Dimensions of Wellness

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Lance Coffin

Eating Healthy
It’s important to make health eating choices all the
time, not just during school closure. Even though I
may snack during the day, I try to eat generally healthy

Often times I’ll have a salad with steak or chicken for

a meal.

There are many ways to exercise, some involve doing
house chores too. I mow both my mom and dad’s
lawns once a week which involves around 30-40
minutes of cardio. During this pandemic I have also
rode my bike, walked the dogs, and even learned to do
a few pullups

Over the next six weeks I plan on continuing to do

similar exercise to the above to enable a healthy
lifestyle and help out around the house.

Going Outside
I enjoy military stuff, along with camouflage. It is fun
to go on a walk outdoors and see what camouflages
will disguise with certain materials, patterns, and
environments. In these pictures you can see the Cloud
side of the Mitchell pattern blending in with some
dead grass.

At the same time, I get outside and get fresh air,

exercise, and social distance from other people.

Social distancing
Before we were off school, I would see my friends
almost everyday. Now that there is a pandemic going
on, the only other teenager I see on a regular basis is
my twin sister. Since my parents won’t let me meet up
with my friends, I’ve been using Discord to
communicate and interact with my friends.

Social Distancing has caused me to be a bit bored

because we can’t do much other then talk and play
videogames together. I still get to talk with them on a
regular basis though, which is nice.

Favorite Social Media

My favorite social media is Instagram. This is because
I can post pictures of the cool stuff I’ve seen, and/or
own. I also get to see into other peoples daily life,
along with what they are going through during these
tough times.

My Instagram covers what I enjoy, along with what I

find interesting. Other then my close friends, most
people don’t know that I am obsessed with military
equipment, uniforms, and history. If they knew I had
this interest, maybe they would tell me about their
interests or knowledge on such topics.

This is my friend Charley (earlier before the whole
pandemic). Me and him are good friends and used to
hang out a lot before he moved to Maine. I still keep in
touch with him through Instagram and iMessage, but I
wish he didn’t have to move.

COVID-19 has not affected my friendship circle as we

all still communicate and tell each other what’s going
on through apps like Discord and Instagram.

Causes of stress.
The main causes of stress in my life mostly relate to
school. I have to worry about grades, being organized,
along with paying attention.

My Top 5 causes of stress are:

1. School
2. Keeping my room organized
3. Completing my chores
4. ItsLearning
5. Switching between houses every week.

Relieving Stress
One of the ways that I relieve stress is by playing
videogames like War Thunder. War Thunder is a
Tank/Plane/Naval Simulator that lets you take on the
role of vehicles from the 1930’s to the 1990’s. It is a
fun game to sit around and play when you are stressed
out. Additionally, I have a group of friends who also
play the game, which allows us to interact and blow
off steam by demolishing enemy vehicles in a
coordinated squadron.

Place that brings joy

Pretty much every week, my father goes to the
commissary at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. I tag along
to help him with grocery shopping, but mostly to get
him to stop at different military vehicles on display on
post. In this image there is a Soviet T-34/85 Medium
Tank that was captured in Saudi Arabia.

One of my first loves is military vehicles, especially

tanks and self propelled guns. Last summer me and my
father went on a road trip to New Orleans, stopping at
9 different military museums on the way.

Instead of using one can, my household uses two
separate cans. One is for normal garbage and the
second is for recycling cardboard, metal, paper, and

In the last five years, I think recycling has become

more popular and easier to do as people have realized
the toll on the environment. I have also noticed more
electric vehicle companies like Tesla along with
Hybrid vehicles like the Prius preventing pollution.
Both options are becoming more affordable as they
become more popular.

Schoolwork space
Ironically, the place that brings me joy, also brings me
stress now that all of the schoolwork is online. I have a
quiet space in my room with my computer and a place
to write papers. I do all my work on a pretty cool
1950’s Dining room table as I have yet to get a proper
computer desk.

I prefer to be in a quieter country like area to minimize

the amount of people and noise near where I live.

Me in Nature
Last summer my dad, sister, and I went on a trip to the
west coast. One of the locations we stopped at was
Sedona, Arizona. There was some amazing vistas,
mountains, and views that we enjoyed while hiking. I
love Sedona more then the Grand Canyon, which we
also visited.

My favorite way to spend my time outdoors is

exploring new places while hiking. Sedona is one of
my favorite locations I’ve been to, even though it is
quite hot and dusty out.

Favorite Book
My favorite book I read this year is “Unbroken” by
Laura Hillenbrand. It is about a B-24 “Liberator” crew
that survived a crash into the ocean along with a POW
camp during WWII.

The book is a good example of what those who fought

for our freedom went through. It is also a reminder that
in our tough times, the human body and spirit can be
as tough as nails.

Something I struggle with in school

One thing I struggle with in school now is ItsLearning.
It is somewhat hard to navigate and find assignments
plus there is no teacher to explain concepts and how to
complete the work.

One thing I love to learn about is history. I like seeing

how history shaped into the modern day world, along
with how people used to live before modern computers
and the internet became what it is.

Something that challenges me

I enjoy hands on assignments for classes like
Foundations of Technology and Biology, but I hate
having to do the paperwork. I like to get straight to
doing the Lab or Build, but the part that is graded is
the Planning and the Written answers. I rather build 20
bridges to see what would work then properly planning
and just build one.

Someone that inspires me

My father and mom both inspire me. My dad used to
be in the 82nd Airborne and my mother is in the process
of becoming a Cop. Both of them have taught me
many things and I strive to be like them.

Something that made me smile today was getting to

see this image of my father jump out of an airplane.
I’ve never seen it before and I’m glad I got too.

An Image that demonstrates Hope

Something that inspires hope is the flag raising at Iwo
Jima. It shows that even after weeks of intense fighting
with slow progression and no reinforcement, the
Marines always had hope to continue fighting.

One moment in my life I won’t forget is the day this

picture was taken. Earlier in the day we went to the
Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum. Right before this
picture was taken, we visited the Arlington National
Cemetery. Despite my young age at the time, I was
astounded by all the personnel who gave their lives for
this country.
Some strategies we can implement to better deal with a emerging pandemic in the future are:
1. Prepare for schoolwork
2. Check My email more often
3. Have a plan for doing schoolwork
4. Stay ahead of the news
5. Be prepared for shortages
6. Have a plan for school closure
7. Pay more attention to problems around the globe
8. Start working on a solution before it becomes a major problem
9. Set up better infrastructure relating to such issues
10. Be more organized and prepared
11. Don’t wait to respond to the problem, act immediately
12. Stop complaining about Foreign Countries causing such pandemics, worry about the US
13. Come up with a solution before it comes a major issue
14. Have more organized plans for such events
15. Prepare for shortages

During this Quarantine I’ve mostly been playing games, doing chores and doing schoolwork. All of which benefit my physical,
intellectual, and emotional health.

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