Aral Sea Term Paper 10 Jan 2011 Final
Aral Sea Term Paper 10 Jan 2011 Final
Aral Sea Term Paper 10 Jan 2011 Final
Aral Sea
Disclaimer: Material given in this presentation is directly taken from
various websites / sources
Scheme of Presentation
Location and Size of Aral Sea
Aral Sea Basin
Desiccation Process
Causes of Desiccation
Effects of Aral Sea Disaster
Efforts / Planned Projects to Solve the Problem
Measures to Save Aral Sea (Way Forward)
Aral Sea
Lies between Kazakhstan (Aktobe and Kyzlorda provinces) in the North and
Krakalpakstan, in the South
Aral Sea
Aral Sea
Syr Darya
Amu Darya
Aral Sea translates into "Sea of Islands", referring to more than 1,500 islands
that once dotted its waters, Syr and Amu Darya are its sources of water
Aral Sea
In 1960 Aral Sea was one of the four largest lakes in the world with an area of
68,000 sq km, Average depth 16.1 M and Maximum depth 68 M
Aral Sea Basin
Basis for life in Aral Sea Basin area always was
agriculture and livestock farming
Dependence of region on water storage and land
resources exists from times immemorial
Ecosystem of the region is very vulnerable to manmade
impacts because of arid conditions
Extensive method of economic activity and significant
population upsurge prompted occurrence of numerous
regional environmental, social and economic problems,
including global scale catastrophe as Aral Sea tragedy
Aral Sea is recognized by world community to be one of
the greatest catastrophes of the 20th century
Causes of Aral Sea
Causes of Aral Sea Desiccation
From late 1950s to 1990 large-scale programmes on land
development were implemented in the Aral Sea Basin
By 1960 water diverted from rivers that feed the Aral Sea
irrigated 11 million acres, most of it former desert,
producing enough cotton to make the Soviet Union a net
exporter of “white gold”
Karakum Canal; 1400 km through desert (Turkmenistan)
From 1974 to 1986 almost no water reached the Aral Sea
from Syr Darya
While the sea had been receiving about 50 cubic km of
water per year in 1965, by the early 1980s this had fallen
to zero
Causes of Aral Sea Desiccation
For more than 30 years, about 90% water from the Amu
Darya and the Syr Darya diverted to irrigate millions of
acres of land for cotton and rice production
Now these rivers irrigate 20 million acres land
Excessive irrigation substantially decreased inflow to
Aral, and the Aral’s shoreline began to recede rapidly
Mismanagement / wastage of water
Seepage because of unlined water channels
Evaporation due to very high temperature
Aral Sea Desiccation
Aral Sea 1853
Formerly one of the four largest lakes in the world with an area of 68,000 sq km,
the Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since the 1960s after the rivers that fed
it were diverted by Soviet Union irrigation projects
By 2007, Aral Sea declined to 10%
of its original size, splitting into
four lakes – the North Aral Sea and
the eastern and western basins of
the once far larger South Aral Sea
and one smaller lake between North
and South Aral Sea
Aral Sea 1989
Vozrozdeniye Island
Aral Sea 2000
Water flow into the Aral Sea decreased and water-level lowered more than 21 m
Aral Sea 2003
Aral Sea 2004
Aral Sea 2005
Aral Sea 2006
Aral Sea 2007
Aral Sea 2008
Aral Sea 2009
By 2009, the south-eastern lake had disappeared and the south-western lake
retreated to a thin strip at the extreme west of the former southern sea
Aral Sea 2010
Effects on Land
Effects on Health
Effects on Fishing Industry
Hydrological Effects
Effects on Climate
Effects on Ecology
Effects on Land
Over-irrigation and use of chemical fertilizers / pesticides
caused toxic salt buildup in many agricultural areas
As the water retreated, salty sea bed soil was exposed
More than 4 million hectares of lands turned into desert
Deltas of Amu Darya and Syr Darya are worst hit regions
Aridity of climate, natural supplies of salts in deposits of
alluvial plains, land erosion, salt-dust transfer from drying
bottom of the Aral Sea accentuated the problem
Loss of vegetation
Effects on Land
Contamination of water and soil with industrial and
household wastes, pesticides etc
Major part of the region has changed as a consequence
of manmade activity (deforestation, water deficit,
irrigation, steppes ploughing)
Decrease of number of flora and fauna species
Collapse of Tugai Forests in Aral near-shore zones
Dust storms have blown up to 75,000 tons of exposed
soil annually, dispersing its salt particles and pesticide
Effects on Population Health
Population health was changed for the worse because of
environmental problems including water contamination
and air pollution, lack of potable water, poor sanitation
More than 5 million people living in Amu Darya and Syr
Darya deltas affected directly
Airborne salt and dust is linked to a rising incidence of
respiratory illnesses and may be a cause of throat and
esophageal cancer
Cancers have increased by 30 times; arthritis by 60
times; chronic bronchitis by 30 times
Effects on Population Health
Poor quality drinking water, frequently obtained from
rivers and irrigation canals, has a high salt content and
contains pesticides, defoliants, and fertilizers
Drinking water contaminated with viral and bacterial
pathogens is responsible for high rates of typhoid,
paratyphoid, viral hepatitis, and dysentery
Maternal and infant mortality rate in epicentre of the
disaster zone is one of the highest in CARs
Decrease of life expectancy, high rate of tuberculosis,
anemia, cancer, asthma, dysfunction of thyroid gland etc
Vozrozhdeniye Island
In 1952, the former Soviet Defence Force started to
conduct experiments with biological agents and
aerosols for a range of military purposes
Due to its remoteness, Vozrozhdeniye Island in the Aral
Sea was selected for open-air testing.
World's largest biological-warfare testing ground
Experiments conducted on horses, donkeys, sheep,
monkeys and on laboratory animals, such as white
mice, guinea pigs and hamsters
Vozrozhdeniye Island
Vozrozhdeniye Island
Lab Complex Vozrozhdeniye Island
Vozrozhdeniye Island
Sparsely populated deserts and semi-deserts
surrounding the Aral Sea, the island’s climatic
conditions and the isolation from the neighbouring
mainland reduced propagation and transmission risks
Agents tested at the Island included anthrax, tularemia,
brucellosis, plague, typhus, Q fever, smallpox,
botulinum toxin
Vozrozhdeniye Island
In 1992, the Russian Government declared the closure of
Structures were dismantled, and the island was
decontaminated and transferred to Kazakh control
In August 1995, specialists of the US Department of
Defense confirmed this after site visits
Because of the tests, environmental specialists have for
many years been concerned about the contamination of
the island by pathogenic micro-organisms, some of them
resistant to standard antibiotics
Anthrax spores can survive in soil for decades, creating a
lasting source of contamination
Vozrozhdeniye Island
Desiccation of Aral Sea resulted in the increase of
Vozrozhdeniye Island’s surface
Its initial surface of 200 km sq expanded to 2000 km sq
in 1990
Vozrozhdeniye Island connected to the mainland which
undermine safety aspects
Contamination poses continuous and increasing threat
to the environment and the health of the population
around the Aral Sea
Vozrozhdeniye Island
In 2001, the Kazakh government announced with great
fanfare that the Aral Sea region contains major oil
Effects on Fishing Industry
Increasing salinity became intolerable for various kinds of
fish beginning in the 1970s, and some species unique to
the Aral Sea are now extinct
As the Aral shrank, its salinity increased, and by 1977 the
formerly large fish catch had declined by over 75%
By the early 1980s, commercially useful fish had been
eliminated, shutting down an industry that had employed
Region's once prosperous fishing industry has been
virtually destroyed, bringing unemployment and
economic hardship
Ships lie abandoned on salt-encrusted sea beds, and
fishing villages are now up to 50 km from water
Abandoned Aral Fish Harbour
Abandoned Ships / Fishing Trawlers
Abandoned Ships / Fishing Trawlers
Effects on Climate
Local climate has shifted