Types of Sexualidad

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Jesús Javier Bacca

Camila Andrea Movilla
Thelma Tatiana Ojeda
José Elías Rodríguez
Sexual Orientation/Sexuality

◦ Describes a person's enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to

another person. Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same.
◦ As a sexual orientation, heterosexuality is "an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or
sexual attractions" to persons of the opposite sex; it "also refers to a person's sense of identity
based on those attractions, related behaviors, and membership in a community of others who
share those attractions.
◦ As a sexual orientation, homosexuality is "an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual
attractions" to people of the same sex, in the women's the name is Lesbian and Gay for the Men's.
◦ Bisexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior toward both males and
females, or to more than one sex or gender.
◦ That’s men's or women's usually have a boyfriend o a girlfriend and a lover.
Transsexual people experience a gender identity that is inconsistent with, or not culturally
associated with, their assigned sex and desire to permanently transition to the gender with which
they identify, usually seeking medical assistance (including hormone replacement therapy and
other sex reassignment therapies) to help them align their body with their identified sex or gender.
◦ A person who has the capacity to form enduring physical, romantic, or emotional attractions to
any person, regardless of gender identity. Pansexual people need not have had specific sexual
experiences to be pansexual; in fact, they need not have had any sexual experience at all to
identify as pansexual.
◦ Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in
or desire for sexual activity and asexual is an adjective used to describe people who do not
experience sexual attraction.
◦ Describes a person who is not open about their sexual orientation or gender identity. It's better
to simply refer to someone as "not out" about being LGBTQ+. 
Gray asexuality
◦ Gray asexuality or gray-sexuality  is the spectrum between asexuality and sexuality. Individuals
who identify with gray asexuality are referred to as being gray-A, a grace or a gray ace, and
make up what is referred to as the "ace umbrella".
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