Untitled 1
Untitled 1
Untitled 1
Presented by :
Nita Corry Agustine Nias Waruwu
Facilitated by :
Dr. Maruarar Panjaitan, SpOG
Hyperemesis (8%)
USG : bilateral theca lutein cyst enlargement (15%), fetal heart (-).
Partial mole :
Irregular bleeding
Pulmonary symptoms
Pathologic diagnosis :
Pathologic diagnosis of complete and partial moles is
made by examination of curettage specimens.
Additionally, pathologic diagnosis of invasive mole,
choriocarcinoma, PSTT, and ETT can sometimes be
made by curettage, biopsy of metastatic lesions, or
examination of hysterectomy specimens or placentas.
Hydatidiform mole : Treatment
Diagnosis of molar pregnancy :
– History, physical examination, hCG levels, and ultrasound findings.
– Evaluation of medical complications → vital signs & laboratory
– Preoperative evaluation →blood type & crossmatch, serum hCG ,