Predicate Calculus: Conversion To Normal Form

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Predicate Calculus

Conversion to Normal Form

Inference Rules
 Universal elimination:
x Likes( x, IceCream) with the substitution {x / Einstein} gives us
Likes(Einstein, IceCream)
The substitution has to be done by a ground term
 Existential elimination: (Skolemization)
From x Likes( x, IceCream) we may infer Likes(Man, IceCrea) as
long as Man does not appear elsewhere in the Knowledge base
 Existential introduction:
From Likes( Monalisa , IceCream) we can infer
x Likes( x, IceCream )
Basic Steps
 Convert the set of rules and facts into clause form
(conjunction of clauses/disjunction of clauses)
 Insert the negation of the goal as another clause

 Use resolution to deduce a refutation

If a refutation is obtained, then the goal can be

deduced from the set of facts and rules.
Conversion to Normal Form
 A formula is said to be in clause form if it is of the form:
x1 x2…… xn[C1C2  …… Ck]
 All first order logic formulas can be converted to clause
 We shall demonstrate the conversion on the formula:
x {p(x) z { ¬y [q(x,y) p(f(x1)] y
[q(x,y)p(x)] }}
Conversion to Normal Form
 Step1:Take the existential closure and eliminate redundant
quantifiers. This introduces x1 and eliminates and z, so:
x {p(x) z { ¬y [q(x,y) p(f(x1)] y
[q(x,y)p(x)] }}

x1 x {p(x)  { ¬y [q(x,y)  p(f(x1)] y [q(x,y)

 p(x)] }}
Conversion to Normal Form
 Step2 : Rename any variable that is quantified more than
once. y has been quantified twice, so:
x1 x {p(x)  { ¬y [q(x,y)  p(f(x1)] y [q(x,y) 
p(x)] }}

x1 x {p(x)  { ¬y [q(x,y)  p(f(x1)] z [q(x,z)

p(x)] }}
Conversion to Normal Form
 Step3 : Eliminate Implication.
x1 x {p(x)  { ¬y [q(x,y)  p(f(x1))] z
[q(x,z) p(x)] }}

x1 x {¬p(x)  {¬y [¬q(x,y)  p(f(x1))] z

[¬ q(x,z)  p(x)] }}
Conversion to Clausal Form
 Step4 : Move the negation all the way inwards
x1 x {¬p(x)  {¬y [¬q(x,y)  p(f(x1))] z
[¬ q(x,z)  p(x)] }}

x1 x {¬p(x)  { y [q(x,y)  ¬p(f(x1))]  z

[¬q(x,z)  p(x)] }}
Conversion to Clausal Form
 Step5 : Push the quantifiers to the right
x1 x {¬p(x)  { y [q(x,y)  ¬p(f(x1))] z [¬q(x,z)
 p(x)] }}

x1 x{¬p(x)  {[y q(x,y)  ¬p(f(x1))]  [z¬q(x,z)

 p(x)] }}
Conversion to Normal Form
 Step6 : Eliminate Existential Quantifiers
 Pick out the left most yB(y) and replace it with
B(f(xi1,xi2,xi3….. xin)) where:
1. xi1,xi2,xi3….. xin are all the free variables of yB(y) that are
universally quantified to the left of yB(y) and,
 f is any n-ary function constant which does not occur
Conversion to Normal Form
 Skolemization
x1 x{¬p(x)  {[y q(x,y)  ¬p(f(x1))] 
[z¬q(x,z)  p(x)] }}

x {¬p(x)  {[q(x,g(x))  ¬p((f(a))]  [z¬q(x,z)

 p(x)] }}
Conversion to Normal Form
 Step7 : Move all universal quantifiers to the left
x {¬p(x)  {[q(x,g(x))  ¬p((f(a))]  [z¬q(x,z)
 p(x)] }}

x z {¬p(x)  {[q(x,g(x))  ¬p((f(a))] 

[¬q(x,z)  p(x)] }}
Conversion to Normal Form
 Step8 : Distribute  over 
x z {¬p(x)  {[q(x,g(x))  ¬p((f(a))]  [¬q(x,z) 
p(x)] }}

x z {[¬p(x)  q(x,g(x))] 
[¬p(x)  ¬p((f(a))] 
[¬p(x)  ¬q(x,z)  p(x)] }
Conversion to Normal Form
 Step9 : Simplify (Optional)
x z {[¬p(x)  q(x,g(x))] 
[¬p(x)  ¬p((f(a))] 
[¬p(x)  ¬q(x,z)  p(x)] }

x z {[¬p(x)  q(x,g(x))] 
[¬p(x)  ¬p((f(a))] 
[¬q(x,z)] }
 Step1:Take the existential closure and eliminate redundant quantifiers and
introduce existential closure to unhandled variables.
 Step2: Rename any variable that is quantified more than once.
 Step3: Eliminate Implication.
 Step4: Move the negation all the way inwards.
 Step5: Push the quantifiers to the right.
 Step6: Eliminate Existential Quantifiers (Solemnization)
 Step7: Move all universal quantifiers to the left.
 Step8: Distribute  over 
 Step9: Simplify (Optional)
 x y z Gaul(x)  Potion(y) 
Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)  Criminal(x)
 x y married(x,y)  member(x)  member(y)
 x y z y a father(x,z)  father(z,y) 
 x z bird(x)  fly(x)
Step1:eliminate redundant introduce existential to
unhandled variables

 xyz Gaul(x)  Potion(y) 

Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)  Criminal(x)
 x y married(x,y)  member(x)  member(y)
 x z father(x,z)  yfather(z,y) 
 x bird(x)  fly(x)
Step2: Rename any variable that is quantified more
than once

 x y z Gaul(x)  Potion(y) 
Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)  Criminal(x)
 x y married(x,y)  member(x)  member(y)
 x y z father(x,z)  father(z,y) 
 x bird(x)  fly(x)
Step3: Eliminate Implication
 x y z {{Gaul(x)  Potion(y) 
Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)}  Criminal(x)}
 x y { {married(x,y)  member(x)}  member(y)}

 x y z { {father(x,z)  father(z,y)} 

 x { bird(x)  fly(x)}
Step4: Move the negation all the way inwards
 x y z {Gaul(x)  Potion(y) 
Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)  Criminal(x)}
 x y {married(x,y)  member(x)  member(y)}

 x y z {father(x,z)  father(z,y) 

 x {bird(x)  fly(x)}
Step5: Push the quantifiers to the right
 x y z {Gaul(x)  Potion(y) 
Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)  Criminal(x)}
 x y {married(x,y)  member(x)  member(y)}

 x y z {father(x,z)  father(z,y) 

 x {bird(x)  fly(x)}
Step6: Eliminate Existential
 x y z {Gaul(x)  Potion(y) 
Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)  Criminal(x)}
 x {married(x,f(x))  member(x)  member(y)}

 x y {father(x,(g(x))  father((g(x),y) 

 bird(M)  fly(M)
Step7: Move all universal quantifiers to the left
 x y z {Gaul(x)  Potion(y) 
Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)  Criminal(x)}
 x {married(x,f(x))  member(x)  member(y)}

 x y {father(x,(g(x))  father((g(x),y) 

 bird(M)  fly(M)
Step8: Distribute  over 
 x y z {Gaul(x)  Potion(y) 
Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)  Criminal(x)}
 x {married(x,f(x))  member(x)  member(y)}

 x y {father(x,(g(x))  father((g(x),y) 

 bird(M)  fly(M)
Step9: Simplify (Optional)
 x y z {Gaul(x)  Potion(y) 
Hostile(z)  Sells(x,y,z)  Criminal(x)}
 x {married(x,f(x))  member(x)  member(y)}

 x y {father(x,(g(x))  father((g(x),y) 

 bird(M)  fly(M)

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