SECTION 18. Issuance of Certificates of Registration and Professional Identification Card

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Issuance of Certificates of Registration and

Professional Identification Card
A certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card
shall be issued to examinees who pass the licensure examination
subject to payment of fees prescribed by the Commission. The
Certificate of Registration shall bear the signature of the
chairperson of the Commission and the chairman and members
of the Board, stamped with the official seal of the Board and the
Commission, indicating that the person named therein is entitled
to the practice of the profession with all the privileges
appurtenant thereto. The said certificate shall remain in full force
and effect until withdrawn, suspended or revoked in accordance
with R.A. No. 9266.
A Professional Identification Card bearing the registration
number, date of issuance, expiry date, duly signed by the
chairperson of the Commission, shall likewise be issued
to every registrant who has paid the prescribed fee of
annual registration for three (3) years; Provided, That,
the reissuance or renewal of the said card shall be
subject to payment of the annual registration fees for
another and every after three (3) years.
SECTION 19. Roster of Architects

A roster showing the names and place of

business including other personal material
and relevant data of all registered
professional architects shall be prepared
and updated by the Board and copies
thereof shall be made available to any
party as may be deemed necessary.
SECTION 20. Seal, Issuance and Use of Seal

A duly licensed architect shall affix the seal prescribed by the

Board bearing the registrant’s name, registration number and
title “Architect” on all architectural plans, drawings,
specifications and all other contract documents prepared by or
under his/her direct supervision.

(1) Each registrant hereunder shall, upon registration, obtain a seal

of such design as the Board shall authorize and direct.
Architectural plans and specifications prepared by, or under the
direct supervision of a registered architect shall be stamped with
said seal during the life of the registrants certificate, and it shall
be unlawful for any one to stamp or seal any documents with
said seal after the certificate of the registrant named thereon has
expired or has been revoked, unless said certificate shall have
been renewed or re-issued.
(2) No officer or employee of this Republic, chartered cities,
provinces and municipalities, now or hereafter charged with the
enforcement of laws, ordinances or regulations relating to the
construction or alteration of buildings, shall accept or approve any
architectural plans or specifications which have not been
prepared and submitted in full accord with all the provisions of
R.A. No. 9266; nor shall any payments be approved by any such
officer for any work, the plans and specifications for which have
not been so prepared and signed and sealed by the author.
architectural plans, specifications and other documents issued
under his/her seal or authorized signature.
(3) It shall be unlawful for any architect to sign his/her name, affix
his/her seal or use any other method of signature on architectural
plans, specifications or other documents made under another
architect’s supervision, unless the same is made in such manner as
to clearly indicate the part or parts of such work actually
performed by the former, and it shall be unlawful for any person,
except the architect-of-record, to sign for any branch of work for
any function of architectural practice, not actually performed by
him/her. The architect-of-record, shall be fully responsible for all
architectural plans, specifications and other documents issued
under his/her seal or authorized signature.
(4) Drawings and specifications duly signed, stamped or
sealed, as instruments of service, are the intellectual
properties and documents of the architect, whether the
object for which they are made is executed or not. It shall
be unlawful for any person, without the consent of the
architect or author of said documents, to duplicate or to
make copies of said documents for use in the repetition
of and for other projects or buildings, whether executed
partly or in whole.
(5) All architectural plans, designs, specifications,
drawings and architectural documents relative to the
construction of a building shall bear the seal and
signature only of an architect registered and licensed
under R.A. No. 9266 together with his/her professional
identification card number and the date of its expiration.

The Board shall prescribe the design, size, and contents of

the dry seal to be used in signing and sealing of
architectural plans, drawings, specifications, contract
documents and architectural permit prepared by or under
his/her direct supervision.
SECTION 21. Indication of Certificate of
Registration/Professional Identification Card and
Professional Tax Receipt

The architect shall be required to indicate the number of

his/her Certificate of Registration and Professional
Identification Card (PIC) with its date of issuance and the
duration of validity, including the professional tax
receipt number which the City/Municipal Treasurer shall
issue to the registered architect upon presentation of
his/her current PIC, on the documents he/she signs, uses
or issues in connection with the practice of his/her
SECTION 22. Refusal to Issue Certificate of Registration
and Professional Identification Card
The Board shall not register and issue a Certificate of Registration and
Professional Identification Card to any person who has falsely sworn or
misrepresented himself/herself in his/her application for examination or
to any person convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of a
criminal offense involving moral turpitude or guilty of immoral and
dishonorable conduct or to any person of unsound mind. In the event of
refusal to issue certificate for any reason, the Board shall give the
applicant a written statement setting forth the reasons for such action,
which statement shall be incorporated in the record of the Board:
Provided, however, That registration shall not be refused and a name shall
not be removed from the roster of architects on conviction for a political
offense or for an offense which should not, in the opinion of the Board,
either from the nature of the offense or from the circumstances of the
case, disqualify a person from practicing under R.A. No. 9266.
SECTION 23. Suspension and Revocation of Certificates of
Registration, Professional Identification Card or the
Special/Temporary Permit

The Board shall have the power, upon notice and hearing, to
suspend or revoke the validity of a Certificate of
Registration/Professional Identification Card, or shall cancel a
special permit granted under R.A. No. 9266 to an architect, on any
ground mentioned under Section 22 hereof for the use of or
perpetuation of any fraud or deceit in obtaining a Certificate of
Registration and Professional Identification Card or
special/temporary permit; for gross negligence or incompetence;
for unprofessional or dishonorable conduct; or for any cause
specified hereunder; Provided, however, That such action of the
Board shall be subject to appeal to the Commission whose decision
shall be final if he/she:
(a) has signed and affixed or permitted to be signed or
affixed his name or seal on architectural plans and
designs, specifications, drawings, technical reports,
valuation, estimates, or other similar documents or work
not prepared by him/her or not executed under his/her
immediate supervision; or

(b) has paid money except the regular fees provided for to
secure a Certificate of Registration; or

(c) has falsely impersonated a practitioner, or former

practitioner of alike or different name or has practiced
under an assumed, fictitious or corporate name other
than that of the registered; or
(d) has aided or abetted in the practice of architecture any person
not duly authorized to practice architecture in the Philippines; or

(e) has openly solicited projects by actually undertaking

architectural services without a valid service agreement
guaranteeing compensation of services to be rendered
and/or has actually allowed himself/herself to be
exploited by undertaking architectural services without a
valid service agreement, both acts being prejudicial to
other architects registered and licensed under R.A. No.
9266 and inimical to the interests of the profession; or

(f) has violated any provision of R.A. No. 9266, its

implementing rules and regulations, the Code of Ethical
Conduct and Standards of Professional Practice.
The Board shall periodically examine the grounds for the revocation
of the Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card
and update these as necessary under the implementing rules and

Any person, firm or association, may prepare charges in accordance

with the provisions of this section against any registrant, or the
Board may motu proprio investigate and/or take cognizance of acts
and practices constituting sufficient cause for suspension or
revocation of the Certificate of Registration by proper resolution or
order. Such charges shall be in writing and shall be sworn to by the
person making them and shall be filed with the Secretary of the

The rules on administrative investigation issued by the Commission

shall govern the hearing or investigation of the case, subject to
applicable provisions of R.A. No. 9266, R.A. No. 8981, and the Rules
SECTION 24. Re-issuance or Replacement of Revoked or Lost
Certificates of Registration, Professional Identification Card or
Special and Temporary Permit

The Board may, after the expiration of two (2) years from the date
of revocation of a Certificate of Registration, Professional
Identification Card or special/temporary permit, and upon
application and for reasons deemed proper and sufficient,
reinstate the validity of a revoked Certificate of Registration and in
so doing may, in its discretion, exempt the applicant from taking
another examination.

The Board shall issue a Resolution, subject to approval by the

Commission, in granting a petition for reinstatement to the
practice of architecture.

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