The Designprocessed
The Designprocessed
The Designprocessed
RHS Tech Ed
What Is Design?
What Is a Design Process?
A design process is a systematic
problem-solving strategy, with criteria
and constraints, used to develop many
possible solutions to solve or satisfy
human needs or wants and to narrow
down the possible solutions to one final
Various design
processes are used
across different technical
fields. The following are
Design Process Example
1. Identify problems and opportunities
2. Frame a design brief
3. Investigate and research
4. Generate alternative solutions
5. Choose a solution
6. Developmental work
7. Model and prototype
8. Test and evaluate
9. Redesign and improve
Design Process Example
1.Identify the need
2.Define the criteria
4.Generate alternate solutions
5.Choose a solution
6.Develop the solution
8.Test and evaluate
9.Redesign and improve
Design Process Example
1. Define the problem
2. Brainstorm
3. Research and generate ideas
4. Identify criteria and specify constraints
5. Explore possibilities
6. Select an approach
7. Develop a design proposal
8. Make a model or prototype
9. Test and evaluate the design using specifications
10. Refine the design
11. Create or make solution
12. Communicate processes and results
Design Process
• Construct a testable
• Plan prototype testing
– Performance
– Usability
– Durability
• Test prototype
– collect test data
– analyze test data
7. Present the Solution
Product improvement
or redesign will
require the designer
to repeat the design