Mastering Your Personal & Professional Life

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We do all ‘logical’ things quite

diligently (hopefully…)
This means planning, analyzing
data, doing RCPA, meeting
doctors, detailing,
implementing our KRAs…
And still, at times, we’re far away from the objectives
We must understand that there are some things in our control and several
other things that are not in our control

Things in your control Things not in your control

Having right doctor list Mood of the doctor

Availability of doctor (at times)
Meeting doctors regularly
Call refusals
Knowledge based communication Interest / understanding of
your science or presentation
Creating need of product Doctor not taking you seriously

Showing respect & importance to Competitors’ strategies

doctor; being grateful to him Doctor being biased because of
personal interests
Proper availability of products Attrition
Strategy execution Product shortage / delayed supply
Regulatory aspects
Coaching & motivation to BE
New boss
We all have a mix of both controllable and uncontrollable
factors, yet outcomes of each one’s life are different

Sundar Pichai Indira Nooyi Satya Nadella Ratan Tata

(CEO, Google Inc.) (CEO, PepsiCo.) (CEO, Microsoft Corp.) (Chairman, Tata Sons)
What makes the difference?

1 The level of ‘Knowledge’

2 The level of ‘Ignorance’

Understanding ‘KNOWLEDE’ & ‘IGNORANCE’

Knowing + Deep Understanding
(Operating through ‘Intellect’
Having a High Plus Resultant Intensity)

May be knowing but No Understanding
(Operating only through ‘Senses’
Having a Low Plus Resultant Intensity)
Difference Between Life with Knowledge & Ignorance

Life with Knowledge Life with Ignorance

(High Plus Resultant Intensity) (Low Plus Resultant Intensity)

Rewarding Unrewarding
Progressive Stagnant
Successful Failures / Challenges
Meaningful Without purpose
Contentment Discontentment
Expansion Deterioration
Clarity Clutter and confusions
Depth Shallowness
Understanding Unawareness, misery
Path unfolding automatically Frustrations
Wisdom Lost and stuck
People who are not getting desired results despite all
logical things in place, are living their life with Ignorance;
and have a lack of Plus Resultant Intensity
The ‘Logical Fundamentals’
• Having a complete team (no vacancies)
• Having right doctors in BEs’ list
• Doing RCPA & positioning of products
• Team meeting doctors regularly, with mutual
convenience and desired frequency
• Communicating effectively, demanding
• Adequate availability of your brands
• Perseverance & Persuasion
• Confidence & Conviction
• Understanding of business processes
For any ‘Logical Fundamental’ to work effectively; there are
‘Subtle Aspects’ that work as a glue

Honesty Sincerity Genuineness

Pure intentions Deep involvement Man Management
Fearlessness Gratitude Forgiveness

Trust Acceptance Appreciation

Without these subtle aspects, any logical act is Ignorance,
driven by selfishness or opportunity
Even after knowing, understanding
and practicing all the Logical
Fundamentals & Subtle Aspects, the
results are not so great…

We feel that we are doing them properly; whereas
they’re not being done properly
For the highest effectiveness of Logical
Fundamentals along with the Subtle
Aspects, we need to understand the
Mind & its Characteristics
Understanding the Mind & Its Characteristics

The mind houses 4 chambers and 7 centers


2 2A 2B


Let’s understand the Chamber 1 of the mind


All Physical / Bodily aspects (Animal Instincts): Physiological

needs (food, sleep, sex) Reflex mechanisms (sneeze, cough,
vomiting); Defense mechanisms (flight or fight response);
SENSO-VITALITY Taste, pleasure, habits & addictions (overindulging in food,
smoking, alcoholism, rage, violence, pornography, over sex
Pure physical energy with no knowledge. Excess use of Senso-
vitality always damages you
Our Feelings: Fear, ego, anger, revenge, seeking attention.
EMOTION May bring guilt or regret. Also holds positive emotions like
Love, Appreciation, Gratitude, Forgiveness

All Balancing & Control systems: Identifies all facts & figures.
INTELLIGENCE Includes virtues like wisdom, truthfulness, fair play, peace,
harmony and maturity
People who lead a life with ignorance (average or a
mediocre life) are full of ‘S’ and ‘E’ with ‘I’ suppressed
Components of Life with Ignorance



Operating with high Senso-vitality & Emotion
completely depletes your Resultant Intensity
People who lead a life with Knowledge have a
high ‘I’ component with minimal ‘S’ & ‘E’

Components of Life with Knowledge (Ideal)



Operating with high Intelligence (Intellect)
significantly increases your Plus Resultant Intensity
Example of how I – E – S Function in situations

Situation: A child’s report card

INTELLIGENCE: My grade is ‘F’. I have failed. IDENTIFICATION


EMOTION: Feelings like sadness, fear,

inferiority complex or frustration JUDGEMENT

SENSO-VITALITY: Withdrawal, running away,

addictions or extreme steps like suicide… BEHAVIOR
For getting desired outcomes in every aspect of life,
you need to increase your Plus Resultant Intensity by:

1 Doing all ‘Logical Fundamentals’ properly

2 Taking care of ‘Subtle Aspects’


Also doing practices that significantly increase the

effect of the above two
Practices to increase effect of ‘Logical’ & ‘Subtle’ Factors

Breathing: Practice Diaphragmatic Breathing for 20

minutes, twice a day.
This gives Oxygen + Praana to every cell of the body

Eating & Way of Eating: Eat with awareness, regulate

your intake of food and avoid unnecessary eating

Sleeping: Get 6 to 8 hours of sound sleep

Thoughts: Know that your mind is constantly thinking. Be

aware of your thoughts. Observe whether your thoughts
are of S, E or I.
The above practices increase your ‘Intellect’
component. You start operating from aspects that
are beyond logical (or only through senses). This
increases your Plus Resultant Intensity
After a few months of practicing these; you can
graduate to the next level – Mind Practices and
master the mind zones
Mind Practices – Understanding Deeper Nature of Mind

Our mind has 4 levels of thinking. This thinking governs

our behavior and how we act; and lead our life

Life of
Life of
Life of Double
Life of Double
Life of Controls
Life of Controls

Life of Impulses
Life of Impulses
• You only ‘react’ to the impulses that come as external
• This life is dominated by all ‘interesting’ things
Life of Impulses • Mind constantly creates impressions and
Life of Impulses
unnecessarily stores them beyond its capacity
• Life has a lot of fears, negativity, challenges and

• You start ‘understanding’ and practicing certain

• You’re in control of which ‘impulses’ to take
• You adopt good practices related to breathing, eating
Life of Controls
Life of Controls and sleeping
• Any indulgence is ‘conscious’
• You only store selected impressions and photographs
• Life journey is fulfilling and rewarding
• One part of your mind gives a logical thought to any
‘impulse’ received
• The second part of your mind analyzes and corrects it
Life of Double
Life of Double • The second mind produces a much refined ‘counter
Responses thought’ and makes you behave accordingly
• You only store good or corrected impressions
• Life is beautiful, happy, contented and harmonious

• You only allow selected impulses to affect you

• Unnecessary thought and emotions ceases
• Refinement and cleanliness emerges
Life of
Life of • Recording and storing impressions significantly
Consciousness reduces (mind stores minimal impressions)
• You start becoming ‘subtle’
• Life is blissful and miraculous
When you master mind practices,
you raise your frequency. You
develop a subtle, powerful control
even on uncontrollable factors.
Nobody takes you lightly!
When do we learn…

2 2A 2B

Hopefully, in this lifetime…

Or maybe not even in 100 births!!!
When do we learn…



Only God Knows!!!

Stay Blessed!

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