Behavioral Interviews: Tutorial
Behavioral Interviews: Tutorial
Behavioral Interviews: Tutorial
This tutorial will introduce you to a new
mode of job interviewing known as
behavioral interviewing, as well as
provide tips on how to excel in this
interview environment.
What is Behavioral Interviewing?
The premise behind behavioral
interviews is that the most accurate
predictor of future performance is
past performance in similar
What is Behavioral Interviewing?
Employers use the behavioral
interviewing technique to evaluate a
candidate’s experiences and
behaviors in order to determine the
applicant’s potential for success.
Behavioral vs. Traditional
Behavioral Traditional
55% predictive of 10% predictive of
future on-the-job on-the-job behavior.
You can get away with
Questions are more telling the
probing and it’s interviewer what
hard to give s/he wants to hear,
responses that are even if you are
untrue to your fudging the truth.
Behavioral vs. Traditional
Behavioral Traditional
Provides more objective Questions are general
set of facts to make
employment such as “Tell me
decisions. about Yourself?”
When you tell your
story, the
interviewer will pick
it apart to try to get
at specific
Behavioral vs. Traditional
Interviewer will probe further for more depth
or detail. Questions asked include, “What
were you thinking at that point?” “Tell me
more about your meeting with that
person.” “Lead me through your decision
How Questions are
How Questions are Developed
Prior to the interview, the interviewer
identifies job-related experiences,
behaviors, knowledge, skills, and abilities
that the company has decided are desirable
in a particular position (e.g. critical
thinking, self-confidence, teamwork, etc.).
The employer then structures very pointed
questions to elicit detailed responses aimed
at determining if the candidate possesses
the desired characteristics.
How to Answer Behavioral
How to Answer Behavioral
As a candidate, you should be equipped
to answer the questions thoroughly,
using stories and examples. Your
responses should be specific and
Telling the interviewer about particular
situations that relate to each question is
far more effective and successful than
those who respond in general terms.
STAR Approach
How to Answer Behavioral
Use the S-T-A-R approach when
answering behavioral interview
Communication-Oral/written Control
Analysis Attention to Detail Decisiveness
Delegation Development of Subordinates Energy
Entrepreneurial Equipment Operation Insight
Fact Finding-Oral Financial Analytical Flexibility
Impact Independence Initiative
Innovation Integrity Judgment
Leadership/Influence Listening Motivation
Negotiation Organizational Participative
Sensitivity Management Training
Planning and Organizing Practical Learning Work Standards
Presentation Skills Process Operation Rapport Building
Resilience Risk Taking Safety Awareness
Sales Ability/Persuasiveness Sensitivity Strategic
Technical/Professional Knowledge Technical/Professional Proficiency Tenacity
How to Prepare for Behavioral
Interviews: Questions
2. Knowing what kinds of questions
might be asked will help you prepare
an effective selection of examples.