Ec19303-Signals and Sytems
Ec19303-Signals and Sytems
Ec19303-Signals and Sytems
When n=2,
When n= -2, When n= -1,
δ( -2 +2)=δ(0)=1 δ(-1+2)=δ(0)=1
== = = 0 (Because, n=-1 doesn’t
exist in the limits)
Operations of Signals
1. Time Reversal •y(t) = x(-t) / y[n]=x[-n]
2. Time Shifting •y(t) = x(t-td) / y[n]=x[n-no]
3. Amplitude Scaling •y(t) = Ax(t) / y[n]=Ax[n]
4. Addition •y(t) = x1(t) + x2(t) / y[n]= x1[t] + x2[t]
5. Multiplication •y(t) = x1(t)x2(t) / y[n]= x1[t] x2[t]
6. Time Scaling
•y(t) = x(at) / y[n]=x[an]
1. Time Reversal / Reflection/ Folding.
❒ Let x(t) denote a continuous-time signal and y(t) is the signal obtained by replacing time
t with –t;
yt x t
❒ y(t) is the signal represents a reflected version of x(t) about t = 0.
❒ Two special cases for continuous and discrete-time signal;
(i)Even signal; x(-t) = x(t) an even signal is same as reflected version.
(ii)Odd signal; x(-t) = -x(t) an odd signal is the negative of its reflected version.
• Rule
Set (t – td) = 0 (set the argument equal to zero)Then move the
origin of x(t) to td
If td=+ve, move to the right(delay)
If td=-ve, move to the left(advance)
• Time-shifting is an important operation that is used in many signal-processing applications. For example, a
time-delayed version of the signal is used when performing autocorrelation.
• The concept of time delay is artificial intelligence, such as in systems that use Time Delay Neural Networks.
Refer SS3,4,5,6
Steps to Remember
• If you have Time shifting and Reversal
(Reflection) together
• Do 1st Shifting
• Then Reflection
3. Amplitude Scaling
4. Addition of Signals
• Point-by-point addition of multiple signals
• Move from left to right (or vice versa), and add
the value of each signal together to achieve the
final signal
• y(t) = x1(t) + x2(t)
• Graphical solution
– Plot each individual portion of the signal (break into
– Add the signals point by point
4. Addition of Signals
ex. Sketch y(t) = u(t) – u(t – 2) Then, move from one side
to the other, and add their
First, plot each of the portions of this signal separately instantaneous values
1 2 t
1 2 t 1 2 t
-1 -1
x2(t) = -u(t - 2) x2(t) = -u(t - 2)
5. Multiplication of Signals
• Graphical solution
– Plot each individual portion of the signal
(break into parts)
– Multiply the signals point by point
ex. Sketch y(t) = u(t)·u(t – 2) Then, move from one side
to the other, and multiply
First, plot each of the portions of this signal separately instantaneous values
1 2 t