Diagnosis and Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Dyah Ayu Larasati, S.Ked

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dr. Hj. Ratni Rahim, Sp.PD

The most relevant contributing factor to GERD is the transient lower esophageal
sphincter relaxation. It may last from 5 to 35 s and is not related to swallowing; it
occurs when the gastric fundus is distended by food or gas.
In addition to transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation, other factors
participate in the physiology of GERD, such as lower esophageal sphincter
hypotonia, alteration in the gastroesophageal anti-reflux barrier as a result of slipping
hiatus hernia, inadequate esophageal peristalsis, lesion of the esophageal mucosa,
obesity, pregnancy and the use of estrogens.
The main resource in GERD diagnosis is the clinical history. The anamnesis must identify
the characteristic symptoms, their duration, intensity, frequency, triggering and relief
factors, evolution over time and the impact on the quality of life33. Typical symptoms
reported by most patients are heartburn and acid regurgitation. Heartburn is a retrosternal
burning sensation that irradiates from the manubrium of the sternum to the base of the neck
or throat. It generally occurs 30-60 min after eating, especially a large meal or a meal rich
in fat or acid foods. It may be relieved by taking antacid or even water32. Acid
regurgitation is the reflux of the acid content into the oral cavity.
If the patients present these symptoms at least twice a week in a period of four to eight
weeks or more, GERD diagnosis must be considered. However, one must bear in mind that
other diseases, such as peptic ulcer, gastritis and gastric cancer, have similar symptoms.
GERD may present other clinical manifestations as well. The most frequent atypical
manifestations are non-coronary, thorax pain, respiratory manifestations (cough and
bronchial asthma), otorhinolaryngologic disorders (dysphonia, throat clearing and
pharyngeal globus sensation), and oral disorders (dental erosion, aphtha and halitosis).

TABLE 1 - Typical and atypical GERD manifestations

Atypical manifestations

manifestations Pulmonary Orals


  Chronic cough    

Heartburn Hoarseness Dental erosion

Throat clearing
Acid Otitis Halitosis

Regurgitation Sinusitis Aphtha


Diagnosis methods
More frequently the patients had a mean age of 54 years, presented heartburn and
acid regurgitation and GERD test sensitivity of 67% and specificity of 77%33. Thus,
the GERD diagnosis confirmation required further exams.
1. High digestive endoscopy
TABLE 2 - Los Angeles endoscopic classification
A One or more erosions smaller than 5 mm

B One or more erosions greater than 5 mm in its greater extension, non-continual

between esophageal fold apices
C Contiguous (or convergent) erosions between at least
esophageal fold apices, commitment of less than 75% of the esophagus

D Erosion of at least 75% of the esophagus circumference

2. Radiological examination of the esophagus
This examination has low sensitivity and specificity in the diagnoses of GERD. It
must be ordered when the patient reports dysphagia and/or odynophagia, since it
allows the morphological evaluation of the esophagus and demonstrates the
occurrence of stenosis and conditions that favor gastroesophageal reflux, such as
slipping hiatus hernia and abnormal gastroesophageal angle.
3. Computerized esophageal manometry
4. Esophageal scintigraphy
5. Prolonged esophageal pH-metry
6. Wireless prolonged esophageal pH-metry (Bravo capsule)
7. Bernstein test
8. Esophageal impedanciometry
9. Therapeutic testing
1. Clinical treatment
2. Non-pharmacological treatment
3. Pharmacological treatment
 Various drugs may be used to treat GERD. Currently, PPI are the drugs of choice, inhibiting the
production of acid by the stomach parietal cells, thus reducing the aggression of the esophagus by
acid. Omeprazole is the most used PPI and is freely distributed by the Brazilian Health Ministry to
the low-income population. Full PPI doses for 4-8 weeks are the initial treatment of choice. If the
patient’s symptoms do not disappear, the dose must be doubled, one before breakfast and another
before dinner.
 Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and prokinetic drugs are considered second-line drugs. They act by
blocking histamine H2 receptors in parietal cells and reducing acid excretion. The most commonly
used are ranitidine, famotidine, cimetidine and nizatidine.
 Recent studies have demonstrated that new drugs can be used in GERD patients refractory to PPI
treatment. These drugs act by inhibiting transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation. A promising
drug for the treatment of non-acid or weakly acid reflux patients is gamma-aminobutyric acid type
4. Surgical treatment
 Surgical treatment is indicated for patients who require continued drug use, intolerant to prolonged
clinical treatment and with complicated forms of GERD. Herbella & Patti (2010)24 proposed that
the surgical treatment must also be indicated for women in the menopause and with osteoporosis,
given the possible interference of PPI in calcium absorption. The major difficulty in the clinical
treatment is not controlling the symptoms, but keeping the patients asymptomatic over time.
GERD is a major digestive health problem and affect 12% of Brazilian people.
The anamnesis is fundamental for the diagnosis of GERD, with special analysis of
the typical and atypical symptoms (duration, intensity, frequency, triggering and
relief factors, evolution and impact on the life quality). High digestive endoscopy
and esophageal pHmetry are the most sensitive diagnosctic methods. The clinical
treatment is useful in controlling the symptoms; however, the great problem is
keeping the patients asymptomatic over time. Surgical treatment is indicated for
patients who required continued drug use, intolerant to the drugs and with
complicated forms of GERD.

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