Large Head
Large Head
Large Head
Neurocutaneous syndromes:
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1).
Tuberous sclerosis (TS).
Klippel–Trenauney–Weber syndrome (K–T–W).
Sturge–Weber syndrome (S–W).
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS).
Leukodystrophies; for example, Alexander disease or Canavan disease (also
• Gross motor
• Fine motor
• Hearing
• Hepatosplenomegaly (MPS)
• The most important things to remember in this case are the following:
• Always measure the head yourself, until a constant result around the largest diameter is
obtained (usually three times is enough).
Always measure the parents’ heads (in a similar fashion).
Always request the progressive percentiles of the child (the parents’ percentile charts will
not be available).
Always examine the back, to avoid missing spinal dysraphism.
Always examine the lower limbs before the upper limbs, as the lower limbs are first
affected in hydrocephalus, because the tracts supplying them run closer to the ventricles.
Always examine the eye movements, in particular the upward gaze (for Parinaud
syndrome) and lateral rectus function (for raised intracranial pressure compressing the
sixth nerve).