Chesslike City, Tehran, Poems by Rosa Jamali
Chesslike City, Tehran, Poems by Rosa Jamali
Chesslike City, Tehran, Poems by Rosa Jamali
Chesslike City,
Translated from
original Persian into
English by the Author
It was unprecedented
And had disappeared from my eyesight.
Chesslike City, Tehran
You see the city in my veins fast asleep
Like the obscure web over my brain
As if destroyed the fragments of my memory.
In the morning things were perfect
Just a watchdog which is penetrating incessantly into the
Things for sure were perfect in the morning.
Signals, signals, and parasites bombarded the satellite TV!
Like a white sheet, stagnant on the washing hanging
Still, things are perfect,
Waves moving around me;
This wretched scorching hot sultry weather
I'm the only driver turning into the highways
Railings like parallel lines keeping us all together
Is the turning for ever?
Lack of iron and minerals,
Mercury as fast as death is shadowing the table frame now
Temperature's just dropped!
Tehran is the city in my veins fast asleep!
Railings are putting us into sleep
The ruins of the city have been left over the frame.
Done with your breakfast?
Shall we exit from the right?
The prism, turning and turning into the wind
As if our torn-up parched lips and the garments in the whirlwind
By watching I feel pins and needles in my arms
The chessboard you made
With all its dead bodies,
Surfing over the waters and waters of the metropolis!
Rosa Jamali (Born 1977) is an Iranian poet based in Tehran. She
studied Drama & Literature at the Art University of Tehran and
holds a Master's degree in English literature from TEHRAN
University. She has published six collections of poetry so far.
Her first book," This Dead Body is Not an Apple, It is Either a
Cucumber or a Pear”, was published in 1997, and opened new
landscapes and possibilities to Persian contemporary poetry.
Through broken syntax and word-play, she described a surreal
world in which words have lost their meanings and have
become jumbled objects within contemporary everyday life. In
her other collections, she adapted a kind of music from classical
Persian poetry and imbued it with the natural cadences of
speech, juxtaposing long and short sentences. In her recent
poems, she creates some layers of intertextuality with Persian
Mythology and mysticism.
Since then she has created works that have always been strictly
engaged with the forms and conscious of styles in poetics,
digressing in between various literary styles and traditions.
experiencing crystal, condensed and language-based imagery
taking its inspiration from the style of visionary writings of
Persian transcendentalists like Suhrawardi,... Rosa Jamali’s
poetry also enjoys a rich influence of English poetry.
She is also an active translator; with an anthology of
Anglophone poets translated to Persian. A lecturer on Persian
poetry at the British Library, US Persian Study centres and has
contributed to so many poetry festivals worldwide. She is a
Judge in a number of prestigious poetry Prizes inside the
country and has written a number of scholarly articles on
Poetry, Literary theory, and Creative writing.
Selection of her essay titled "Revelations in the Wind" discusses
the Poetics of Persian Poetry.