Coca-Cola: Coke Zero
Coca-Cola: Coke Zero
Coca-Cola: Coke Zero
Group no:3
Divya Yadav
Diksha Maheshwari
Divyendu Jha
Gaurav Sachdeva
Gaurav keswani
Dhruv kumar dehinwal
Swetha Thota
Hatim cyclewala
Coke Zero
• Coke Zero is the only zero-sugar product with tastes exactly like its
mother product, coca cola (or coke).
• Coke Zero unique selling point (USP) for the product is it has zero sugar
and calories
Product Characteristics:
• Introduced in 2005 by Coca-Cola Company in United States
• Have normal cola flavor replicating base product, Coca-Cola
• Color of Caramel E-150d
• Have various variants like
• Coca Cola Zero
• Coca Cola Jerry Zero
• Coca Cola Vanilla Zero
• Coca Cola Lime Zero
• Caffeine-free Coca-Cola Zero
Features Benefits
Introduced as Coke Zero, a diet cola Tastes like original coke while having no
having no calories in it calories or sugar
Uses Aspartame and Acesulfame Acts as a stress reliever while not
potassium, zero-calorie sugar substitute creating acid and thus avoiding
Thoroughly tested and confirmed as With the least amount of caffeine as
safe by the U.S. Food and Drug compared to competitors it helps to give
Administration (FDA) you a little boost of energy while
avoiding too much caffeine intake thus
avoiding risks associated with high
caffeine intake
Acts as a digestive drink while taking Least amount of caffeine (9.6mg per1
care of your health 100ml) among competitors
Suitable for individuals, willing to reduce Easy availability due to established
calorie-intake and branded beverage distribution and retailing channel
Target Market
YEARS: We provide
youngsters spend most
Coke Zero for the
of their money on
older section of the
food and beverages;
society where we use
they constitute a
ingredients which are
great proportion of
sugar free. Thus they
the market. As they
enjoy Coke Zero
love to try new things,
without making
this will attract them
themselves unhealthy
Through extensive advertising, we will be able to establish Coke Zero as a way of life
Coke Zero will represent vibrancy and seek to promote a new zest for life, a break from the
routine, excitement and exhilaration
Compared to other cold drinks, it is positioned at a low calorie, high caffeinated drink
Perceptual Mapping
Manufacturing Process at a Glance
• Coca-Cola has a Franchise Model wherein it only produces the syrup
concentrate and distributes it to bottlers in specific locations
Distribution Chanel of
Coca-Cola in Urban Areas
Direct Selling: In this Coca-Cola uses its own transport to transfer
their products to generally big supermarkets like Big Bazaar, Nilgiris
in tier 1 cities, it is notified by the supermarket to replenish the
Indirect Selling: This generally done for small shops in cities. Coca-
Cola has developed a complex web of wholesalers and retailers
acting as middle men.
Vending Machines
The stock is
With the increase transported from
in discretionary the bottling
Trucks carry
income of rural plants to hubs These spokes The large supply
loads to large
India, Coca-Cola and then from feed the retailers once a week to
distributors twice
developed a Hub the hubs, the catering to the small retailers
a week who pay
and Spoke stock is then demand in rural who make the
through demand
distribution transported to areas payment in cash
system for rural spokes which are
India situated in small
Evaluation of different Channel
The various
distribution • End customer needs
channels are • Chanel Economics
evaluated based • Emerging competitors
Pricing: Coca Cola
250 25 25
600 35 35
Pricing Techniques that could
be employed
Pricing: based on Discriminatory
different Pricing: Charging
packaging for different prices in
different bars, movie
segments such as theatres, airports
tetra packs, pet etc
bottles etc
Strength: Weakness:
• Proven advertising and • Focusing all research and
marketing capabilities development efforts entirely on
• Extensive and diversified product beverage section whereas it’s
portfolio major competitor, PepsiCo is
• Strong partnerships with bottling earning 42% from beverages
companies and other snacks.
• Leading player in the global • There has been negative
beverages industry publicity of Diet Coke due to
• Enjoys rand recognition and artificial flavour usage and
reputation health concerns
• Strong Distribution and Retailing
Opportunities: Threats:
• Increasing focus of working class • Concern for health from artificial
people on their health and sweeteners could be a major
dietary food and beverages concern
• Expansion of ready-to-drink • Increased awareness against
(RTD) coffee products markets carbonated drinks
• Increasing urban middle class • Water scarcity and its poor
and income levels of people quality could negatively impact
The Coca-Cola Company’s
production costs and capacity
• Increased competition and their
capabilities could hurt the
company’s business
Marketing Communication
• Advertising Campaign
• Television
• Print Media
• Billboards and Posters
• Social media
• Social Media such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube
• Sales Promotion
• Coca-Cola products and bonus coupons, which they can
use in their grocery
Analysis of Individual (Major) competitors
Name: Pepsi
1. Brand equity
2.Customer Loyalty
3.Supply Chain
Red Bull
Red Bull being on the top list they can easily charge a premium for their
products and customers will even buy it for their quality.
Major strengths
1.Powerful Branding
2.Marketing strategy
Economic :Recent global crisis had not hugely affected coca cola.
Rising cost of raw material is a huge challenge for coca cola