Data & National Security: Crystallizing The Risks Data & National Security: Crystallizing The Risks
Data & National Security: Crystallizing The Risks Data & National Security: Crystallizing The Risks
Data & National Security: Crystallizing The Risks Data & National Security: Crystallizing The Risks
Lindsay P. Gorman
Emerging Technology Fellow | Alliance for Securing Democracy
The 30,000 ft view: The global information contest
Democracies and authoritarians are engaged in a global contest over the information environment. 2
Data is Power
Advances in and increasing reliance on machine learning systems have created new modes of national power
around data, and new opportunities for influence across the information sphere. 3
Data Abuse as a Boon to Authoritarians
The exploitation of just some of these forms of data are already in use for authoritarian control
Urban Surveillance
“City authorities
ThermoFisher Scientific, a Boston-based DNA
say the planned
sequencing company sold machines to security
system will have
Moscow to Weave AI Face contractors in Xinjiang. A Yale University geneticist
access to all
Recognition into Its Urban inadvertently gave DNA samples to a member of
160,000 existing
Surveillance Net China’s Ministry of State Security. The samples were
later used to prove out genetic surveillance techniques
in Xinjiang.
In March, the
Kremlin called
for “genetic
certification of
May 14, 2019 the population.” 4
A Typology of Information-Based National Security Threats
There’s a temptation to conflate a range of concerns with information apps into “security threats” or to over-
focus on data espionage. If policymakers aren’t clear about the threats, they can’t be clear on the solutions.
o Whose data?
o National security professional
o Citizen in a democracy July 29, 2016
o Citizen in a less free state
4) Global human rights
2) Information influence
Sanctions (Xinjiang) 6