or
13, 15, or 22

A single new chromosome

Robertsonian Translocation

Translocation 14;21
3. Mosaic Trisomy 21
– karyotype: 46, XY / 47, XY,+21 or 46, XX / 47, XX,
– 2 % of total DS

– Individuals have some cells with the typical number of

chromosomes (46) and some cells with an extra
chromosome 21
How can mosaicism occurs?
• All of the cells in our body come from a single
cell, the fertilized egg or zygote  divide 
make an identical copy of itself.
• Trisomy mosaicism can occur in one of two

1. In an abnormal fertilized egg with 47

chromosomes, one of the cells may lose the
extra chromosome at cell division, leaving 46
chromosomes in that cell  46 & 47 chr (+)

2. In a typical zygote with 46 chromosomes , one of

the cells may added the extra chromosome at
cell division  46& 47 (+)
• Head & face : microcephaly, short neck, flat
occiput (brachycephaly),small ear, flat nasal bridge”,
hypertelorism, upward slanting palpebral fissures 
mongoloid face.
• Eye : Brushfield spots in the iris (pathognomonic,
detectable in blue eyes).
• Mouth : macroglossia, glossitis exfoliativa
(geographic tongue), frequently open mouth, narrow/
high arched palate.
• Hand : short and broad, clinodactyly of the 5th
finger, simian crease on palm.
• Feet : flat feet, sandals gap (first toe set apart from
the others by a gap).
• Severe hypotonia
palpebral fissures

Small mouth
Large tongue

Simian crease

Sandal gap
Psycho-motor delay
• Hypotonia at birth (hold his head at 6 mo, sits at age 1 yr, walks at
age 2 yrs)
• Mental retardation, not obvious in the infant, will soon become
manifest. A broad range of intellectual ability with IQ scores ranging
from 25 to 75
• Children's behaviour  cheerful / happy kid; language difficulties;
like to play.
• Seizures (in 3% to 9%, as compared to 1% in the general population).
• Psychiatric disorder (18-38% ): Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD)
The 21st Chromosome and Down Syndrome

- 21st Chromosome contain 200-250 genes

- Extra number chromosome 
overexpression of involved gene  extra
protein product.
- The Down Syndrome Critical Region
only a small portion of the 21st chromosome
actually needed to be triplicated to get the
effects seen in Down syndrome
Gene involved in 21st
• Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1)-- premature aging
and decreased function of the immune system,the
Alzheimer's type or decreased cognition
• COL6A1 -- heart defects
• ETS2 -- skeletal abnormalities
• CAF1A -- detrimental to DNA synthesis
• Cystathione Beta Synthase (CBS) -- disrupt
metabolism and DNA repair
• DYRK -- mental retardation
• CRYA1 -- of cataracts
• GART -- disrupt DNA synthesis and repair
• IFNAR -- interfere with the immune system as well
as other organ systems
Complication and other diseases
• Heart (40%): atrioventricular septal defect (10 %);ventricular
septal defect (10 %); patent foramen ovale (5 %); persistence
of ductus arteriosus (5 %).
• Digestive (10 %), duodenal stenosis (1/3 of duodenal stenosis
are found in trisomy 21patients), imperforate anus.
• Ocular cataract (congenital or Acquired), astigmatism,
myopia, strabismus, congenital glaucoma, nystagmus.
• Hematologic: acute leukemia
• Immunological: tuberculine hyporeactivity, immune
• Metabolic: hyperuricemia; abnormal glycemia; increased
TSH (frequent); hypo or hyper thyroidy.
• Skin ; xerosis , hiperkeratosis, vitiligo, follikulitis, abces,
recurrent skin infection
• Ear : Hearing loss , Otitis media
By Physically appearence and Karyotyping
• No cure exists for Down syndrome.
• Physical therapy and speech therapy


Scottish award-winning film and TV actress

Paula Sage receives her BAFTA award with
Brian Cox.
 Depend on quality of intervention and healthy care
In the United States in 2002, showed an average
lifespan of 49 years  variations between ethnic and
socio-economic groups.
• prognosis can be impaired by:
1. The extreme susceptibility to infections.
2. Malformations, cardiac malformations in particular.
3. Acute leukemia (in 1 % of trisomy 21
 Causes of death  chronic neurodegenerative
Prenatal Screening
• First Trimester Screening

1. Optional non-invasive evaluation that combines maternal age, a

maternal blood screening test ( lower PAPP-A and higher free HCG )
and with an ultrasound  to identify risk for Down Syndrome.

2. Performed between 11th till 14th week of pregnancy.

3. A positive test means you have a 1/100 to 1/300 chance of experiencing

one of the abnormalities  High risk

4. Abnormal result warrant additional testing for making a diagnosis such

as CVS or amniocentesis.
 Second Trimester screening

1. Performed between 15th till 20th week of pregnancy

2. Measure a maternal blood (AFP + HCG= double test, if

AFP+HCG+unconjugated estriol = triple test)  AFP↓, estriol↓, total
Serum markers for Down's syndrome
Marker Expected result 1st 2nd
trimester trimester
Maternal age  
Nuchal translucency 
Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A) Lower 
Free beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (fβ- Higher 
Total HCG Higher 
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP): Lower 
Unconjugated oestriol (uE3): Lower 

Inhibin-A: Higher 

Adapted from: Malone FD, Canick JA, Ball RH, et al. First-trimester or second-trimester

screening, or both, for Down's syndrome. N Engl J Med 2005;353:2001-2011

Ultrasound –Prenatal Screening

Nuchal translucency and absent Nasal bone is only predictive

finding, NOT diagnostic for Down syndrome.
Fetal nuchal translucency
• Nuchal translucency is the sonographic appearance of
subcutaneous accumulation of fluid behind the fetal
neck in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
• Between 11 weeks and 13 weeks + 6 days.
• Prospective studies have demonstrated that NT
screening can identify more than 75% of fetuses with
trisomy 21 for a false positive rate of 5%.
• Increased nuchal translucency reflects fetal heart
failure and defect in lymphatic drainage, and is
typically seen in any serious anomaly of the heart and
great arteries, and strongly associated with a
chromosomal abnormality.
• Specific standards have been set for nuchal
translucency measurement.
Prenatal Diagnosis
• Chorionic Villus sampling
1. Performed at 10-12th w of gestation
2. Withdrawl the placenta
3. Misscariage risk 1%
4. Result available after 1-2 week
 Amniocentesis
1. Performed at 14-18th w of gestation
2. Withdrawl the amniotic fluid
3. Misscariage risk 0,5 %
4. Result avaliable after 2-3 week
Reccurence Risk of DS
Type of Down Syndrome Recurrence Risk

Classical DS 1 % = 1/100
Above 35 yo =age related risk

Translocation DS - Parents Normal karyotype : 1%

- Parents carier balanced traslocation
t(14,21) Maternal = 10-12%
Paternal = 2-3%
-Parents carier balanced translocation
t(21,21) paternal or maternal = 100 %

Mosaicm DS Maternal Age related risk

B.Structural Chromosomal mutation
Cri Du Chat syndrom
• Known as “ Cat Cry Syndrome” or “ 5p monosomy”
• The incidence is 1 in 50.000 live births  rare
• Arises from a partial terminal or interstitial deletion of
the short arm of chromosome 5 (5p).
• Etiology :

1. 90 % sporadic, randomly, de novo deletion during the

formation of reproductive cells (eggs or sperm)  not

2. 10 – 15 % from the parent who carries a balanced

Deletion of Chromosome 5
• Multigenic
• Researchers have found two
critical regions for CdC
– Cat-like cry localized at
– Facial dysmorphisms and
retardation localized at
Clinical exam, cognitive and behaviour
of cri du chat syndrome
• Usually small at birth, and may have respiratory problems.
• The larynx doesn’t develop correctly, which causes the signature
cat like cry.
• Difficulty to breath and swallow  small larynx
• Dysmorphology : small head and jaw , wide eyes, microcephaly,
hypertelorism, down slanting palpebral fissure, flat nasal bridge,
low set ears, down turned mouth, short finger, single palmar
crease. Weight and poor growth.
• Poor muscle tone (hypotonia)
• Frequently has Cardiac defect
• Severe cognitive impairment, speech and motor delays and
severe mental retardation.
• Behavioral problems such as hyperactivity, aggression, tantrums
and repetitive movement
Cri Du Chat children

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