Myers-Briggs Personality Type - Mbti Indicator: Kathy Prem Engineering Career Services University of Wisconsin-Madison
Myers-Briggs Personality Type - Mbti Indicator: Kathy Prem Engineering Career Services University of Wisconsin-Madison
Myers-Briggs Personality Type - Mbti Indicator: Kathy Prem Engineering Career Services University of Wisconsin-Madison
Indicator – MBTI
Kathy Prem
Engineering Career Services
University of Wisconsin-
MBTI, Myers-Briggs, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Introduction to Type
registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust
Introduction to Type Theory
Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung developed a
theory early in the 20th century to describe
basic individual preferences and explain
similarities and differences between people
Main postulate of the theory is that people
inborn behavioral tendencies and preferences
Your natural response in daily situations
Used when we are generally not stressed and feel
competent, and energetic
Could be defined as those behaviors you often
Innate Preferences
Write your name
Development of the MBTI Instrument
Jung’s theory important but inaccessible to the
general population
Isabel Myers and Katherine Briggs (mother-
daughter team) expanded on Jung’s work by
developing an instrument to help people identify
their preferences
The MBTI tool is an indicator of personality type
(i.e. innate preferences) that has proven to be
remarkably reliable and valid
Represents the result of over 50 years of research
Is used globally in both education and corporate settings;
over 2 million people each year
Value of the MBTI
Distinctions from other psychological or career based
Does not assess psychological health
E – I Dichotomy: Source of Energy
Most people who prefer Most people who prefer
Extraversion Introversion
Prefer action over reflection Prefer reflection over action
May act quickly w/out May not take action at all
thinking Are attuned to inner
Are attuned to external world
environments Prefer to communicate
Prefer to communicate by in
talking writing
Learn best through doing or Learn best through
discussing thorough mental practice
Are sociable and expressive
and reflection
Enjoy working in groups Are private and contained
Enjoy working alone or
in pairsinterruptions?
Which is worse: no interruptions or frequent
What is your E – I preference?
When you are going to a large
party, what do you do?
Source: From Teambuilding Program (2nd Edition), E. Hirsh, K. W. Hirsh, S. Krebs Hirsh, 2003,
CPP, Inc.
Understanding Type in
“uncomfortable” situations
Potential Pitfalls
Characteristics when under stress or “uncomfortable”
(out of Type)
Overcrowded schedule may force you to exhibit more
judging traits than you may prefer
Team projects may force you to work as an extravert;
brainstorming, talking through problems vs. thinking
them through on your own
Concrete information may be more valued more than
“gut-feeling” approach
Staff meeting may focus on everyone’s involvement first,
when you would prefer to address the task first.
To Take to the Office with You
With similar types on a team:
The team will understand each other easily and quickly
Will reach decisions quickly, but will be more likely to make
errors due to not taking in all viewpoints
May fail to appreciate gifts of the “outlying” types
Source: From Teambuilding Program (2nd Edition), E. Hirsh, K. W. Hirsh, S. Krebs Hirsh, 2003,
CPP, Inc.
Occupational Trends by Type
Management Education Religion technical fields
Administration Health care Counseling Computers
Law enforcement Religious settings Teaching Law
Accounting Arts
Societal values
May cause over-reporting of particular Types
Vary among cultures
In U.S., overall cultural values favor ESTJ
Thereby, US societal values
may cause over-reporting of
Thinking the Type….
Judging Also true for workplace values
Want to complete the MBTI?
Results are confidential unless you decide to share
15-20 Minutes
Responding to MBTI Questions
Relaxed setting
Don’t “think” too much about one question; your
initial reaction is most useful
you may skip the
If you do not understand a word,
you; pick the BEST
Both choices may be
attractive to fit