Philippines' Population Growth

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Population Growth

Submitted by: Oishin R Chong

Submitted to: Prof. Lars Raymund Ubaldo
Course: KAS 1 Kasaysayan at mga Institusyong Pilipino
What is population growth and
population rate?
 Population growth
- It the increase of numbers of population in a country or area.
 Population rate
--It indicates how fast the population increases or decreases based on births, deaths and even
the migration of people to a place.
-It is also based between the number of birth over the number of deaths in a specific period of
time and in a certain place or country.

Total population as of April 11,2020


 According to UN data, they estimated that our population may increase to 109,581,078 in
mid-year of 2020. ( World Population Review)
 Our country is considered to be the 13th most populated country in the world.

 Philippines has been said to increase its population to 1.72% between 2010 and 2015
(World Population Review).
 As of Dec 2019, it was said that the population growth declined to 1.52% according to The
Commission on Population and Development (PopCom). (Rappler,2019)

 The remarkable increase of population of the Philippines is foreseen to slow  in the next
few years.
 It was also calculated that by the end of 2020, our population may reach to 110 million and
will be adding 25 million on top of it by 2030.

This is the
graph of the
data of
growth of the
until the year
Philippines Demographics
 What is demographics?
 It is defined as the study of population that is based on various factors such
as age, sex, race , religion, etc.
 The demographics of the Philippines record the human population and
population density.
 Population Pyramid
- It is also called as the “age-sex pyramid”. It is a presentation about the age and
sexes of a population in a certain area or country.

This graph shows the total population based on age and sex in the Philippines.
Based on the running number of population the country, there are around
50.22% of males and 49.78% females. Since the census will be done in May
2020, this information is tentative.
Philippine area and Population
 What is population density?
 Population density is a measurement of population per area ( per
square miles or kilometers).
 To compute the density, it will be divided from the total permanent
settlers in the country over the total area of the Philippines.
 The Philippines is known to be an archipelago that is made up of
7,000 islands. 
 According to (World population review), the islands of the country
has a total of 115,831 square miles (300,000 square kilometers) and
said that the islands are mostly small but few are larger ones like
Luzon and Mindanao parts.
 Based to (World Population Review), as of April 2020, the
population density is around 363 people per square kilometers or
939 people per square miles.
 It is based on the current total population year to date for 2020.
Top 20 largest Cities in the Philippines

 In the Philippines, Quezon City is the a largest city in the country. It

is also considered to have the most numbers of population in country
which is 2.761,720. It is part of Metro Manila that is consisted of 17
cities and municipalities that will be a total of 12.8 million  people.
Other factors that contribute to
the Philippines demographics

 The current population of the Philippines in the year 2020 as of April is

109,581,078. It is stated to be a 1.35% increase compared to the
previous year’s total population, 2019 (108,116,615).

 It also shows that the growth rate decreases as years go by including
the current year.
 The urban and rural populations are based on the areas defined by the
national statistics offices.
 It goes to show that the rural areas have more numbers of population
than of the people living in urban areas.
Life expectancy in the Philippines
as of April 2020

 As the number of population slows down in the year of 2020 due to the
decrease of fertility rate, birth rate and the control programs
 It is expected that the life expectancy for females is 75.9 years while
67.7 years for males. It is also shows that if we are going to combine
both sexes, the life expectancy is 71.7 years.
 Life expectancy means the average time that an individual is expected to
live based on the age, birth year, and other demographic factors like the
sex and which place or country a human being is born.

 It shows that compared to 2019, there is a 0.180% increase to life

expectancy in 2020 here in the Philippines.

This the data of life expectancy in the

Philippines for the past 5 years including
the current year (2020).
Birth rate and Fertility rate in
the Philippines.

 It is notable that the birth rate in 2020 has a slight decrease compared to
the previous year. In the present it shows a rate of 20.177 per 1000 people
which is equals to -0.980%. As per POPCOM, it only shows how effective
the campaigns about the use of contraceptives and birth controls for the
past years that are being implemented.

 The total fertility rate (TFR) is the average number of children per woman
in each generation as a replacement for itself without the need for
international immigration.
 As reflected on the graph, it actually shows that the every year, the average
number of children needed to be born is decreasing.
Death rate in the Philippines

 The death rate in the Philippines as of 2020 has a slight increase

compared to last year. Currently showing that it has 5.938 deaths per
1000 people or 1.150% change per year. It is equivalent to 1,780 deaths
per day.

Infant mortality and deaths under age of 5 in

the Philippines

 The average number

of death under age of 5 is
24.8 while 17.54 for infant
mortality for every 1000
people. It relatively significant
to the decrease of fertility rate.
 Some reason for mortality
are birth defects, maternal pregnancy complications, sudden infant
death syndrome, etc.
Age Dependency of the
Philippines as of 2019
 Dependency ratio is a ratio for age population to determine the number of
people who are not in labor force (dependents) and those are in workforce
in a country or area.
 It is used to measure the economical activeness of the population. It is used
for productive population.
 If a country has low dependency ratio, it shows that there are more people
who can support those who are in dependent levels. But if an area or
country has higher dependency ratio, they may encounter financial stress
due to lack of population that would be productive economically.
 The age dependency ratio for the Philippines is calculated as follows: Age
dependency = (people younger than 15 and older than 64) / (working age
people ages 15-64).
 Youth Dependency Ratio
- Definition: population ages 0-15 divided by the population ages 16-64.
Formula: ([Population ages 0-15] ÷ [Population ages 16-64]) × 100
 Elderly dependency ratio
-Definition: population ages 65-plus divided by the population ages 16-64.
Formula: ([Population ages 65-plus] ÷ [Population ages 16-64]) × 100
 Total dependency ratio
-Definition: sum of the youth and old-age ratios.
Formula: (([Population ages 0-15] + [Population ages 65-plus]) ÷ [Population
ages 16-64]) × 100

Tentatively, there are 68,883,289

adults in the Philippines. Census
is being done every 5 years. The
next Census will be done in May

According to Country Meter, The total

dependency rate of the Philippines is 63.7%. This
means that there are more dependents that those
part of the workforce. This becomes a concern to
financial stability among Filipinos.
Net Migration rate in the

 Net migration is the difference between the numbers of immigrants and

the number of emigrants in the area or country.
 If there are more immigrants who are coming into an area or country
than of those emigrants leaving the country, then there will be a positive
rate. This indicates that more people are coming and staying in a country
or place.
 A negative rate for migration also indicates that the population of
emigrants who are leaving the area or country is higher that those who
come and stay.
 In the year 2020, it shows that the other factor why the increase of the
population slows down is the number of emigrants. It indicates that there
are more people (local or foreign) are leaving the country that those who
are permanantly staying here.
 The net migration in 2020 is -0.618 per 1000 people that is equivalent to
-1.280% decline from 2019.
Population rate based on
different aspects:
Religion, literacy, ethnic
 Population by religion
2015 Census
 It is notably showing that
the Philippines is known to
be a Christian country.
 Roman Catholic is still has
the most number of
population based on
religion. This is brought by
the influence of Spaniards
during their colonial period
in the country that took
place for over 300 years.
 Islam is the 2nd in rank
which shows how
influential were the people
in Mindanao during the
beginning of time.

 Even the study conducted by the (Pew Research Center), it is still showing
the Roman Catholic is still the leading religion in the country. The number
of followers per religion was estimated by (Country Meters) in April 2020.
 Population by ethnic groups
 It is an information retrieved from 2010 census

Ethnic groups Population rate

Tagalog 24.4%

Bisaya/Binisaya 11.4%

Cebuano 9.9%

Ilocano 8.8%

HIligaynon/Ilonggo 8.4%

Bikol/Bicol 6.8%

Waray 4%

Other local ethnicity 26.1%

Other foreign ethnicity .1%

 Tagalog ethnic group is still leading all over the country. It shows
that it has the largest numbers of population for one specific ethnic
group compared to other local ethnicity.
 Under “ other local ethnicity” is already the combination of other
ethnic groups with very low number of people put together.
 Visayas, as the middle part of the Philippines has inhabitants whose
ethnic group is Bisaya and some are Cebuano specific in Cebu city.
 Literacy rate of the population in the Philippines
based on 2015 Census.

 Literacy rate means the percentage of numbers of people that can read and
write in a certain part of a place or country.
 In above data, age group was used to measure the literacy rate of people in
the Philippines.
 It indicates that ages 15-24 years group is the highest percentage for literacy.
It means that most of the people in this group can read thoroughly and write
Population History in the
 Population before 1900
 Plasencia(1909) stated that most villages in the country used to
have around 30 to 100 houses with a maximum of 100-500
number of population.
 During the Spanish colonial period in the country, there were
areal units that constitute to spatial hierarchy:
 Barrio- the smallest political area
 Poblacion- the center of the municipality and the site of the
administrative government agencies.
 Barangay- originated from a Malay word “ Balangay” which
means “sailboat”. This was a small village that composed of the
kinship of around 30-100 families.
 When the Spain colonized the Philippines, there were around
third quarter of its total population.
 The first Census was done by the Spanish. It totaled to 166,903
tributos (taxpayers). It was assumed that a tributo represented
himself and 3 more dependents.
 In 1591, there were around 667,612 people were registered under
“ Relación de las Encomiendas”.
 After the cholera epidemic happened in Manila in 1628, it was
estimated that in 1655 the population dropped down to 510,000.
 Despite of another epidemic in 1880s, it was noticeable that the
population increased to 5,567,685 as recorded in census
enumeration in 1877.
 However, in 1897, the population decreased to 5,490,229.
 1903 census
 After the U.S.A colonized the Philippines from the government of
Spain, they conducted three census enumerations; the first one was in
1903, then in 1918 and last was in 1939.
 They recounted the number of the population to satisfy the Act 467
which is provided in taking a census for the population in theo
Philippine Islands.
 After 26 years, in 1903, the first enumeration done by Americans
recorded 7,635,426 people in the country. It is about 36 percent
increase from the one recorded in 1877.
 There annual growth rate estimated by then was 1.3 percet,
 The second enumeration recorded to have an increase of 1.9 in its
annual growth rate compared from the first census of the U.S in the
 In the last enumeration done by Americans, it was recorded to have
around 16,000,303 population in the country.
 Evidently, they stated that the reason for the massive increase in the
population was the improvement in education, health and sanitary
conditions. It also include the fact that since Filipinos already gained
some knowledge in developing their skills, the increase of food
production and diets also affect the increment of the population.
 From 1.3% to 1.9% annual growth rate, it increased to 2.2% after the
last enumeration.

 During WWII, there is a signifant decrease in population that

resulted to the loss of manpower among Filipinos.
 It is when Japanese tried to invade the country and take it from
 After gaining independence from Japan, in 1946, the Philippines
conducted another census two years later.
 It indicated that the population after the war was 19,234,182 which
brought the annual growth rate from 2.2% of 1939 to 1.9% in 1948.
 In 1960, another census was conducted. Surprisingly, there was a 3.4%
increase in the annual growth rate in the Philippines. This gave us a total of
27,087,685 population in the country.
 From 1960-1970, the growth rate decrease to 3.1% annual growth rate and
that was an increase of 9 million on top of the previous record.
 However, it resulted the country to be ranked as the 16th largest population
in world and 7th in Asia.
 As of May 1975, NCSO estimated the population to have 41,831,045.
Although the annual growth rate decrease to 2.7%, it does not still assure
the minimum growth in the Philippines.

 PSA (Philippine Statistic Authority) is responsible for conducting the

national census and surveys of the country. The census is conducted every
after 5 years.
 As of 2015, it was recorded to have 102,113,212 total population that still
show our country is overpopulated and has ranked us as the 12th largest
population in the world.
Why is the Philippines
1. Unequal death rate and birth rate

 As shown in the population pyramid ( age-sex pyramid), it is

obvious that our population is mostly composed of younger age
groups than of those adults.
 We have a higher fertility and birth rate than of the death and
mortality rate. This results to higher dependency rate than of the
productive ones.With this reason, it would be difficult for the
productive population to sustain and support those dependents.
 Also, having lack of educational resources would also lead to
high death rates but lesser than the recorded birth rate.
2. Better medical facilities
 Due to technology advancement that we have now, many
facilities are improved including the treatments to cure diseases.
Science has been a big part in our society since it was able to
develop new techniques in producing foods that can feed more
 With this being said, it caused imbalance between the birth rate
and mortality rate. Because of the progress in society in terms of
facilities and food production, it resulted to having overpopulated

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