Tasks and Prospects of The Filipino Youth

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By Jose Maria Sison Founding Chairman, Kabataang Makabayan

Chairman, International Network for Philippine Studies Speech
Delivered at the Youth Study Conference
The Filipino youth have
always played a crucial role in
the Filipino people’s struggle
for national liberation and
democracy. They are in the
forefront, whenever the
national and social crisis
becomes intolerably acute
and the revolutionary mass
movement surges. “They are the spearhead and
cutting edge of the broad masses of
the people.”
The historical record shows that young men and women
in their late teens, twenties and thirties predominate in
the leadership and membership of the revolutionary army
and other patriotic forces against Spanish colonialism,
against US imperialism, against Japanese fascism and
against the US and puppet regimes in the Philippines
They are also predominant
among the marchers and
rallyists at the peaks of the
legal democratic mass
movement, such as the First
Quarter Storm of 1970, the
mass uprising that toppled
the Marcos fascist
dictatorship in 1986 and once
again in a similar uprising that
toppled the corrupt Estrada
regime in 2001.
The armed revolutionary
movement and the legal
democratic movement can
succeed only when they
attract the young men and
women in great numbers
along the national democratic
line and avail of their
resoluteness, their fearless
dedication, their militancy and
their irrepressible vigor.
Right now, a severe crisis of
the world capitalist system
confronts the Filipino youth.
The accelerated
overconcentration of capital in
the US under “free market”
globalization has resulted in
the current economic and
financial crisis.
This drives the foreign
monopoly capitalists to
intensify oppression and
exploitation of the people. The
US and other imperialist
powers devise all kinds of
measures to extract
superprofits, to grab the
natural and social wealth of
the Filipino people and to keep
the Philippines captive with
growing trade deficits and
mounting debt burden.
 US imperialism practices
grandscale terrorism
 wars of aggression, the use
weapons of mass
destruction for blackmail
 military blockades and
military intervention and
the repression of the
people in the US and
Unemployment is massive and the incomes of the toiling masses of
workers and peasants and the middle social strata are pressed
down. And yet the regime allows the rapid depreciation of the
peso, increases the tax burden, cuts back on government spending
for education, health and other social services and allows private
monopolies in water, electricity, transport and other public utilities
to charge exorbitant fees.
The Tasks of the Filipino Youth
To get your bearings, know what to
do and find your way from one
victory to another in this crisis-
ridden world and country, you must
first of all undertake political
education along the general line of
completing the Filipino people’s
struggle for national liberation and
democracy against US imperialism
and the local exploiting classes of
big compradors and landlords
 The minimum requirement
is that you understand the
national democratic
 The basic line that you must
grasp is the need of the
Filipino people and youth to
uphold and realize national
sovereignty and the
substance of democracy,
especially for the working
people--the peasants and
the workers.
You can always widen and deepen your political education

You must go beyond the textbook or study manual and try to read
and study reference materials on Philippine history and
circumstances done by patriotic and progressive authors

All of us must take seriously the social investigations we need to

conduct in order to know the needs and demands of people in our
line of work and thereby learn to organize the people.
Further on, you need to study and
learn how neocolonialism has co-
opted national independence and
how revisionism has betrayed
socialism to be able to combat both
evils. You cannot stand firm for the
national democratic and socialist
stages of the Philippine revolution if
you cannot criticize and repudiate
neocolonial cooptation and
revisionist betrayal.
Those who wish to attain the highest level of anti-imperialist
political education must undertake theoretical education in
dialectical materialism, historical materialism, political economy
of capitalism and socialism and revolutionary strategy and tactics
through a review of the revolutionary struggle of the world
There is no point at all in having
political education if you do not
organize among the masses of
Filipino youth. Having political
education is not a form of conceit for
merely proving yourselves above the
ordinary. It is the guide for arousing,
organizing and mobilizing the youth
in ever increasing numbers.
The bigger these
organizations are, so many
times bigger will be the
unorganized masses that they
would be able to draw for
mass campaigns and
mobilizations to protest
against bad policies and
practices and make demands
for the benefit of the youth
and the people.
It is not enough for youth
organizations to thrive and grow
bigger. You must link up with the
organizations of the workers,
peasants, fishermen, urban poor,
women, professionals and the
religious. The youth are an important
and effective factor in the struggle for
national liberation and democracy.
But they cannot win the struggle all
by themselves.
Prospects of the Filipino Youth
Together with the rest of the
people under the leadership of
the working class and with the
peasantry as the main force, the
Filipino youth can forge their
own future through the
revolutionary struggle for
national liberation and
democracy against US
imperialism and the local
exploiting classes of the big
comprador and landlords.
You must aim for the
completion of the new
democratic stage of the
Philippine revolution. You
must fight for the
establishment of a people’s
democratic government in
which power is held by the
workers and peasants.
You must participate in
nationalizing the economy and in
carrying out national
industrialization and genuine land
reform. You must contribute to the
development of a national,
scientific and mass culture.
Consistent with national
liberation, the Philippines must
have an independent,
development-oriented and peace-
loving foreign policy.
Upon the basic completion of this
stage through the seizure of
political power, you can start
socialist revolution and
construction. The people’s
democratic government of the
workers and peasants is the direct
replacement of the anti-national
and anti-democratic government
of the big compradors and
landlords servile to US
imperialism. It is the
gateway to socialism.
They participate in various
lines of work within the
people’s army, including
educational and cultural work,
production and military
training and combat, They
conduct social investigation
and mass work. They help to
build organs of political power
and mass organizations and
undertake land reform and
other mass campaigns.
They take part in the wave
upon wave advance of the
armed revolution. They are
currently building a new
democratic system in various
parts of the country.
The revolution does not take
solely the form of armed struggle
even as this is the principal and
decisive form of struggle for
smashing the political power of
the oppressors and establishing the
new democratic power of the
workers and peasants. The
interplay of the armed and legal
forms of struggle advances the
revolutionary cause in an all-round
The daily legal mass struggles on
basic long-running issues as well as
on the burning issues of the day
serve to educate and temper the
broad masses of the people. The
issues become clarified and the
demands are raised
In representation of the revolutionary
forces and the people, the National
Democratic Front of the Philippines is
engaged in peace negotiations with the
Government of the Republic of the
Philippines. This is a form of struggle
in which the revolutionary forces can
clarify the issues and proclaim the
demands of the people even if it does
not lead to any amount of basic reforms
or to a truce and alliance of the GRP
and NDFP against a common enemy.
Patriotic and progressive parties
vie for elective positions in the
reactionary government. But
they can manage to get only a
few seats because the cards are
stacked against them. The
reactionaries control the rules,
the coercive apparatuses, the
media, finance and other aspects
of the electoral process.
Violence comes not only from
the local reactionaries but also
from their US imperialist master,
which is now on a rampage. The
US is sabotaging the GRP-NDFP
peace negotiations and is
escalating its military
intervention under the pretext of
anti-terrorism. It intends to
superimpose a war of aggression
against the Filipino people on
the current civil war between the
revolutionary and
counterrevolutionary forces.
So long as US imperialism continues to dominate the world and the
Philippines, the Filipino youth and the rest of the people have no choice but
to prepare against the worst, like a US war of aggression. Only thus can we
hope for the best, which is winning the new democratic stage and proceeding
to the socialist stage of the Philippine revolution. So long as the imperialists
and the local reactionaries continue to exploit and oppress them, the people
have no choice but to persevere in revolutionary struggle for national
liberation, democracy and socialism

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