Fever of Unknown Origin (Fuo) : DR Budi Enoch SPPD
Fever of Unknown Origin (Fuo) : DR Budi Enoch SPPD
Fever of Unknown Origin (Fuo) : DR Budi Enoch SPPD
Dr Budi Enoch SpPD
Fever of unknown origin (FUO) was
defined by Petersdorf and Beeson in 1961
(1) temperatures of >38.3°C (>101°F)
on several occasions;
(2) a duration of fever of >3 weeks;
(3) failure to reach a diagnosis despite
1 week of inpatient investigation.
While this classification has stood for more
than 30 years, Durack and Street have
proposed a revised system for classification
of FUO that better accounts for nonendemic
and emerging diseases, improved diagnostic
technologies, and adverse reactions to new
therapeutic interventions.
This updated classification includes
◦ (1) classic FUO,
◦ (2) nosocomial FUO,
◦ (3) neutropenic FUO, and
◦ (4) FUO associated with HIV infection
Closely to the earlier definition of FUO,
differing only with regard to the prior
requirement for 1 week's study in the
The newer definition is broader,
stipulating three outpatient visits or 3
days in the hospital without
elucidation of a cause or 1 week of
"intelligent and invasive" ambulatory
Classic FUO
In nosocomial FUO, a temperature of
38.3°C (101°F) develops on several
occasions in a hospitalized patient who is
receiving acute care and in whom
infection was not manifest or incubating
on admission.
Three days of investigation, including at
least 2 days' incubation of cultures, is the
minimum requirement for this diagnosis.
nosocomial FUO
Neutropenic FUO is defined as a temperature of
38.3°C (101°F) on several occasions in a patient
whose neutrophil count is <500/L or is expected
to fall to that level in 1–2 days.
The diagnosis of neutropenic FUO is invoked if a
specific cause is not identified after 3 days of
investigation, including at least 2 days' incubation
of cultures. HIV-associated FUO is defined by a
temperature of 38.3°C (101°F) on several
occasions over a period of >4 weeks for
outpatients or >3 days
Neutropenic FUO
Coincident with the widespread use of antibiotics,
increasingly useful diagnostic technologies—both
noninvasive and invasive—have been developed.
Newer studies reflect not only changing patterns of
disease but also the impact of diagnostic techniques
that make it possible to eliminate many patients with
specific illness from the FUO category.
The ubiquitous use of potent broad-spectrum antibiotics
may have decreased the number of infections causing
The wide availability of ultrasonography, CT, MRI,
radionuclide scanning, and positron emission
tomography (PET) scanning has enhanced the detection
of localized infections and of occult neoplasms and
lymphomas in patients previously thought to have FUO