Operational Budgeting and Variance Analysis: Topic 5
Operational Budgeting and Variance Analysis: Topic 5
Operational Budgeting and Variance Analysis: Topic 5
1. Variance analysis
Direct labour variances
Direct materials variances
Revenue variances
Other variance analyses
When does a variance warrant further investigation?
2. Benchmarking
Variance analysis
Variance analysis allows management to analyse differences in actual
results to the results expected (Budgets).
A labour rate variance arises when the actual wage rate differs to the
budgeted wage rate.
A labour efficiency variance results when more or less than the budgeted
time is taken to complete a particular task.
Direct labour variances - a worked example
Imagine it has been determined that it should take 50 direct labour
hours to cook 1,000 meat pies.
x x x
A material rate variance arises when the actual material rate differs to
the budgeted material rate.
200 U
Revenue/sales variance
The variance between actual revenue and revenue in the budget
comprises two main elements:
A selling price variance arises when the actual rate differs to the
budgeted rate.
A selling volume variance results when more or less than the budgeted
customers are served in the particular period.
Revenue variances - a worked example
Imagine that for a hotel’s most recent quarter, the banqueting department had
budgeted to serve 9,500 guests at an average price of $20 per person.
From accounting records it has been determined that 8,000 guests were served
at an average price of $21 per person. From this information we can determine
that there is an unfavourable revenue variance of $22,000, i.e., (8,000 X $21) -
(9,500 X $20).
x x x
$22,000 U revenue
Other variance analyses
All of these analyses can be conducted using a similar approach to that outlined
When does a variance warrant further
Care must be taken in the way that management rewards are attached to
relative performance levels.
Go over the questions for this week and bring up any areas that you don’t
understand with your lecturer/tutor.