Dividend Policy and Theories: - Required Readings

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Chapter 3
Dividend Policy and Theories

•Required readings:
• Ehrhardt, M.C. Brigham, E. F. (2011), Financial Management: Theory and
Practice, 13th Ed., South-Western Cengage Learning. (Chapter 14)
• Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan (2013),
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 10th ed. McGraw-Hill. (Chapter 17,)
Dividend Policy

 It’s the policy about the decision to payout earnings

versus retaining and reinvesting them.
 It includes decisions regarding:
1. High or low payout?
2. Stable or irregular dividends?
3. How frequent?
4. Do we announce the policy?
 When deciding how much cash to distribute to
stockholders, financial managers must keep in mind
that the firm’s objective is to maximize shareholders
Dividend Policy

 The target payout ratio should be based on investor

preferences for cash dividends or capital gains.
 If the firm increases the payout ratio, D will
increase, and higher stock price other things
remains constant in the short run.
 On the other hand, if the firm increases D , there
will be less money available for reinvestment
causing g to decline. If g falls, this will lower the
stock price in the long run.
Dividend Policy

The optimal dividend policy should strike a

balance between current dividends and future

growth so as to maximize the firm’s stock price.
Gordon Divided Discount Model
P0 = D1
Ke – g
Where, P0 - current stock price
D1- Dividend after one year
Ke – Cost of Equity
g – dividend Growth
Dividend Policy

 A decision to increase dividends will raise D1, and

putting upward pressure on P0 in the short run.
 Increasing dividends, however, means reinvesting
fewer dollars, lowering g, and putting downward
pressure on P0 in the long run.
 What is the correct balance between dividends and
Dividend Theories

 Do investors prefer high or low payouts? There are

three theories:
 Dividends are irrelevant: Investors don’t care
about payout.
 Bird in the hand: Investors prefer a high payout.
 Tax preference: Investors prefer a low payout, and
high growth.

Dividend Irrelevance Theory

 Modigliani & Miller supports this irrelevance theory.

 Investors are indifferent between dividends and

retention (or generated capital gains).

 If the firm’s cash dividend is too big, the excess
cash can use it to buy more of the firm’s stock.
 If the firm’s cash dividend is too small, investors
can just sell a little bit of stocks to get the cash they
 The dividend policy of the firm is irrelevant as it

does not affect the value of the firm.


 Modigliani & Miller argued that the value of the firm

depends on the firm’s earnings that result from its
investment policy.
 The theory is based on unrealistic assumptions
 No transactions costs to buy and sell securities
 No flotation costs on new issues
 No taxes
 Perfect information

 Dividend policy does not affect k


Dividend Preference (Bird-in-the-Hand) Theory

የኩባንያ ትርፍ ክፍያ አፈፃፀም
 A return in the form of dividends is a sure thing, but

a return in the form of capital gains is risky.

 A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the

 Shareholders prefer dividends and are willing to

accept a lower required return on equity.

 So, investors would value high payout firms more

highly, i.e., a high payout would result in a high P0.


Tax Preference Theory

 Dividends received are taxable in the current period.

However, taxes on capital gains are deferred into the

future when the stock is actually sold.
 In addition, the maximum tax rate on capital gains is

usually lower than the tax rate on ordinary income.

 Therefore, low dividend payout ratios will lower k
(reducing the cost of capital), raise g, and increase
stock price.

 Which theory is most correct?

 Empirical testing has not been able to determine

which theory is correct.

 Thus, managers use judgment when setting

dividend policy.
Other Dividend Theories

Clientele Effect
 Different groups of investors or clienteles prefer

different dividend policies.

 Retired individuals, pension funds, and university
endowment funds prefer cash income, so they may
want the firm to pay out a high percentage of its
 Stockholders in their peak earning years might
prefer reinvestment, because they have less need
for current income and would reinvest dividends
after paying taxes.

 Therefore, investors who want current investment

income should own shares in high dividend payout
firms, while investors with no need for current
income should own shares in low dividend payout
 Dividend clientele effect states that high-tax bracket
investors (like individuals) prefer low dividend
payouts and low tax bracket investors (like pension
funds) prefer high dividend payouts.
 To the extent that stockholders can switch firms, a
firm can change from one dividend payout policy to
another and then let stockholders who do not like the

 However, frequent switching is inefficient because of

 Brokerage costs
 Stockholders will have to pay capital gain taxes,

 Possible shortage of investors who like the firm’s

newly adopted dividend policy.

 The new dividend policy might cause current
shareholders to sell their stock, forcing the stock
price down.
 It might also attract a larger clientele than the firm
had before and stock price would rise.

 Evidence from several studies suggests that there is,

in fact, a clientele effect.
 However, MM and others argued that one clientele is
as good as another, so the existence of a clientele
effect does not necessarily imply that one dividend
policy is better than any other.
 Therefore, firms should avoid making drastic
changes in their dividend policy.

Information Content or Signaling Theory

 Different investors have different views on both

future dividend and the uncertainty inherent in those

payments, and managers have better information
about future prospects than public stockholders.
 An increase in the dividend is often accompanied by

an increase in the price of a stock and a dividend cut

leads to a stock price decline.

 MM argued that;
 Higher than expected dividend increase is a signal

to investors that the firm’s management forecasts

good future earnings.
 Dividend reduction or smaller than expected

increase is a signal that management is forecasting

poor earnings in the future.
 Price changes following dividend actions simply

indicate that there is important information, or

signaling, content in dividend announcements.

Implications for Dividend Stability

 Clientele effect and information content in dividend

announcements have implications on the desirability

of stable versus volatile dividends.
 Many stockholders rely on dividends to meet

expenses, and they would be seriously

inconvenienced if the dividend stream were
 Reducing dividends to make funds available for

capital investment could send incorrect signals to

investors, who might push down the stock price
because they interpret the dividend cut to mean

 Thus, maximizing stock price probably requires to

maintain a steady dividend policy.
 It means a company’s regular cash dividends

should also grow at a steady, predictable rate.

Target Distribution Level

Residual Dividend Model

 In deciding how much cash to distribute to

stockholders, two points should be kept in mind:

 The overriding objective is to maximize
shareholder value, and
 The firm’s cash flows really belong to its

shareholders, so a company should refrain from

retaining income unless it can reinvest that income
to produce returns higher than shareholders could
themselves earn by investing the cash in
investments of equal risk.

 The optimal distribution ratio is a function of 4

 Investors’ preferences for dividends vs. capital

 The firm’s investment opportunities,
 Its target capital structure, and
 The availability and cost of external capital.

 The last three elements are combined in what we call

the residual distribution model.
 The word residual implies “leftover”, and residual
policy implies the distributions are paid out of

 Under the residual distribution model firms follow

four steps when establishing their target distribution
 Determines the optimal capital budget;
 Determines the amount of equity needed to finance

the budget, given its target capital structure

 Use reinvested earnings to meet equity
requirements to the extent possible; and
 Pay dividends or repurchases stock only if more

earnings are available than needed to support the

optimal capital budget.

 Residual distribution policy minimizes flotation and

equity signaling costs, consequently minimizes the
 Residual distribution Model:

Dividends = Income –
[( )( )]

 Capital budget: $800,000.

 Target capital structure: 40% debt, 60% equity.

 Forecasted net income: $600,000.

 How much of the $600,000 should we pay out as

 0.6($800,000) = $480,000 must be equity to keep
at target capital structure.
 [0.4($800,000) = $320,000 will be debt.]

 With $600,000 of net income,

 The residual is $600,000 – $480,000 = $120,000
dividends paid.
 Payout ratio = $120,000/$600,000 = 0.20 = 20%.
Residual Distribution Model in Practice

 Rigidly following of the residual policy would lead

to fluctuating, unstable dividends. Since investors
dislike volatile regular dividends, rs would be high
and the stock price will be low.
 Therefore, firms should use the policy as follows:
 Estimate earnings and investment opportunities, on

average, for 5 or so years.

 Find the average residual model distributions and

dollars of dividends during the planning period.

 Set a target payout ratio

 Some companies set a very low “regular” dividend

and then supplement it with an “extra” dividend
when times are good, such as Microsoft now does.
 The low-regular-dividend-plus-extras policy
ensures that the regular dividend can be maintained
“come hell or high water” and stockholders can
count on receiving that dividend under all
 Then, when times are good, and profits and cash

flows are high, the company can either pay a

specially designated extra dividend or repurchase
shares of stock.
Stable Growth in Dividend
 Most corporations attempt to maintain a stable
growth in dividend policy:
 Perhaps it leads to higher stock prices:
(Lower risk - lower ke - higher P0)
P0 = D1
Ke – g
 As a result, dividends tend to be a function of the
“sustainable growth” in earnings.
Some Additional Considerations


 Legal Restrictions: Dividends cannot be paid out of

the permanent capital accounts.
 Liquidity: Retained earnings and cash are not
 Access to other sources of financing.
 Stability of earnings.
 Restrictions in debt contracts.
 Ownership Control: Smaller firms may be averse to
issuing new stock due to dilution of corporate
control. Therefore, retain earnings and pay few
Some Additional Considerations (Cont’d....)


 Inflation: Since replacement costs of assets are

higher in inflationary periods, more retention of
earnings may be required.
 Dividend Reinvestment Plans: Investors can
automatically reinvest dividends often at a discount
with no transaction costs. Frequently a good
investment tool.
Stock Dividends & Stock Splits

Stock dividends
 Dividends paid in additional shares rather than in

 It divides the pie into smaller slices without affecting

the fundamental position of the current stockholders

like stock splits.
 The value of the stock dividend is taken out of

retained earnings and placed into the permanent

capital accounts.
 Firm issues new shares instead of paying a cash

dividend. If 10%, get 10 shares for each 100

shares owned.

Stock Splits
 Stock splits increase the number of shares
outstanding, so “the pie is divided into smaller
pieces.” Eg. 2-for-1
 The price of each share will drop to half.
 No changes in the capital accounts.
 Par value decreases by half.

 Everything else remaining the same, stock dividends

and stock splits do not increase stockholders wealth.

 However, they are beneficial in the long-run.
 Firms generally split their stocks only if;
 The price is quite high and
Stock Repurchases


 The buyback of stock by the issuing firm either in the

open (secondary) market or by self-tender offer.
 Tender offer – firm states a purchase price and a
desired number of shares
 Open market – buys stock in the open market

 Stock repurchases are most relevant for firms with

large amounts of excess cash that might otherwise
generate a significant taxable transaction to investors.
 Firms must be careful not to make regular repurchases
or the tax authority may consider the capital gains as
dividends for tax purposes.

Reasons for repurchases:

 An alternative to distributing cash as dividends.
 To dispose one-time cash from asset sales.
 Available for management stock-option plans
 Go private by repurchasing all shares from outside
 To permanently retire the shares

Advantages of Stock Repurchases

 Stockholders can sell or not. With a cash dividend,

stockholders must accept the payment & pay the

 Helps avoid setting a high dividend that cannot be

 Repurchased stock can be used in take-over or resold

to raise cash as needed.

 Income received is capital gains rather than higher-

taxed dividends.
 Stockholders may take as a positive signal-
management thinks stock is undervalued.

Disadvantages of Repurchases
 Tax authority could impose penalties if repurchases

were primarily to avoid taxes on dividends.

 Selling stockholders may not be well informed,

hence be treated unfairly.

 Firms may have to bid up price to complete purchase,

thus paying too much for its own stock.


Thank you!

The End!

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