Globalization Final

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The objectives

After attending lecture the

participants will:

1)Define globalization.

2) Explain importance of
3) Compare between types of

4) Compare between dimensions

of globalization.

5) Detect advantages &

disadvantages of globalization.

6) Identify relation between

globalization & health.
The outlines
1- Introduction.

2- Definition of globalization.

3- History of globalization.

4- The importance of globalization.

5- Types of globalization.

6- Dimensions of globalization.

7- Advantage & disadvantage of


8- Relation between
globalization & health.

The Information Revolution, and

the Information Age‫ عصر ا لمعلومات‬that it
engenders, is being defined by
an on-going process of economic,
social and political globalization.
While the term globalization has
become quite widespread, even
in the popular media, there are
confused and often conflicting
definitions and conceptions of
the phenomenon.
In order for this concept to
maintain any analytical
usefulness, it must be unpacked,
carefully defined and examined for
its impact on society, the
economy, and the world system.
?What is Globalization
Process by which the people of
the world are unified into a
single society.
Integration of national economies
into the international economy
through trade, foreign direct
investment, capital flows,
migration, and spread of
Definition of
Globalization is the system of
interaction among the countries of
the world in order to develop the
global economy. Globalization
refers to the integration of
economics and societies all over
the world.
Globalization involves
technological, economic, political,
and cultural exchanges made
possible largely by advances in
communication, transportation, and

There are two types of integration

—negative and positive. Negative
integration is the breaking down
of trade barriers or protective
barriers such as tariffs and

You must remember that the

removal of barriers can be
beneficial for a country if it
allows for products that are
important or essential to the
For example, by eliminating
barriers, the costs of imported
raw materials will go down and
the supply will increase, making
it cheaper to produce the final
products for export (like
electronics, car parts, and
Positive integration on the other
hand aims at standardizing
international economic laws
and policies. For example, a
country which has its own
policies on taxation trades with
a country with its own set of
policies on tariffs.
Likewise, these countries have
their own policies on tariffs.
With positive integration (and
the continuing growth of the
influence of globalization),
these countries will work on
having similar or identical
policies on tariffs.
History of globalization
The word "globalization" has
been used by economists since

The first era of globalization (in

the fullest sense) during the 19th
century was the rapid growth of
international trade between the
European imperial powers, the
European colonies, and the
.United States

After World War II, globalization

was restarted and was driven by
major advances in technology,
which led to lower trading
The importance of
1-Proper use of resources:

Globalization leads to expansion

of markets and this enable
organization to make proper use
of available resources.
2- Multiple choices:

No country is self sufficient

and every country depends
upon other country.
Globalization has solved this
problem and people can have
better choice to satisfy their
3- Foreign Exchange:

Globalization encourage
exports and discourage
imports. This help to earn
.foreign exchange
4- Creates Employment:

Globalization helps to provide

employment to a large number of
people. Multinational companies
such as Business Process
Outsource popularly known as
Call centre employs and appoint
a large number of personnel with
high pay scale and other benefits.
5- Government incentives:

Government also provides

various incentives in taxes,
custom duties, pre-shipment
finance, post shipment finance
and many more. This is done to
encourage globalization.
:Technology -6

Technology is the latest and

fruitful outcome of globalization.
It is the best even gift.
Technologies not only increase
efficiency but the organization
and everyone having a little
knowledge can update and can
.stand by world

Globalization not only enables

competition but also very
much helpful for profit
8- Benefit to the consumers:

Globalization encourages
free and fair competition at
world level. Due to this,
organizations try to supply
quality goods and that also
at a reduced price. This
benefits consumers.
Types of globalization

Ecology Social
Natural Environment

The Firm

Types of globalization
1) Economic Globalization:

A worldwide economic system

that permits easy movement of
goods, production, capital, and
resources (free trade facilitates
Example: Multinational
corporations , free trade
Economic globalization
The shift toward“
a more integrated
”.world economy Production
2) Technological Globalization:
Connection between nations
through technology such as
television, radio, telephones,
.internet, etc
Was traditionally available only
In most advanced countries but
is now far more available to all
.personnel around the world
3) Political Globalization:

Countries are attempting to

adopt similar political policies
and styles of government in
order to facilitate other
forms of globalization
e.g. move to secular
governments, free trade
agreements, etc
4) Cultural Globalization:

Merging of the world’s cultures

e.g. food, entertainment,
language, etc.
heavily criticized as
destructive of local culture
5) Ecological Globalization:

Seeing the Earth as a single

ecosystem rather than a
collection of separate ecological
systems because so many
.problems are global in nature
E.g. International treaties to
deal with environmental
issues like climate change
or the ozone layer, wildlife
reserves that span several
6) Sociological Globalization:

A growing belief that we are all

global citizens and should all be
held to the same standards – and
.have the same rights
E.g. the growing international ideas
that capital punishment ‫ عقوبه ا العدام‬is
immoral and that women should
.have all the same rights as men
.Dimensions of globalization

1. Economic Dimensions:


• Enormous growth in trade or

direct investments.
• Globalization of the financial
•Location competition of states
and regions.

•International trade and business.

•New labor markets.

•New development cooperation.

2. Environment as a dimension:

Global problems such as:

•The warming of the earth's

•The ozone hole.
3. The Social Dimension:

•Refers to the impact of

globalization on the life and work
of people, on their families, and
their societies.
•The world is turning into a
“global village”, such as:
•New communication societies
(chat, e-mail).
4. The Cultural Dimension:

Emergence of a “global culture”?

Positive: whole world shares same

ideas and values?
World Cup, Olympic Games
Negative: local cultures destroyed?
Americanization of the world

Domination of American
McDonalds, Nike, Coca-Cola
Global cultural homogenization
-Same consumer goods
-Same ways of thinking
Dominance of American
mass media

Clash of Civilizations
- European-Christian,
Russian-Christian, Arabic-
Muslim, Chinese, etc.
- All in conflict:
symbolically & materially
5. The political dimension:
•Multinational Organizations.
•International Law and
• Rule of Law.
•Human rights.
•International terrorism.
•War and new security
Advantage of globalization

1) Increased free trade between


2) Increased liquidity of capital

allowing investors in developed
nations to invest in developing
3) Corporations have
greater flexibility to operate across

4) Global mass media ties the
world together.
5) Increased flow of
communications allows vital
information to be shared
between individuals and
corporations around the world.
6) Greater ease and speed of
transportation for goods and

7) Reduction of cultural barriers

increases the global village

8) Spread of democratic ideals to

developed nations.
9) Reduction of likelihood of
war between developed

10) Increases in environmental

protection in developed

11) Rise telecommunication.

Disadvantages of globalization

1- Increased likelihood of
economic disruptions
in one
nation effecting
all nations (Americanization).

2- Threat that control of world

media by a handful of
corporations will limit cultural
3- Greater chance of reactions
for globalization being violent
in an attempt to preserve
cultural heritage.

4- Greater risk of diseases being

transported unintentionally
between nations.
5- International bodies like the
World Trade Organization
infringe on national
individual sovereignty.

6. Increase in the chances of

civil war within developing
countries and open war
between developing countries
as they vie for resources.
Globalization & health

•Examples of the globalization

of health include:

The increasing mobility of

health professionals across
borders; for example, the
recruitment of nurses in
other countries.
The increasing mobility of health
consumers (people); for example,
patients travelling abroad to
access medical care 'medical
tourism’ e.g. travelling of Arabs in
middle east to access medical care
in Egypt as the most advanced
medical services in the middle east.
The increase in private
companies, including foreign
companies, which provide
health services and health
insurance programs.
The use of new technologies,
such as the Internet, to
provide health services across
borders as video conference
to disscuss a medical case.
•Globalization can be managed to
benefit health:

Globalization of viruses threatens health

Globalization of sound public health practices,
scientific medicine, and improved life styles
enhances health
Increased inter-country
cooperation and strengthening
of international health
regulations for effective in-
country surveillance,
complemented by global
measures, is essential in order
to arrest the spread of
communicable disease.
Key examples of small,
successful international
and national level-actions
include the reduction of
antiretroviral drug prices,
and the Framework
Convention on Tobacco
•Globalization in relation to nursing:
Nursing's fundamental
responsibilities to promote
health, prevent diseases,
alleviated suffering call for the
expression of caring for humanity
and environment that runs across
cultures, countries, and
traditions to care of the sick and
needy anywhere and anyhow.
Nurses should be aware of
the concepts of
globalization and its
influences on health
because the increased
interconnectedness of the
world means that health
problems have become
.cont •Implication on nursing:
Nurses in practice should be
ready to provide care to ever
increasing numbers of patients
with communicable and non-
communicable diseases and of
varied diversities.
The nurse has to become
advocate of the patients and
their rights.
Nursing administration:

The nurses as administrators

need to develop effective policy,
actions, and infrastructure to
address the determinants of
The policies, rules, and norms
need to be build with regulation
and legislation to ensure a high
level of protection from harm
and enable equal opportunities
for health and well-being of all.
Nursing research:

Evidence has to be provided for

nursing practice in relation to
the treatment of the new
diseases that are coming up
and prevention of diseases.
The research findings have to
be disseminated internationally
so that best practice is adopted
Nursing education:

A workforce for nursing practice

has to be made with equipping the
students with enough knowledge
and practice skills. The global
standards for nursing education are
being emphasized.

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