K10 Kuliah Nefrourologi
K10 Kuliah Nefrourologi
K10 Kuliah Nefrourologi
Lateral to vertebral
column high on body wall,
under floating ribs
in retro-peritoneal
Sectional Anatomy
Fig 26-3
Urine collection:
Ducts within each renal
papilla release urine
into minor calyx
major calyx
renal pelvis
Histologically, each kidney is composed 1-3 million
uriniferous tubules. Each consists of
Secretory part - which forms urine is called nephron, functional
unit of kidney
Nephrons open into collecting tubules. Many such tubules unite to
form the ducts of Bellini which open into minor calices
Arterial Supply
One renal artery on each side arising from abdominal aorta
At or near hilus, renal artery divides into anterior and
posterior branches giving rise to segmental arteries
Lateral aortic nodes
Nerve Supply
Renal plexus (an off shoot of coeliac plexus, T10-L1)
Circulation of renal blood flow
Renal artery divides serially into – interlobar artery arcuate interlobular arteries
afferent arterioles capillary tufts of renal glomeruli into outer cortex efferent arterioles
in juxtamedullary zone arterioles become vasa recta (closely applied to loop of henle)
Venous drainage: Stelate veins interlobular veins arcuate veins interlobar veins
Two types of nephrons are present
Cortical nephrons with short loop of Henle
Juxtamedullary nephrons with long loops of Henle
Glomerulus - Five components
Capillary endothelium – 70-100
nm fenestrations – restricts
Filtration barrier
passage of cells
Glomerular basement membrane
– filters plasma proteins
Visceral epithelium – podocytes
with foot processes with 25-60
nm gaps, permeability altered by
contraction of foot processes
Parietal epithelium (Bowman’s
Mesangium (interstitial cells) –
pericytes, structural support,
phagocytosis, restricts blood flow
in response to angiotensin-II
Filtration barrier Size and charge selective
Charge: all 3 layers contain negatively charged
glycoproteins restricts passage of other negatively
charge proteins
Size: Molecules with radius <1.8 nm water, sodium,
urea, glucose, inulin freely filtered
>3.6 nm hemoglobin and albumin not filtered
Between 1.8-3.6 cations filtered, anions not
Glomerulonephritis negatively charged glycoproteins
destroyed polyanionic proteins filtered proteinuria
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
Normal GFR: in men = 125 ml/min, 10% lower in females
Depends on permeability of filtration barrier
Difference between hydrostatic process pushing fluid into
Bowman’s space and osmotic forces keeping fluid in
GFR = Kuf [(Pgc – Pbs) – (gc – bs)
Pgc & Pbs = Hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillary
and basement membrane
gc & bs = plasma oncotic pressure in glomerular
capillary and basement membrane
Kuf = Ultrafiltration coefficient reflects capillary permeability
and glomerular surface area
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
Macula densa – modified portion of thick ascending limb
which is applied to glomerulus at the vascular pole between
the afferent and efferent arterioles containing
chemoreceptor cells which sense tubular concentration of
Granular cells – Produce renin, which catalyses the
formation of angiotensin modulates efferent and afferent
arterial tone and GFR
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
Macula densa
Juxtaglomerular cells
(smooth muscle fibers from
afferent arteriole)
= Juxtaglomerular
= Endocrine system
structure (renin and
Nephron regulates
Intravascular volume, osmolality, acid base balance,
excrete the end product of metabolism and drugs
Urine is formed by combination of glomerular
ultrafiltration + tubular reabsorption and secretion
Nephron produces hormones
Fluid homeostasis (renin, prostaglandins, kinins)
Vasodilation (protective mechanism)
Neuronal Regulation
Sympathetic outflow from spinal cord Dopamine dilates afferent and
efferent arterioles
(via D1 receptor activation)
Celiac & renal plexus
Low dose dopamine partially
1 receptors sodium reabsorption
reverses norepinephrine induced
in PCT
renal vasoconstriction
2 receptors Na+ reabsorption and
Dopamine PCT Na+ reabsorption
water excretion
Enhances Na+ K+ ATPase activity by number of open Na+
& K+ channels in luminal membrane
Enhances H+ secreting ATPase on the luminal border od
intercalated cells
Because principal cells reabsorb Na+ via an electrogenic
Either Cl- must be reabsorbed
K+ must be secreted to maintain electroneutrality
intracellular K+ favours K+ secretion
nMedullary collecting tubule
Site of action of ADH or AVP (arginine vasopressin)
activates adenylate cyclase
Dehydration ADH secretion luminal membrane
becomes permeable to water water is osmotically drawn
out of tubular fluid passing through the medulla
concentrated urine (upto 1400 mos)
Adequate hydration – suppressed ADH secretion fluid in
collecting tubule passes through medulla unchanged and
remains hypotonic (100-200 msom/l)
Hydrogen ion secreted are excreted in the form of titrable
acids (phosphates) and ammonium ions
Pathology of Kidney
Clinical manifestations of
Renal Diseases
C. Hereditary Disorders
Alport syndrome
Fabry Disease
Keadaan Klinik :
• Mula gejala RPGN sangat mirip dengan sindrom nefritik
• Tetapi oligouria dan azotemia lebih menonjol.
• 90% penderita menjadi anefritik dan membutuhkan dialisis
• Prognosis lebih baik dari pada mereka dengan presentase kresen
yang lebih tinggi.
• Penggantian plasma berguna pada beberapapenderita, terutama
pasien dengan sindrom goodpasture.
Penyakit ginjal yang ditandai oleh adanya darah dalam urin,kadar serum Ig A
yang meningkat,hipertensi,dan proteinuria ringan.
Disebabkan oleh inflamasi glomerolus dan deposit Ig A di jaringan ginjal.
Menyerang anak-anak dan dewasa muda.
Gambaran histologis: Proliferasi mesangial fokal ringan,dijumpai Ig A & C3
pada mesangium,ada bercak deposit paramesangial gelap,adanya gambaran
mesangiokapiler yg kadang disertai nekrosis segmental
Mikroskopik :
- Kelainan glomerulus dapat terjadi karena proses nefritik dan oleh hipertensi
dan penyempitan vaskuler.
- Tubulus biasanya atrofik atau menghilang (tubular loss) dan diganti oleh
jaringan ikat.
- Interstisium menunjukkan penambahan jaringan ikat dan bersebukan sel
radang menahun. Beberapa kelompok tubulus yang berdilatasi dapat
- Arteri berukuran sedang dan kecil menunjukkan penebalan hialin pada
intima dan media. Derajat kelainan vaskuler biasanya sesuai dengan
kerasnya hipertensi dan perjalanan klinik.
Dapat dilihat pada gambar ini adalah ginjal yang mengalami atrofi dengan korteks yang menipis.
Kenaikan serum kreatinin dan urea dapat digunakan sebagai tanda. Kebanyakan pasien juga
mengalami hipertensi. Pada gambar diatas juga dapat di lihat kista kecil.
Kidney diseases that involve structures in the kidney outside the glomerulus.
These diseases generally involve tubules and/or the interstitium of the kidney
and spare the glomeruli.
Tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN)--is a group of inflammatory diseases of the
kidney that primarily involve the interstitium and tubules.
Pyelonephritis ( pyelo means pelvis)-- tubulointerstitial nephritis with pelvis and
calyceal involvement.
Chronic - involvement of
pelvicalyceal system and parenchyma with
prominent scarring.
Aetiology of acute pyelonephritis
Acute pyelonephritis :
mainly caused by bacterial infectionUrinary tract infection
(Proteus,Klebsiella,Enterobacter, Pseudomonas,Stapylococcus albus).
Invasive procedure :
GENDER--Incidence higher in women due to short urethra ( Ratio 1: 20) AND due
to close proximity of urethra to anus.
Vesicourethral reflux
Ascending infection
Bacteria from the LUT KIDNEY
Urethral instrumentation (catheterization, cystoscopy ) act as a
predisposing factor.
Hematogenous spread
Less common
septicemia or infective endocarditis kidney
Outflow obstruction or bladder dysfunction
Causes incomplete emptying and increase residual volume
bacteria multiply without disturbance ascend upwards to infect
the kidney
Non obstructive
Incompetence of Vesicourethral orifice allows bacteria to
ascend the ureter into the pelvis of kidney (vesicourethral
Sign and symptoms
pyelonephritis - Very low power The cortical surface correlates with the
gross appearance, demonstrating elevations and depressions. The calyx
appears dilated and deformed, and there is too much fibrous tissue in the
Interstitial fibrosis
Dilated,cast filled tubules
Chronic inflammation.
Chronic inflammatory cells
1.Many dilated "colloid"-filled tubules are present. This phenomenon is known,
appropriately enough, as thyroidization of the kidney. 2.markedly thickened
arterial wall in the lower right of the image.
** A unique feature of allergic interstitial nephritis caused by NSAIDs is that patients may present
with nephrotic syndrome. In such patients, massive proteinuria with hypoalbuminemia and edema
are present in addition to the typical features of acute interstitial nephritis
Abnormality in the interstitium.
- pronounced edema
- infiltration of inflammatory cell.
Acute tubular necrosis
Symptoms :
headaches, nausea, vomiting, visual impairment
(scotomas = spots).
Malignant nephrosclerosis focal small
hemorrhages due to essential hypertension
(>300/150 mm Hg)
Physical examination :
Benign nephrosclerosis: signs of decreased kidney function and have
elevated protein levels in the urine.
Malignant nephrosclerosis: severe high blood pressure, kidney failure,
and visual disturbances.
i) pada saluran kemih: katub kongenital pada uretra posterior, batu dan tumor
pelvis renalis
ii) pada dinding saluran kemih: hipertrofi pada dinding setempat, sriktura ureter
iii) dari luar yang menekan saluran kemih: tumor sekitar saluran kemih,hiperplasia
prostate, ateri renalis menekan ureter
B) Kelainan neuromaskular
- misal nya akibat spina bifida, paraplegi, tabes
dorsalis, sklerosis multipel.
C) Kehamilan
- terutama jelas pada primipara, terjadi pelebaran
fisiologik pada ureter dan pelvis, tekanan mekanik
akibat uterus membesar.
D) Idiopatik
Tampak dilatasi pada susunan tubulus dengan sel epitel tubulus yang menjadi
Tingkat lebih lanjut tubulus dan glomerulus menjadi atrofi dan diganti dgn
jaringan ikat kemudian menghilang.
Flank pain
Abdominal mass
Nausea and vomiting
Urinary tract infection
Increased urinary frequency
Increased urinary
Gagal ginjal
Benign tumors
› Mesenchymal origin and most common are
fibro epithelial polyps and leiomyomas
more often on Left side
Primary malignant tumors
› TCC ( 6th – 7th decades of life, similar to those
in renal pelvis calyces, and bladder)
TCC of Ureter
Same system of
grading and staging.
Often bleed and see in
Urinary Bladder
Congenital anomalies
Diverticula= out pouchings
› Congenital
› Acquired - with Prostatic enlargement
› Complications = Infection, calculi, Rarely- carcinomas
Exstrophy= developmental failure in the anterior wall of the abdomen and
the bladder
Increased risk of adenocarcinoma of the colon and bladder adenocarcinoma
Persistent urachus = connects the bladder with the umbilicus
Increased risk of cancers resembling colonic adenocarcinomas
CYSTITIS = inflammation of urinary bladder
o Causes = Infections (MCC): E. coli, Proteus, TB, Candida, Chlamydia
uncommon - Schistosomiasis
› Radiation & chemotherapy
› Prolonged catheterization
o Morphologic Types:
› Acute or Chronic:
Cystitis Special Forms
1. Interstitial Cystitis (Hunner’s ulcer)
› Characterized by:
Painful chronic cystitis = dysuria
MC seen in women
Ulcers with inflammation & granulation tissue involving all layers
no bacterial infection
Mast cells are prominent
Unknown cause ( difficult to Rx)
2. Malacoplakia =Peculiar pattern of Cystitis
Characterized by = soft, yellow, slightly raised mucosal plaques
Pathogenesis= acquired defect in phagosome degradation
Histology = large, foamy macrophages , multinucleate giant cells and
interspersed lymphocytes
Michaelis - Gutmann bodies = Laminated mineralized concretions
Related to E.coli & Proteus infections
3. Squamous Metaplasia = response to injury
› Stone in the bladder causes irritation leading to squamous cell carcinoma
macrophages with
PAS positive cytoplasm
Michaelis-Gutmann bodies
Papillary Carcinoma- Bladder
Papillary carcinoma
of urinary bladder
grows outward rather
than in
Muscle layer is
Papillary projections
– very diagnostic
Gonococcal and nongonococcal urethritis
often accompanied by
› cystitis in women
› prostatitis in men
Nongonococcal = Chlamydia & Mycoplasma
25% to 60% of nongonococcal urethritis in men
20% in women
Reiter syndrome- triad of arthritis, conjunctivitis, and
Urethral caruncle = inflammatory lesion at external urethral
meatus in the female
› extremely friable = break and bleed
› cause ulceration of the surface and bleeding.
› Surgical excision - cure
Thank you