Don Miller
WTA Consulting
Manager, Application Integration Practice
[email protected]
OMWB needs to be
installed into an
Oracle 9i home
Plug-in Installation
Repository Storage
Install the Plug-in
Microsoft Access Plug-in
Feature Support Access
Tables Y
Views N (Queries)
Indexes Y
Groups/Roles N/A
Users N
Constraints Y (validation rules)
Privileges N
User-defined Types N/A
Stored Procedures N/A
Triggers N/A
Embedded SQL N/A
Relations, Link tables,
Other features
application code reuse.
Repository Storage
Default Repository
– Oracle 9i Lite (ships with product)
Oracle 8i/9i Repository
– Connect to database on network using
JDBC driver
– Must have a user already created with
the CONNECT, RESOURCE roles granted
Login Repository Screen
Starting OMWB
Oracle Type
– Possible Oracle types created from the source
Oracle Length
– Digits or characters that are permitted for
alphanumeric types
Oracle Precision
– Digits that are permitted for numeric types
Oracle Scale
– Digits to the right of the decimal that are
Data Type Illustration
Oracle Model Illustration
Migrate to Oracle
Migration Connection
Must enter a
user with
DBA privs
Migrate Table Data
Schema Objects to Migrate
Access Forms and Reports