Merger of Bank
Merger of Bank
Merger of Bank
1. Horizontal Merger
2. vertical Merger
3. Conglomerate Merger
4. Concentric Merger
Horizontal merger
Horizontal merger is a combination of two or more corporate firms
dealing in same lines of business activity. Horizontal merger is a co
centric merger, which involves combination of two or more business
units related to technology, production process,marketing research and
development and management.
Vertical Merger
Vertical merger is the joining of two or more firms in different stages of
production or distribution that are usually separate. The vertical Mergers
chief gains are identified as the lower buying cost of material.
Minimization of distribution costs, assured supplies and market
increasing or creating barriers to entry for potential competition or
placing them at a cost disadvantage.
Conglomerate Merger
Conglomerate merger is the combination of two or more unrelated
business units in respect of technology, production process or market and
management. In other words, firms engaged in the different or unrelated
activities are combined together. Diversification of risk constitutes the
rational for such merger moves.
Concentric Merger
Concentric merger are based on specific management functions where as
the conglomerate mergers are based on general management functions. If
the activities of the segments brought together are so related that there is
carry over on specific management functions. Such as marketing
research, Marketing, financing, manufacturing and personnel.
GROWTH 0R DIVERSIFICATION: - Companies that desire rapid
growth in size or market share or diversification in the range of their
products may find that a merger can be used to fulfill the objective
instead of going through the tome consuming process of internal growth
or diversification. The firm may achieve the same objective in a short
period of time by merging with an existing firm.