Chapter 5 Section 1: The Mcgraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission Required For Presentation or Display
Chapter 5 Section 1: The Mcgraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission Required For Presentation or Display
Chapter 5 Section 1: The Mcgraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission Required For Presentation or Display
Chapter 5 Section 1
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Introduction: Diodes
• Diodes: two-terminal devices
• In semiconductors, made by junctions between
two different materials
– Homojunctions: junctions between two differently
doped regions of the same semiconductor material
– Heterojunctions: junctions between two different
types of materials (usually means semiconductor
– Metal-semiconductor junctions
• But not all metal-semiconductor junctions are diodes
• Diodes can act as switches
• For one polarity of applied voltage, current flows
(nearly a short circuit)
• For other polarity, current does not flow (nearly an
open circuit)
Silicon homojunction:
turns on at around 0.7V
Circuit equivalent
• Open circuit (for V<0.7 • Looks like a power
V) supply: 0.7 V and
supplies current
Circuit symbol
• Ideal diode:
– For V<0, no current flows
– For V>0, short circuit
• More realistic silicon
– For V>≈0.7 V, current
flows (current increases
exponentially with
– For V<0.7 V, current flow
is neglible
Rectifier circuit example
• Let input be AC signal of
60 Hz, with 5 volt
• Take output voltage
across the resistor
– Let R=2KΩ
• Let the diode be
represented by
equivalent circuit shown
• Plot the input and
output waveforms
• Remains 0 until input reaches 0.7 V
• Then Vout= Vin-0.7V until Vin returns to
0 (0.7 V dropped across the diode)
• Vout stays at zero until Vin>0.7 V
• Is zero until input reaches 0.7
• Then
Vout 5sin ( 377t ) - 0.7
I= =
R 2 ´ 10 3
How we’ll proceed
• Operation of semiconductor diode junctions will
be explained using energy band diagrams
– Draw diagrams in electrical neutrality first, lining up
vacuum levels
– Let regions come into contact (in your imagination);
charges flow until equilibrium is reached
– At equilibrium, Ef is a constant
– Redraw with Fermi levels lined up
• Then we’ll investigate influence of applied voltages
Prototype pn homojunctions
• Junction between n-type and p-type of same
kind of semiconductor
• Example: start with a p-type substrate
• Implant phosphorus atoms (donors) in certain
• Junction occurs along B-B’ cross section
Doping profile
• Background acceptor concentration is
constant (NA)
• Typical donor concentration profile shown
• We’ll approximate as step function
• Junction occurs at x0
Step junction model
• Assume doping profile is a step function
– On the n-side, ND’=ND-NA (constant)
– On the p-side, NA’=NA-ND (constant)
• Assume all impurities are ionized
– Then n0 on the n side is n0=ND’
– Then p0 on the p side is p0=NA’
• Neglect impurity-induced band gap narrowing for this
– If either side of junction is degenerate, take Ef to be at band
edge EC0 or EV0 if ND’ or NA’ is greater than 1018 cm-3
Key points
• A pn junction will be a diode
– Two-terminal device
– Diode conducts current in one
direction but not the other
• Will analyze using step
junction approximation
• Will understand using
energy band diagrams
Prototype pn Junctions
(Qualitative)- Energy
Band Diagrams Part A
Chapter 5 Section 2.1
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• We’ll assemble the energy band diagram of a
pn junction
• There will be a built-in voltage
• There will be an internal electric field
• Two parts: Part A: Equilibrium, Part B: under
• This section is all qualitative- understand the
Step 1: Electrical neutrality
Step 2: Join sides
• When the sides are “joined,”
charges flow from one side to
the other
• As electrons flow, they leave
behind (positively charged)
ionized donors
– Donors cannot move
• Holes flow, leaving behind
(negatively charged) ionized
• Separation of charges sets up
electric field
é ù
ê ú
dn ê kT dn ú
J n =qm n nE + qDn =qmn n +
dx ê q dx ú
ê ú
ë û
dp é kT dp ù
J p =qm p pE - qD p =qm p êpE -
dx ë q dx ú
• Is steepest at
metallurgical junction
• Built-in voltage is mostly
on lightly-doped side
One-sided junction
• When one side
is degenerately
doped, most of
appears on
lightly doped
• Called “one-
sided junction”
Key points
• Constructed the energy band diagram under
• There is a built-in voltage created by uncovered
donors and acceptors
– Space charge region
• There is an electric field in space charge region that
sweeps out electrons and holes, depleting them
– Space charge region= depletion region
• Next: what happens when you apply a voltage?
Prototype pn Junctions
(Qualitative)- Energy
Band Diagrams Part B
Chapter 5 Section 2.1
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• We saw how to draw the energy band diagram
at equilibrium
• What happens when we apply a bias?
Apply a voltage Va
• Applied voltage by
convention measured
from p to n
• When VA is positive,
junction is forward-
• When VA is negative,
junction is reverse-
Reverse bias
• Let Va =-1 V
• Consider pn junction in three regions: n,
p, and junction
• On n-side number of donors is equal to
number of electrons (no field)- hence
called quasi-neutral region
• There is another quasi-neutral region
on p-side
• Depletion region contains ions but diagram
virtually no free carriers repeated here
Consider diode as series connection of three
resistances of these regions
• On the n-side: ρn is inversely proportional to
nn0 (subcript n means on n-side)
• On p-side: ρp inversely proportional to pp0
• In transition region, almost no free carriers
– Resistance therefore high
– Therefore applied voltage dropped almost entirely
across transition region
To adjust energy band diagram
• Use Evac at
metallurgical junction
as reference
• Pivot bands around
this point
• The p-side is
electrically more
negative, so
represents a higher
potential energy for
• Thus p-side moves up
on diagram
• The n-side moves
The junction voltage
• Junction
voltage Vj is
V j =Vbi - Va
• (increased
recall Va is
• Greater field
at junction
The junction voltage
• Greater field
means more
charge on either
• Charges are un-
neutralized donors
and acceptors
• Space charge
region gets wider
(to uncover more
of them)
• Mobile carriers are
swept out by field
Under forward voltage
• Now Va is
• Space charge
region gets
• Evac not
shown-no new
Key points
• Learned how to draw energy band diagrams
under bias
• Applied fields change internal electric fields
• Applied fields change width of depletion
• Next: what about the current?
Description of Current
Flow in a pn Prototype
Chapter 5 Section 2.2
Copyright © 2016
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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• We previously saw how to draw the energy
band diagram of a pn junction
• Learned how to modify it for the case of
applied bias
• Now we’ll see how to use the energy band
diagram to predict the behavior of the
electrons and holes
– Get a qualitative description of the current
Start with equilibrium
Diffusion and drift
• Electrons diffuse to regions of
lower concentration (n to p)
• Holes diffuse to regions of lower
concentration (p to n)
• Electrons are accelerated by
built-in field (toward downhill
• Holes accelerated by built-in
field (toward uphill side)
• At equilibrium, these current
cancel out
• Net current is zero
Generation and recombination
• In the quasi-neutral regions, generation
and recombination rates are equal
– No fields. no concentration gradients, thus no
current flow
• In depletion region, EHPS are generated–
and there IS a field
– Electrons accelerated to left (generation
current to right)
– Holes accelerated to right (generation current
to right)
• Electrons in depletion region can
recombine with holes in depletion region
– Results in regeneration current to the left
• In any region, net G-R current is zero at
Reverse bias- drift and diffusion
• Electrons trying to diffuse to p-
side are turned back by the
– Same for holes
– Negligible current
• Small number of electrons on
p-side that wander (diffuse)
near junction are swept over
– Similarly for holes
– Result is a net current- but small,
few carriers available
– Called minority diffusion current
Reverse bias, generation/recombination and
• Generation: electron
accelerated to left, hole to
right- results in net current
• Neglect recombination in
depletion region- number of
carriers miniscule
• Tunneling from VB on p-side
directly into CB on n-side can
– Net tunneling current to the right
– Increases rapidly with reverse
bias voltage
Total reverse current
• Small minority carrier diffusion current
• Small generation current
• Tunneling current can be large
• Multiplication current
– EHPs generated in depletion region can collide
– Crashing knocks more electrons and holes loose
– They also get accelerated
– Will discuss more later
Forward bias
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• Tunnel diodes (also known as Esaki diodes)
have both side degenerately doped
– Ef is generally inside the conduction and valence
band edges
• They demonstrate quantum-mechanical
tunneling really exists
Typical I-V
Energy Band Diagram
E » 10 6 V / cm
≈10 nm
h kT
I =Ce
Figure of Merit
• Peak-to-Valley ratio
• Values of IP/IV ≈ 20 have been observed in
GaAs tunnel diodes
Can be used as an oscillator
• Negative resistance can be used to make an
– Pretty stable
• Can be used as a switch
– Valley current tends to increase over time
We said K was conserved
• Implies direct-gap semiconductors
• In Si (indirect), this assumption is violated
– Negative resistance is still observed
– Peak-to-valley ratio is much lower (≈4)
– Probably simultaneous emission or absorption of
• Ge is indirect but has a relative minimum at K=0
– Peak-to-Valley ratios ≈16
Key points
• When both sides of
pn junction are
heavily doped, can
get tunneling
• Results in negative
resistance region in
Prototype pn Homojunctions
(Quantitative): Energy Band
Diagram at Equilibrium-Step
Chapter 5 Section 3.1
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• We examined qualitatively how current flows in pn junction
– Reverse bias
– Forward bias
• Considered
– Majority and minority carrier currents
– Drift and diffusion
– Generation and recombination
– Tunneling
– Touched on multiplication current
• Next: quantitative analysis
Find Vbi
• Recall qVbi = F p - F n
• Express as
qVbi =Eg - d n + d p )
where on the n-side (non
d n =EC - E f =kT ln =kT ln '
nno ND
• If n-side is degenerate
• Take Ef=EC and δn=0
Similary for p-type
• Non-degenerate
d p =E f - EV =kT ln =kT ln '
p po NA
• Degenerate:
qVbi =Eg - dn + d p) dn =EC - E f =kT ln =kT ln '
nno ND
• To get d p =E f - EV =kT ln =kT ln '
p po NA
é æ NC NV ö ù
qVbi =êEg - kT ç ln ' + ln ' ÷ú p-n junction
ë è ND N A øú
• For one-sided junctions (n+-p or p+-n)
é NV ù
qVbi =êEg - kT ln ' ú n + -p junction
ë NA û
é NC ù
qVbi =êEg - kT ln ' ú p + -n junction
ë ND û
For non-degenerate semiconductor
- Eg
kT N D' N A'
Vbi = ln pn junction
q ni2
Vbi = ln p + -n junction
q ni2
kT N C N A'
Vbi = ln n + -p junction
q ni2
For pn junction
• Can also express Vbi as
Eg kT N C NV
Vbi = - ln ' ' p-n junction
q q NDN A
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• Here we will quantitatively determine the
features and shapes of the energy band diagram
for a pn homojunction
• We’ll start with variation of charge with position
• Use that to find the electric field
• Use the field to calculate the variation of voltage
V(x) with position
• Potential energy is qV(x)– gives us the band
Coordinate system
Charges in a step junction
• We approximate the
charges on either side as
• The n-side is more heavily
• Donors (ND’) are positively
• Acceptors (NA’) are
negatively charged
• No uncompensated
charges outside depletion
Find the electric field E
• Use Poisson’s equation (works for equilibrium
and also under bias)
dE QV (x)
dx e
N D'
E (x) =q ( x - xn ) xn £x £ x0
0 xp
• On p-side N A'
ò d =- òq dx
E (x) x
N A'
E (x) =q
xp - x ) x0 £ x £ x p
But electric field has to be continuous
Space charge widths
• Earlier we predicted that the junction would
extend further into lightly doped side?
• Let wn be the width of the depletion region on
the n-side, e.g. wn=x0-xn and wp be the width
on the p-side
' '
• From qN D
(x o
- x n
) =qN A
(x p - xo )
wn ( xo - xn ) N A' Checks
= = '
We can write wp ( )
x p - xo ND out!
Next find voltage distribution
• We use dV
E =-
• On p-side
qN 2 qN A' 2
( )
V ( xo ) - V x p (
=V jp = A x p - xo
) =
• Total voltage is
V j =V +V j = éëN D' (xo - xn )2 + N A' (x p - xo ) 2 ùû
n p
Voltage has to be continuous
• Set solutions equal at junction
qN D' 2 qN A' 2
V (xo ) =V (xn ) -
( xo - xn ) =V (x p ) +
x p - xo )
• Take previous results and take ratio
V (xn ) - V (x0 ) V j N D' wn2
= p= ' 2
V (x0 ) - V (x p ) V j N A wp
wn N A' V jn N A'
= ' = '
• Recalling wp N D , we get Vj p
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• In Part A we found the charge, field and voltage
é ù
ê ú
é2eV jn ù 2
ê 2eV j ú
wn =( xo - xn ) =ê ' ú =ê ú
ë qN D ú
ê û æ N '
êqN D' ç1+ D' ÷ú
ë è NA øú û
Similarly for p, and total width
• For the p-side 1
é ù
ê ú
é2eV jp ù 2
ê 2eV j ú
( )
wp = x p - x0 =ê ' ú =ê
æ ö ú
ë qN A ú
ê û N
êqN A' ç1+ 'A ÷ú
ë è N D øú û
• And the total junction width is
w =wn + wp = ê j(
é2eV N ' + N '
A D ) ùú
' '
ê qN A N D ú pn junction
ë û
We had
é2eV N ' + N ' ( ) ùú
w =wn + wp = ê j
ê qN A N D ú
ë û
• Solve for junction voltage Vj
qN D' N A' w2
Vj = pn junction
2e N + N
A )
• For one-sided
1 junction, e.g. n+-p, 1w≈wp since in
é2eV j ù2 é2eV j ù2
w =this
ê case
' ú N(n
D ’>>N
A’ and w =ê ' ú (p -n) +
ë qN A ú
ê û ëqN D ú
ê û
Maximum electric field
N D' qN D' N A' w2
• Combine E (x) =q
( x - xn ) Vj =
2e N D' + N A' )
é2eV N ' + N '
( ) ùú 2
w =wn + wp =ê
j A D
' '
ê qN A N D ú
ë û
• To find
qN D' qN A' é 2qV N N ' ' ù 2V j
j D A
E max = wn = wp =ê ú =
e e (
êe N D' + N A ' ) ú w
ë û
Potential energy related to electric potential
¶p ¶Dp 1 æ¶J p ö æ Dp ö
= =- ç ÷+ çGop - ÷
¶x ¶x q è ¶x ø è tp ø
• To get ¶n ¶Dn ¶2 n Dn
= =Dn 2 -
¶t ¶t ¶x tn
In steady state
¶n ¶Dn ¶2 n Dn
• We had ¶t
=Dn 2 -
¶x tn
• But in steady state ¶n / ¶t =0
• Thus
¶2 n d 2 n Dn Dn
= 2 = = 2
¶x dx Dnt n Ln
Ln = Dnt n
But np=np0+Δnp
¶n ¶Dn ¶2 n Dn
• We had ¶t
=Dn 2 -
¶x tn
¶2 n p d 2 Dn p Dn p
• And np0 is constant, so 2
= 2
¶x dx L2n
x -x
• Solution is Ln
Dn p =Ae + Be Ln
x -x
Solution was Ln
Dn p =Ae + Be
B =Dn(x p )e Ln
- ( x- x p )
And therefore Dn(x) =Dn(x p )e
- ( x- x p )
Ln dn dD n
• Substitute Dn(x) =Dn(x p )e into J n =qDn =qDn
dx dx
• And obtain the electron current - ( x- x p )
Jn = Dn(x p )e Ln
• So electron (diffusion) current is decreasing as you move
away form the junction, but total current has to be constant
(Kirchhoff current law)
– Difference is made p by increasing hole current
– Hole current is drift caused by the small electric field in the quasi-
neutral region
Key points
• That was a general derivation of the excess
minority carrier concentration as a function of
position- when there are excess carriers
present (non-equilibrium)
– Excess carriers injected across junction decay
exponentially away from junction
Next up
• It would be useful to obtain expressions for
the minority carrier concentrations at either
end of the transition region
• We’ll do this in Part B of this section
Characteristics of pn
Homojunctions (Diffusion
current, forward bias)
Chapter 5 Section 3.3 Part B
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• We had derived expressions for the excess
minority carrier concentration Δn(xp) and the
functional form away from the junction
(exponential decay)
• How does Δn(xp) vary with applied voltage?
– Start with equilibrium case
Energy band diagram at equilibrium
• On the n side:
' ni2
nno =N D pno =
• On the p side
p po =N 'A n po =
N 'A
• Barrier for both electrons and hole is qVbi
Let’s relate Vbi to doping
æ ECp - E f ö
-ç ÷
• Neutral p-region n po =N C e è kT ø
- +
• Multiply by e kT e kT to obtain
æ ECn - E f ö æ ECp - ECn ö
-ç ÷ -ç ÷
è kT ø è kT ø
n po =N C e e
q Vbi - Va ) or qVa
pn (xn ) =N A' e kT
pn (xn ) = pno e kT
Under forward bias
• Excess electrons are
injected into p side
– They become minority
– They diffuse to the right
– They recombine as they go
– The excess carrier
concentration decays
exponentially with distance
• Holes injected to the n-side,
diffuse to the left, same
Excess carrier concentrations
• Let Δnp be excess
carrier concentration on
• Let Δpn be excess carrier
concentration on p-sideqV
• Then from n p (x p ) =n po e kT Dn p (x p ) =n p (x p ) - n po
• We can write Dpn (xn ) = pn (xn ) - pno
æ qVa ö
D n p (x p ) =n po ç e kT - 1÷
• And similarly è ø
æ qVa ö
Dpn (xn ) = pno çe kT - 1÷
è ø
The excess carriers diffuse
• They diffuse to regions
of lower concentration
(away from junction)
• We already solved for
the distribution
( x- x p ) • Note that varying
Dn p (x) =Dn p (x p )e distribution means
• And on n-side, for holes diffusion currents
( xn - x )
Dpn (x) =Dpn (xn )e
Diffusion currents
• On p-side:
dn dD n
J n =qDn =qDn
dx dx
• Now combine with
( x- x p )
Dn p (x) =Dn p (x p )e To obtain
Dn æ qVa ö
and J n (x p ) =q n po ç e kT - 1÷
Ln è ø
æ qVa ö
Dn p (x p ) =n po ç e kT - 1÷ Similarly
è ø Dp æ qVa ö
J p (xn ) =q pno çe kT - 1÷
Lp è ø
Electron injection
• Recall we’re neglecting generation,
• Thus all excess electrons on p-side had to come
from n-side
– They had to cross xn as well as xp
• Recall we also assumed negligible drift in the
• Therefore, all minority current across junction is
due to diffusion
Similarly for holes
æ qVa ö æ Dn n po D p pno ö
• Or J =J o çe kT - 1÷ where J o =q ç + ÷
è ø è nL L p ø
Repeating previous results
æ Dn n po D p pno ö
J o =q ç + ÷
è nL L p ø
ni2 ni2
Ln = Dnt n , Lp = D ptp , n p0 = ' and pn0 = '
• These yield
æ D 1 D 1 ö
J 0 =qni2 ç n
× ' + × ' ÷
è tn N A tp N D ÷ø
æ qVa ö
I =I o çe kT - 1÷
è ø
[EV (x)- EV (x p )]
p(x) = p poe kT
w =ê ú
D A bi a
' '
ê qN D N A ú
ë û
Lp =102 m m
Ln =73 mm
æ qVa
ö æ 1.6´ 10- 19 C´ (- 4.17V ) ö
- 1÷=7.1´ 10 - 13 A / cm2 çe 0.026×1.6´ 10 J /eV -
- 19
J diff =J 0 ç e kT
1÷@ - J 0
è ø è ø
=- 7.1´ 10 - 13 A / cm2 =- 7.1´ 10 - 21 A / m m2
J G =-
qni w
( )(
1.6 ´ 10- 19 C 1.08 ´ 1010 cm- 3 0.36 ´ 10- 4 cm )
2to (
2 6 ´ 10 =6 s )
=- 5.2 ´ 10- 9 A / cm2 =5.2 ´ 10 - 17 A / m m2
J G 5.2 ´ 10 - 17
@ =7.3 ´ 10 3
J diff 7.1´ 10 - 21
' '
kT N D N A
• And we recall Vbi = ln 2
q ni
' '
kT N D N A
• And we recall Vbi = ln 2
q ni
2 kT
np =n e i
For reasonable forward bias…
• We had np =n e 2 kT
to ( n + p ) to ( n + p )
to ( n + p)
ni2 qVa
ni e
n = p =ni e 2kT
Rmax =
• Result is where or 2t o
More on recombination in junction
• Most of the recombination occurs where
– Therefore “barrier” to recombination current
looks like half the potential barrier for diffusion
æ Vbi - Va ö
çè 2 ÷ ø
è ø
Leakage currents
• Compare JGR0 to J0(diff) (and recall that under
reverse bias J=-J0
• From reverse bias discussions 1 we had
é (e ) ù
A ( bi a)
' ' 2
ni q N + N V - V
J GR0 =- ê ú
to ê '
2N D N A'
ë û
æ D 1 D 1 ö
J 0( diff ) =qni2 ç n × ' + × ' ÷
è tn N A
ç tp N D ÷ ø
é2m* * ù 2
M* is some average of effective masses for
( )
a =ê 2 E P (x) - E ú
both bands
EP* is effective potential energy
Effective potential energy
• Recall potential energy for electron in
conduction band is EC
• Potential energy for hole in valence band is EV
• Both are varying with position in this case
While electron is tunneling..
• While electron is in forbidden gap, it’s
affected by both potential energies
• Effective potential energy analogous
to resistances in parallel
( E (x) - E ) ( E - E (x) ) ( E (x) - E ) ( E - EV (x) )
( E (x) - E ) =( E (x) - E ) + ( E - E (x)) =
Can show
• Tunneling probability is
æ ö
p WT m* Eg
- ç ÷
ç 3 ÷
è ÷
T =e 22
• Where WT is the tunneling distance WT =
• Tunneling probability depends on band gap
and reverse bias voltage, and doping and
effective mass
Current-voltage characteristics
• We’ll discuss
a different
effect, next
Carrier multiplication
1. EHP generated thermally
2. Electron accelerated to
left (high field under
reverse bias)
3. Electron collides
1. Loses energy
2. Knocks another electron
loose, generating a
another EHP (impact
3. Now there are three
Carrier multiplication, continued
4. Both electrons
accelerated to
left, new collision
• Two electrons
arrived at left side
of junction while
only one entered-
multiplication of 2
Note: for multiplication, electron must gain enough energy to exceed the band gap
to generate a new EHP. This doesn’t happen at steps 4 and 5 here so there is no
further electron multiplication.
Carrier multiplication, holes
• Holes can also
create impact
ionization (5 here)
• In this case total
multiplication is
three (if no more
Above some critical field, process can avalanche
Derivation of multiplication
• Let P be probability of either electron or hole
creating EHP
• Let nin be number of electrons entering depletion
region from p-side
• There will be Pnin ionizing collisions
– Result is nin(1+P) electrons reaching n-side
– Also generates Pnin holes
– Result is P(Pnin)=P2nin pairs
– Total number of carriers crossing junction is
nin (1+ P + P 2 + P3 +)
Multiplication, continued
• We had nin (1+ P + P2 + P3 +)
• Which can be expressed as
(1- P)
• Thus multiplication factor M is M=
(1- P)
• If P=1, M=∞, and avalanche occurs
• When current
exceeds some
value, diode is in
– Means the I-V
curve has broken
downward on
the graph,
– Device is not
Reverse breakdown in silicon
• For Si, if Vbr is greater than about
8 V, breakdown mechanism is
primarily avalanche
• If Vbr is less than around 6V, is
Zener tunneling
• When you buy a “Zener diode,”
not necessarily breaking down
via tunneling mechanism- in
fact, probably not
Key points
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• We saw that a diode doesn’t conduct much for
reverse voltages- up to a point
• At some voltage, current starts to flow and the I-
V characteristics turns downward
– Called reverse breakdown
– Does not mean the device is damaged
• Breakdown mechanism can be via:
– Tunneling (Zener breakdown)
– Avalanche
vs doping
Explanation: avalanche
• For avalanche to occur, need a big enough field that electrons gain Eg or more to
create ionizing impacts
• Takes a larger field (reverse voltage) to get there
• With increasing doping, junction width gets smaller so field increases for a given
Avalanche breakdown
• For one-sided junctions
Vbr ( avalanche ) =CN 4
Vbi=1.04 V
• Vbr =4 V
Find maximum field and junction width
w =ê ' ú =ê ú
ëqN D ú
ê û ê ë ( - 19
) (
1.6 ´ 10 C ´ 8 ´ 10 m 23 - 3
) ú
=9.1´ 10 - 8 m =91nm
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• We have looked at I-V characteristics in detail
• Now look at small-signal ac response
• Bias at some DC voltage
• Vary voltage by small amount around that
Small signal equivalent
• Series resistance RS (constant with voltage,
contact resistance plus resistance of QNR)
• Differential resistance RP varies with voltage
• Two capacitances:
– Junction capacitance Cj
– Stored charge capacitance Csc
– Both associated with the junction
Junction conductance
• Small signal conductance GP:
GP =
• Is slope of I-VdV
at a
given voltage
• For small variation of input
voltage, can determine
output current
– Small so slope is a constant in
the vicinity
Junction resistance
• Resistance is reciprocal of conductance, or
1 é dI ù
RP = =ê ú
GP ëdVa û
Example: Find the junction resistance of a diode at
forward currents of 1 mA and 1 μA. Assume the ideality
factor is unity and RS = 0.
• We had é dI ù
RP =ê ú
ë aû
• Then dI q qI 1
= I0e = =
dVa kT kT RP
Example, continued
dI q a
• We had = I0 e =
dVa kT kT
• Thus RP = .
• Since kT/q=0.026V:
– At I=1 mA, RP=26 Ω
– At I=1 μA, RP=26 KΩ
Key points
• Small signal resistance is reciprocal of the local
slope at the bias point
• There is also a series resistance due to
contacts and quasi-neutral regions
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• We were looking at the small-signal model of
a prototype homojunction
• We looked at the junction resistance (and
mentioned the series resistance)
• Two capacitances to take into account
– Junction capacitance
– Stored charge capacitance
Recall there are charges on either side of the
transition region
• Charges are due to ionized impurities
• Number of charges depends on depletion
– Varies with voltage
– Change in charge on either side of a dielectric
region with voltage is capacitance
As voltage changes…
• Suppose applied voltage changes by dVA
• Charge on one side changes by dQ
• Charge on other side changes by –dQ
• As applied voltage changes, mobile charges move
– They move out of junction if reverse bias
– They move into junction if forward bias
• Electrons and holes moving=current
• Must be an equal displacement current flowing
across the junction
Differential junction capacitance
• Also called small-signal junction capacitance
Cj º
• Already some charge on either side of junction at
• When voltage changes, charge is added or
subtracted in sheets at edges of depletion region
• Looks like parallel plates
A=junction area
eA ε=permittivity of material
Cj = w=junction width
But, w depends on √(voltage)
• Thus Cj is not linear with voltage
• Expression for w (pn junction):
é2eV N ' + N '
( ) ùú 2
w =wn + wp = ê j
ê qN A N D ú
ë û
• So (pn junction)
1 1
Cj = =A ê ú =A ê D A ú
ë (' '
ê2 N D + N A ( Vbi - Va ) ú
û ë ( ' '
ê2 N D + N A V j ú
• For pn junction (repeated)
é qe N ' N ' ù 2
C j =A ê D A ú
ê2 N D + N A V j ú
û )
• For one-sided step junction
1 1
é qeN ' ù 2éqeN ' ù 2
C j =A ê ú =A ê ú
ë2 ( Vbi - Va ) ú
ê û ë 2V j ú
ê û
• Cj appears to go infinite
– But as Va increases, current increases
– Have IRs drop across series resistance
– Junction voltage is
V j =Vbi - ( Va - IRS )
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• There are two kinds of capacitance associated
with pn junctions
• We already looked at junction capacitance
– Caused by ionized donors and acceptors on each
side of junction
• Now we’ll investigate stored-charge
– Caused by change in minority carrier density
Consider an n p junction
• Combine with
• Result
Qs = =It n
Now change voltage by dVa abruptly
( )
Dn x p µ e kT
then Δn(xp) changes abruptly
• But the rest of the
distribution can’t change • the stored electrons will diffuse to
left and right of peak
• The ones that diffuse to the right
• Now peak concentration is recombine and disappear
not at xp but to right of it • Only the ones that diffuse to the
• Since dn left flow into external circuit and
J n =qDn contribute to the capacitance
Referred to as reclaimable stored charge
Let δ be the fraction of charge that is
• Then Qsr is reclaimable stored charge and recalling that
Qs =It n
• and
Dn p (x p ) n p0e kT
I x =- qADn =- qADn
p Ln Ln
• We obtain
dQsr dQs q
Csc = =d = d Itn
dVa dVa kT
• For prototype step junction, δ=0.5
– For graded doping, δ depends on the profile
– We’ll visit in more detail when we talk about bipolar junction transistors
(Chapter 10)
Stored-charge capacitance µ diffusion current
C j =A ê A
ë2 ( Vbi - Va ) ú
ê û
First find Vbi
• Find Vbi from chart for one-sided junction
Calculate Cj’s
qeN A
• For Va=-5V C j =A
2 ( Vbi - Va )
æ 2 10 -8
cm 2
C j (- 5) =ç100 m m 2 ÷x
è 1m m ø
é æ - 14 F ö
ê(1.6 ´ 10 - 19
C) ( 11.8 ) çè8.85 ´ 10
cm -3
) ú
xi ê ú
ê 2 ( 0.98 + 5) ú
ê ú
ë û
Dn=20 cm2/s
Find Ln
Ln=70 μm
Find τn
τn=3 µs
So I0 becomes
æ Dn n p0 ö
I0 =qA ç ÷
è n ø
æ cm2 3 -3ö
ç 20 ×1.17 ´ 10 cm ÷
=1.6 ´ 10- 19 C ×
100 ´ 10 - 8 cm2 ´ ç s
70 ´ 10 -4
cm ÷
ç ÷
è ø
=5.3 ´ 10- 19 A
• and I at Va=-5V is -5.3 x 10-19 A
• At Va=+0.75V,
æ kTa ö æ 0.75
I =I 0 çe - 1÷=5.3 ´ 10 - 19 A çe 0.026 - 1÷=1.8 m A
è ø è ø
Stored-charge capacitances
• At Va=-5V:
Csc (- 5) = d It n
æ 1 ö - 19 -6 - 23
=ç ÷(0.5)(5.3 ´ 10 A)(3´ 10 s) =3.1´ 10 F@0
è0.026V ø
• At Va=+0.75V
Csc (0.75) = d It n
æ 1 ö -6 -6
=ç ÷(0.5)(1.8 ´ 10 A)(3´ 10 s) =100 pF
è0.026V ø
Compare results
Cj Csc
Va= -5 V 0.053 pF ≈0
Va= +0.75 V 0.27 pF 100 pF
Key points
• Under forward bias, as voltage changes, the amount of
charge “stored” in the injection changes, leading to
• When voltage is changed, not all the “stored” charge is
recovered- reclaimable fraction is δ=1/2 for step
• Under reverse bias, junction capacitance dominates
• Under large forward bias, stored-charge capacitance
• Next: we’ll look at transient behavior of diodes
Turn-off transient
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• A pn junction is often used as a switch
– Change state from “on” (forward bias, VF) to “off”
(reverse bias, VR)
• Junction has capacitance
– Cannot change state instantly
– There will be turn-on and turn-off transients
• Investigate turn-off transient first
Here is the situation
• VF>>Vbi>Vj
• Thus forward
current IF is (up
to t=0)
I F (0) @
At t=0 switch voltage to VR
• Excess carrier
concentration goes
from injection to
• Some carriers diffuse
to the right (not all are
• Notice slope of Δnp is
constant near junction
during transition
Find the current
• Recall current crossing the plane xp is same as the
current anywhere else in the device
– But it’s easy to evaluate here- it’s entirely due to diffusion
• Since slope is constant during the
switch, current is constant until
t=ts (ts is storage time)
IR @
• After that, slope flattens to steady
• Current decays to steady state
value (reverse current ≈0)
The derivation is involved
• But approximate solution is
æ IF ö
ts @ t n ln ç1+ ÷
è I R ø
ts =t n ln 2 =0.68tn
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• We looked at the turn-off transient for a step-
junction diode
• Now we’ll consider turn-on
• Transient associated with going from VR back
to VF
Now must build up stored charge
• Slopes constant again
• Current IF constant
• Reach steady state when
injection rate equals
recombination rate
Effects of the two capacitances
• For turn-on, beginning state is reverse bias
– Junction capacitance important there
– Amount of charge needed to discharge the small
resistance Rs not
really 0
Voltage drop across series resistance of diode
• Diode voltage is
junction voltage plus Diode
voltage across Rs
• Voltage across diode
terminals goes from
(Vj(on)+IFRS) to (Vj(on) CURRENT
– Remember IF is
positive, IR is negative VOLTAGE
After storage time…
• Current flow decays to
“off” value VOLTAGE
• Voltage across terminals IN
of diode decays to VR
• Notice turn-on time very
short compared to turn- DIODE
• Maximum switching
frequency limited by DIODE
Real life
• Usually use V=0 for off voltage (not a negative voltage)
• Junction capacitance and stored-charge capacitance
vary with voltage
• Messy
• Simulate with SPICE or equivalent
For short-base diode
• WB<<Ln
• Recombination mostly happens at contact
(neglect recombination in p-QNR)
æ x ö
Dn p (x) =Dn p (0) ç1- ÷
• and è WB ø
dDn qADn Dn(0)
I n =qADn =-
dx WB
Excess charge in short base is
Qs =- qADn(0) ix =I ntT
• where tT is transit time across the short QNR
(“base transit time”)
• Base transit time given by
tT =
( W )
Example: Compare the amount of minority carrier
stored charge in a forward-biased short-base diode
with that in a long-base diode.
• Solution: We had 2
WB tT =
( W )
Qs =- qADn(0) ix =I ntT short
2 2Dn
Qs = =Itn L2n =Dnt n long
• So we can write
Qs (short - base) 1 æWB ö
= ix ç ÷
Qs (long - base) 2 è Ln ø
Let WB≈0.1 μm, Ln=31 μm
• This value of WB typical for the base of a
Qs (Short-Base) 1 x æ0.1 ö
@ i ç ÷ @ 5 ´ 10- 6
Qs (Long Base) 2 è 31 ø
Chapter 5 Section 6
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• When designing a diode (or any component)
have to consider the temperature range over
which it has to operate
– Commercial grade products might have to operate
over 0 C to 70 C
– Military grade: -55 C up to 125 C
Current in an n -p diode +
q Dn 2 q Dn g
J0 = ' ni = ' N C NV e kT
NA tn NA tn
• For Si,
1.12 1
× =0.14
0.026 300
ni2 =N C NV e kT
Chapter 5 Section 7
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• We considered prototype pn junctions
– Real diodes have complex doping gradients
– Have to solve equations numerically- provides little insight
• We chose step junction to illustrate physical processes
• We considered
– pn junctions (neither side degenerate)
– one-sided junctions (one side is degenerate)
• n+-p
• p+-n
Fermi levels
• Non-degenerate n and p regions:
E f =EC - kT ln ' =Ei + kT ln n-region
ND ni
E f =EV + kT ln ' =Ei - kT ln p-region
NA ni
1é N C NV ù kT N D' N A'
Vbi = êEg - kT ln ' ' ú = ln prototype pn junction
që NDNA û q ni2
1é NV ù kT NV N A'
Vbi = êEg - kT ln ' ú= ln prototype n + -p junction
që NA û q ni2
1é N C ù kT N C N D'
Vbi = êEg - kT ln ' ú= ln prototype p + -n junction
që ND û q ni2
Junction width
ê qN A' N D' ú
ë û
é2eV j ù 2
• n -p
w =ê ' ú
ëqN A ú
ê û
• p -n
é2eV j ù 2
Vj I the junction voltage
w =ê ' ú
ëqN D ú
ê û
Va is the applied voltage
Junction width
• Most of the junction width appears on the
lightly doped side
wn ( xo - xn ) N A'
= = '
wp (
x p - xo) ND
• Most of the voltage is dropped across the
lightly doped side
V jn N A'
= '
Three current mechanisms
• Drift (caused by electric field)
• Diffusion (caused by gradients in carrier
• Generation/recombination
• Total current density is
æ qVa ö æ qVa ö
J =J GR + J diff @ J GRo çe 2kT - 1÷+ J o çe kT - 1÷
è ø è ø
• J0=J0diff+JGR0
• J0 increases by about 14% per °C
• J increases by factor of 10 for Va increase of 60
mV (room temperature)
• Total current is I=AJ where A is the cross-
sectional area of the junction
Leakage currents
qni w Transition width w goes as √Vj
J GRo @
2t o
æ Dn n po D p pno ö Long base diode
J o =q ç + ÷
è nL L p ø
æ Dn n po D p pno ö
J o =q ç + Short base diode (p-side short)
è BW L p ø
æ Dn n p0 D p pn0 ö
J 0 =q ç + Both sides short
è WB( p) W( n) ø
Leakage current comments
• Usually JGR0>>J0
– JGR0 important for reverse bias and small forward
– J0 important for larger forward bias
Junction breakdown
• Two mechanisms
– Tunneling (Zener breakdown) æ ö
p wT m* Eg
-ç ÷
ç 3 ÷
è ÷
J e
– Avalanche multiplication 1
(1- P)
C j =A ê ú
ë ( ' '
ê2 N D + N A ( Vbi - Va ) ú
• Goes as Va-1/2
• Predominates under reverse bias and low
forward bias
Stored Charge Capacitance
• Stored charge capacitance (variation in charge
in excess carriers near junction)
q q q æ WB2 ö
Csc = d It n (long base) Csc = d ItT = d I ç ÷ (short base)
kT kT kT è2Dn ø