This document provides guidance for analyzing and comparing two poems, "My Last Duchess" and "Kamikaze", in three sentences:
1) Students are instructed to explore and compare key contextual factors that influenced each poem, and link at least one factor to another author. 2) They should read each poem and annotate important language features. 3) Finally, students will write a paragraph comparing how memory and identity are portrayed in the two poems.
This document provides guidance for analyzing and comparing two poems, "My Last Duchess" and "Kamikaze", in three sentences:
1) Students are instructed to explore and compare key contextual factors that influenced each poem, and link at least one factor to another author. 2) They should read each poem and annotate important language features. 3) Finally, students will write a paragraph comparing how memory and identity are portrayed in the two poems.
This document provides guidance for analyzing and comparing two poems, "My Last Duchess" and "Kamikaze", in three sentences:
1) Students are instructed to explore and compare key contextual factors that influenced each poem, and link at least one factor to another author. 2) They should read each poem and annotate important language features. 3) Finally, students will write a paragraph comparing how memory and identity are portrayed in the two poems.
This document provides guidance for analyzing and comparing two poems, "My Last Duchess" and "Kamikaze", in three sentences:
1) Students are instructed to explore and compare key contextual factors that influenced each poem, and link at least one factor to another author. 2) They should read each poem and annotate important language features. 3) Finally, students will write a paragraph comparing how memory and identity are portrayed in the two poems.
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1) Explore Through the Door Task:
Power and Conflict 2) Identify
Read the following poems, and think how the theme of memory and identity are 3) Compare explored in them: • My Last Duchess • Kamikaze
1) Understand the contextual
Memory 1) Explore and compare key factors that affected both & Identity In contextual factors in both poems Remains poems (AO3) 2) Identify both language Kamikaze and 2) Read through each poem features and their effects and annotate key language 3) Produce a comparison My Last Duchess features (AO2) between My Last Duchess 3) Write a paragraph and Kamikaze comparing identity and/or memory in both poems 1) Explore Through the Door Thinking: Power and Conflict 2) Identify Watch the clip below – if you could do the same thing, would you? Without your 3) Compare memory, could you have your identity?
1) Understand the contextual
Memory 1) Explore and compare key factors that affected both & Identity In contextual factors in both poems Remains poems (AO3) 2) Identify both language Kamikaze and 2) Read through each poem features and their effects and annotate key language 3) Produce a comparison My Last Duchess features (AO2) between My Last Duchess 3) Write a paragraph and Kamikaze comparing identity and/or memory in both poems AO3 – Exploring Context Born in England, but lived in Italy Choose the three most Clinician and ‘I spend a lot of time researcher for for many years important factors for each listening to other NHS… and a Fascinated by the Renaissance poem people’s world.’ poet! Choose the three most Kamikaze means ‘divine The mention of important factors for each ‘Ferrara’ immediately wind’ – effectively contextualizes the poem and link at least one suicide bombers poem in each poem to another author Pertinent in today’s world of terrorism – this The speaker is Choose the three most poem focusses on the of the Este important contextual people they leave family – very factors, linking each one behind His Duchess is Lucrezia had a Lucrezia Medici – old and very to another author Structure of poem (a poem in one sizeable dowry but the Medicis were riche (including at least one to voice, with an ending in someone was abandoned for 2 noveau riche and the another author we’re else’s words’ used in A Private Life and years and then died – she was not studying today). A Kosovan Ghost Story possibly of poisoning educated Quickfire Quiz: Which of the following 1) Explore Power and Conflict 2) Identify are true? 1. 100 Kamikaze pilots died 3) Compare 2. 19% were effective against their targets 3. They killed 4,900 people 4. They were started in 1941 5. 40% of the ships they hit sunk 6. They link to the Bushido code, the same code the Samurai used
1) Understand the contextual
Memory 1) Explore and compare key factors that affected both & Identity In contextual factors in both poems Remains poems (AO3) 2) Identify both language Kamikaze and 2) Read through each poem and features and their effects annotate key language 3) Produce a comparison My Last Duchess features (AO2) between My Last Duchess 3) Write a paragraph comparing and Kamikaze identity and/or memory in both poems Quickfire Quiz: Which of the following 1) Explore Power and Conflict 2) Identify are true? 1. 3,800 Kamikaze pilots died 3) Compare 2. 19% were effective against their targets 3. They killed 4,900 people 4. They were started in 1944 5. 8.5% of the ships they hit sunk 6. They link to the Bushido code, the same code the Samurai used
1) Understand the contextual
Memory 1) Explore and compare key factors that affected both & Identity In contextual factors in both poems Remains poems (AO3) 2) Identify both language Kamikaze and 2) Read through each poem features and their effects and annotate key language 3) Produce a comparison My Last Duchess features (AO2) between My Last Duchess 3) Write a paragraph comparing and Kamikaze identity and/or memory in both poems WHAT DOES THIS PHRASE WHAT TWO DIFFERENT THINGS SUGGEST ABOUT THE SPEAKER’S COULD THIS SIGNAL (HINT: IS IT ATTITUDE TO HIS WIFE? CONVERSATIONAL OR NOT)? That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive, now: Fra Pandolf’s hands Worked busily a day, and there she stands. Will’t please you sit and look at her? I said IS THE SPEAKER BEING POLITE HERE? WHAT TOW PIECES OF EVIDENCE SUGGEST HE ISN’T? WHAT DO THESE WORDS SUGGEST ABOUT HIS ATTITUDE IN WHAT WAY DOES THIS COME TO HIS DEAD WIFE? ACROSS AS SINISTER?
That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall,
Looking as if she were alive. I call That piece a wonder, now: Fra Pandaolf’s hands Worked busily a day, and there she stands. Will’t please you sit and look at her? I said IS THE SPEAKER ACTUALLY BEING POLITE HERE? HOW DOES THE WHAT FOLLOWS IMPLY THAT HE ISN’T? ‘Fra Padolf’ by design, for never read Strangers like you that pictured counternance, The depth and passion of its earnest glance, But to myself they turned (since none puts by The curtain I have drawn for you, but I) • WHAT IS THE SPEAKER SAYING IN THIS PHRASE? • HOW DOES THIS CONTRAST TO THEIR RELATIONSHIP IN LIFE? • WHAT DEVICE IS BEING USED HERE? T H I S WO R D S M EA N S ‘ DA R E ’ – W H AT D O E S A Q U EST I O N I S I M P L I E D B U T WE DO N’ T T H I S I M P LY A B O U T P EO P L E ’ S AT T I T U D ES H E R E I T – W H AT D O ES T H I S S U G G EST TO T H E S P EA K E R ? D O YO U T H I N K H E L I K E S A B O U T T H E S P EA K E R ’ S RO L E I N T H E IT? CO N V ERSAT I O N ?
And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst,
How such a glance came there; so, not the first Are you to turn and ask thus. Sir, ‘twas not Her husband’s presence only, called that spot of joy into the Duchess’ cheek: perhaps WHAT DEVICE IS USED HERE? WHAT COULD IT IMPLY ABOUT THE SPEAKER’S EMOTIONS? WHY IS THIS SECTION OF THE POEM UNIQUE COMPARED TO THE REST OF THE POEM? Fra Pandolf chanced to say: ‘Her mantle laps over my lady’s wrist too much,’ or ‘Paint must never hope to reproduce that faint Half-flush that dies along her throat’: such stuff Was courtesy, she thought, and cause enough For calling up that spot of joy, She had a heart WHAT IS SUGGESTED BY THIS IMAGERY? WHY MIGHT IT BE OUT THIS PHRASE HAS NOW BEEN OF PLACE? REPEATED – WHAT EMOTION COULD THAT IMPLY? WHAT DOES THIS PHRASE IMPLY ABOUT THE SPEAKER? HOW IS THIS NEW IN THE POEM?
A heart – how shall I say? – too soon made glad,
Too easily impressed; she liked whate’er She looked on, and her looks went everywhere. Sir, ‘twas all one! My favour at her breast, The dropping of the daylight in the West, WHAT IS THIS EXCLAMATION SHOWING THE SPEAKER IS ANGRY THAT SHE ABOUT THE SPEAKER? WHAT IS HE VIEWED A SUNSET WITH THE SAME JOY TRYING TO DO TO THE LISTENER? AS HIS GIFT – IS THIS RATIONAL? WHY? WHAT HAPPENS TO THE STRUCTURE IN THESE SENTENCES? WHAT EMOTION COULD THIS IMPLY? GLOSSARY BOUGH – BRANCH The bough of cherries some officious fool OFFICIOUS - Broke in the orchard for her, the white mule INTERFERING
She rode with round the terrace – all and each
My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name CONNOTATIONS
With anybody’s gift. Who’d stoop to blame OF THE VERB ‘ TO
This sort of trifling? Even had you skill STOOP ’?
In speech – (which I have not) – to make your will
Quite clear to such an one, and say, ‘Just this DOES THE SPEAKER ACTUALLY MEAN THIS? WHAT IS BEING IMPLIED ABOUT HIM? HOW DOES THIS WORD CONTRADICT Or that in you disgusts me; here you miss THE CASUAL TONE?
Or there exceed the mark’ – and if she let WHAT KIND OF
ATTITUDE IS Herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set BEING EXPRESSED HERE? Her wit to yours, forsooth, and made excuse, - E’en then there would be some stopping; and I choose Never to stoop. Oh, sir, she smiled no doubt, WHAT IS THE SPEAKER REFUSING TO DO IN THE RELATIONSHIP? IS THIS FAIR? WHAT DOES THIS RHETORICAL QUESTION IMPLY?
Whene’er I passed here; but who passed without
Much the same smile? This grew; I gave commands; Then all smiles stopped together. There she stands As if alive. Will’t please you to rise? We’ll meet The company below, then. I repeat WHAT ARE THE TWO MEANINGS TO THIS W H AT D O E S T H E S T R U C T U R E O F T H I S S E N T E N C E SENTENCE? WHY IS HE S U G G E S T A B O U T H I S AT T I T U D E TO H E R D E AT H ? TRYING TO BE COY? HOW IS THE SPEAKER VIEWING HIS NEXT MARRIAGE? GLOSSARY
The Count your master’s known munificence MUNIFICENCE
Is ample warrant that no pretence AVOWED – SAID
Of mine for dowry will be disallowed; WHY IS HE Though his fair daughter’s self, as I avowed D RLAW I N G T HE I ST ENE RS At starting, is my object. Nay, we’ll go AT T E NT I O N TO A VALUAB L E P I ECE O F Together down, sir. Notice Neptune though, TARYRTI N? GWTOH AT I S H E P ROV E? Taming a sea-horse, thought a rarity, Which Claus of Innusbruck cast in bronze for me! WHAT DOES THE FINAL SECTION REVEAL ABOUT THE REASON FOR THIS CONVERSATION? WHAT IS THE SPEAKER TRYING TO DO? AO2 Learning Review 1) Explore Power and Conflict 2) Identify Where are you with the skill of 3) Compare identification?
Do you think you ready to move up a
level? Or maybe move down to ensure you can keep up?
1) Understand the contextual
Memory 1) Explore and compare key factors that affected both & Identity In contextual factors in both poems Remains poems (AO3) 2) Identify both language Kamikaze and 2) Read through each poem features and their effects and annotate key language 3) Produce a comparison My Last Duchess features (AO2) between My Last Duchess 3) Write a paragraph comparing and Kamikaze identity and/or memory in both poems Her father embarked at sunrise W H AT LI N KS T HES E T HI N G S ? W H AT DO ES I T S U G G ES T with a flask of water, a samurai swordAB O UT AATK ATMI TIUKDEA Z?E P I LOT ’ S in the cockpit, a shaven head full of powerful incantationsD O ES T H I S S U G G EST T H AT H E I S I N F U LL and enough for a one-way CO NT RO L O F H I S AC T I O N S ? W H AT M I G H T journey into history. T H E ‘ I N C A NTAT I O N S’ B E A M E TA P H O R FO R ?
THIS IS BEING SAID IN? WHY ARE THE SAYING IT LIKE THAT? but half way there, she thought, THIS SHOWS THE PILOT HAS NO VOICE IN THE POEM – recounting it later to her children, WOULD HE HAVE HAD A he must have looked far down VOICE IN THE WAR?
at the little fishing boats HOW IS IRONY BEING
strung out like bunting USED HERE? (HINT: WHEN IS BUNTING USED ?) on a green-blue translucent sea. WHAT ARE THE CONNOTATIONS OF THIS IMAGERY? and beneath them, arching in swathes WHAT DOES THIS SIMILE SUGGEST ABOUT HUIS like a huge flag waved first one way WAY OF VIEWING THE then the other in a figure of eight, WORLD?
the dark shoals of the fishes WHAT SOUND IS BEING
flashing silver as their bellies ACCOMPLISHED WITH THIS SIBILANCE? swilled towards the sun WHAT DOES THIS SUGGEST ABOUT THE FISH? HOW DOES THIS CONTRAST TO THE PILOT? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO and remembered how he and THE FOCUS OF THE POEM? his brothers waiting on the shore built cairns of pearl-grey pebbles to see whose withstood longest C AI R N S AR E O F T E N B UR I A L the turbulent inrush of breakers M O U N DS – HOW DO ES T HI S R E LAT E TO W H AT T H EY AR E bringing their father’s boat safe M AD E O F ?
OF T HE SENTENC E HERE? WHAT DOES T HAT IMPLY ABOU T TH E PILOT ? THIS WORD HAS NOW BEEN - yes, grandfather’s boat – safe REPEATED – HOW MIGHT to the shore, salt-sodden, awash HIS FOCU S HAVE SHIFTED?
with cloud-marked mackerel,
black crabs, feathery prawns, the loose silver of whitebait and once a tuna, the dark prince, muscular, dangerous. WHAT IS THE WHAT DOES THE FIRST END CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF STOP OF THE POEM IMPLY HAS THIS LIST? HAPPENED? AGAIN, HOW HAS THE And though he never came back FOCUS OF THE POEM my mother never spoke again SHIFTED?
in his presence, nor did she meet his eyes
and the neighbours too, they treated him as though he no longer existed, only we children still chattered and laughed WHAT IS THE IRONY HOW HAS THE LEVEL OF ABOUT THE EFFECT OF DESCRIPTION CHANGED HERE? HIS DECISION? WHAT COULD THIS IMPLY? till gradually we too learned to be silent, to live as though WAS HE CHANGED BY THE OSTRACISION OF he had never returned, that this SOCIETY, OR WERE THEY was no longer the father we loved. TRAINED TO HATE HIM?
And sometimes, she said, he must have wondered
which had been the better way to die. WHAT DOES THIS FINAL SHORT SENTENCE IMPLY? 1) Explore AO2 Learning Review Power and Conflict 2) Identify Locate the same 3) Compare language device in both poems – be prepared to explain the individual effect of each.
1) Understand the contextual
Memory 1) Explore and compare key factors that affected both & Identity In contextual factors in both poems poems Remains (AO3) 2) Identify both language Kamikaze and 2) Read through each poem and features and their effects annotate key language features 3) Produce a comparison My Last Duchess (AO2) between My Last Duchess 3) Write a paragraph comparing and Kamikaze identity and/or memory in both poems AO2: Form and Structure Copy down the form and MY LAST DUCHESS structure for Kamikaze and KAMIKAZE identify whether it is the • same or different in My Last • Narrated in 3rd person Duchess • • There is absence of the voice of the subject of the poem Identify whether each • 3rd person shows the distance • example has been used for the same reason or not – do between the speaker and who the both achieve the same they are talking about • effect on the reader? • The poem is revealed towards the end to be a story, told by the Explain the different effects daughter of the pilot – however, each achieves on the reader by the end, we also hear the and how they achieve this voice of an anonymous, third effect speaker AO2: Form and Structure Copy down the form and MY LAST DUCHESS structure for Kamikaze and KAMIKAZE identify whether it is the • Narrated in the first person same or different in My Last • Narrated in 3rd person Duchess • The use of iambic pentameter • There is absence of the voice of imitates a casual conversation but the subject of the poem the rhyme structure hints at a Identify whether each desire for control • 3rd person shows the distance example has been used for the same reason or not – do between the speaker and who • The enjambment indicates the they are talking about speaker’s passion as he gets the both achieve the same carried away with what he is effect on the reader? • The poem is revealed towards saying the end to be a story, told by the • The casual change of subject at Explain the different effects daughter of the pilot – however, the end hints at an unstable each achieves on the reader by the end, we also hear the individual, who is obsessed with and how they achieve this voice of an anonymous, third power and control effect speaker 1) Explore AO1 Learning Review Power and Conflict 2) Identify Are the following feelings in both poems or just one? 3) Compare • Pride • Patriotism • Jealousy • Power • Shame • Regret 1) Understand the contextual Memory 1) Explore and compare key factors that affected both & Identity In contextual factors in both poems Remains poems (AO3) 2) Identify both language Kamikaze and 2) Read through each poem and features and their effects annotate key language 3) Produce a comparison My Last Duchess features (AO2) between My Last Duchess 3) Write a paragraph and Kamikaze comparing identity and/or memory in both poems Identity
As a pair, be prepared to explain at least one
My Last link between a poem and a theme Achieve More! Can you create a comparison Kamikaze Duchess of how a theme is presented in two poems?
Memory Identity
Write an introduction, explaining how both poems
discuss the tow themes, then a PETECETER paragraph focusing on one My Last Write a PETERCETER paragraph comparing either Kamikaze Duchess memory or identity in both poems Produce your on version of the plan we just did as a class with at least two points per arrow
Learning Outcome: Produce a comparison between My Last Duchess and Kamikaze
1) Explore Through the door thinking: Power and Conflict 2) Identify Watch the clip below – if you could do the same thing, would you? Without your 3) Compare memory, could you have your identity?
1) Understand the contextual
Memory 1) Explore and compare key factors that affected both & Identity In contextual factors in both poems Remains poems (AO3) 2) Identify both language Kamikaze and 2) Read through each poem features and their effects and annotate key language 3) Produce a comparison My Last Duchess features (AO2) between My Last Duchess 3) Write a paragraph and Kamikaze comparing identity and/or memory in both poems
(Routledge Russian and East European Music and Culture) Gavin Dixon - The Routledge Handbook To The Music of Alfred Schnittke (Routledge Russian and East European Music and Culture) - Routledge (2022)
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