Valvular Heart Disease
Valvular Heart Disease
Valvular Heart Disease
Normal Valve Function
■ Integrated function of
several anatomic elements :
■ Posterior LA wall
■ Anterior & Posterior valve
■ Chordae tendineae
■ Papillary muscles
■ Left ventricular wall where
the papillary muscles attach
Mitral Valve Disease : Etiology
❖ Mitral Stenosis ❖ Chronic Mitral Regurgitation
❖ Rheumatic - 99.9%!!! ❖ Ischemic Heart disease
❖ Congenital ❖ Papillary ms dysfunction
❖ Prosthetic valve stenosis
❖ Inferior & posterior MI
❖ Mitral Annular Calcification
❖ Left Atrial Myxoma
❖ Mitral Valve prolapse
❖ Infective endocarditis
❖ Rheumatic
❖ Acute Mitral Regurgitation
❖ Infective endocarditis
❖ Prosthetic
❖ Ischemic Heart disease
❖ Mitral annular calcification
❖ Papillary ms rupture ❖ Cardiomyopathy
❖ Mitral valve prolapse ❖ LV dilatation
❖ Chordal rupture ❖ IHSS
❖ Chest trauma
Mitral Regurgitation : Pathophysiology
■ LV (LA) dilatation
■ Left Ventricular Volume
Overload (LVVO)
Chronic Mitral Regurgitation -
LV Volume Overload
■ LV dilatation
■ Eccentric hypertrophy
■ Increased LA pressure
■ Pulmonary HTN
■ Dyspnea
■ Atrial arrhythmias
■ Low output state
Pathophysiology –
Acute vs Chronic Mitral Regurgitation
■ Acute MR
■ Normal (noncompliant) LA
■ Increase LA pressure
■ large “V” waves
■ Acute Pulmonary Edema
■ Chronic MR
■ Dilated, compliant LA
■ LA pressure normal or
slightly increased
■ Fatigue, low output state
■ Atrial arrhythmias- a. fib.
■ Auscultatory Findings
■ S1 – soft or normal
■ P2 – increased (if PH)
■ Pansystolic blowing murmur at apex
■ MVP – mid-systolic click
■ IHSS – murmur increases with Valsalva
■ Acute MR – descrescendo systolic murmur
■ S3 gallop & diastolic flow rumble
■ Hyperdynamic Left Ventricle
■ Brisk carotid upstrokes
■ Hyperdynamic LV apical impulse
■ LA lift; RV tap
Mitral Stenosis - Pathophysiology
■ Restriction of blood flow from
LA➔LV during diastole.
■ Normal MVA 4-6cm2.
■ Mild MS 2-4cm2.
■ Severe MS < 1.0cm2.
■ MV Pressure gradient –
■ MV grad ~ MV flow//MVA.
■ Flow = CO/DFP (diastolic filling
■ As HR increases, diastole shortens
disproportionately and MV gradient
Relationship between MV gradient
and Flow for different Valve Areas
valve area(4-6cm2).
■ to greater degrees with
■ RV Pressure Overload
■ RV failure
■ Tricuspid regurgitation
■ Systemic Congestion
■ Paradoxes of MS
■ Disease of Pulm Arts & RV
■ LV unaffected (protected)
■ As RV fails, pulmonary symptoms
Mitral Stenosis : Clinical Symptoms
■ Hoarseness –recurrent
■ Auscultatory findings
■ S1 – variable intensity; increased early, progressively decreases
■ OS –opening snap, variable intensity
■ A2-OS interval – varies inversely with severity of MS; shortens as MVA
■ Low-pitched diastolic murmur rumble at apex
■ Duration of murmur correlates with severity of MS
■ Pre-systolic accentuation
■ Increased P2 (if PH)
■ Body habitus – thin, asthenic, female
■ Low BP
■ LA lift & RV tap
Mitral Valve Disease : Echo findings
■ Mitral Stenosis
■ Thickened, deformed MV leaflets
■ 2D MVA
■ Doppler Gradient
■ Associated LAE, RVH, PHTN,
TR,MR, LV function
■ Mitral Regurgitation
■ Determine etiology – leaflets,
chordae, MVP, MR
■ Doppler severity of MR jet
■ LV function
Mitral Valve Disease : Treatment
■ Anticoagulation ■ Diuretics
■ Diuretic ■ Anticoagulation —> if AF
■ smaller AV area
■ shorter SEP
■ Larger gradients
S2 Normal or Single or
single paradoxical
Aortic Insufficiency- Pathophysiology
■ 10 abnormality – LVVO
■ Severity of LVVO
■ Size of regurgitant orifice
■ Diastolic pressure gradient
between Ao & LV
■ HR or duration of diastole
■ Compensatory Mechanisms
■ LV dilatation & eccentric LVH
■ Increased LV diastolic
■ Peripheral vasodilation
LV Volume vs Pressure Overload
LV Pressure Overload LV Volume Overload
(AS) (MR,AR)
Normal to slightly
Wall thickness Conc. LVH
Normal to slightly
LV diastolic Pr increased
Normal to slightly
LV systolic Pr Increased**
■ Corrigan’s pulse
■ Quincke’s pulsations,
■ Durozier’s murmur
■ Auscultation:
■ Diminished A
■ Descrescendo diastolic blowing murmur at URSB
■ Austin-Flint murmur – diastolic flow rumble at apex
■ Due to interference with trans-mitral filling by impignement from aortic regurgitant jet.
■ DDx - mitral stenosis(increases intensity with amyl nitrite)
Aortic Valve Disease : Diagnostic Testing
Aortic Stenosis Aortic regurgitaiton
■ EKG : ■ EKG :
SR, LVH with strain, LVH without strain
■ Chest XRay – frequently
■ Chest XRay :
■ Chronic AI – “cor bovinum”
normal ■ Acute AI – pulmonary edema
with nl heart size
■ Aortic cusps –thickened, calcified,
decreased mobility
■ Assessment of LVH & LV systolic ■ Assess Ao valve and root
function ■ Assess LV function/dilatation
■ Concomitant MR, AR ■ LVES dimension>55mm
■ Doppler assesment of AoV ■ Doppler severity of regurgitant
gradient jet
■ Planimetry of AV area
Relationship between AV gradient and
Flow for different Aortic valve areas.
■ Like Mitral Stenosis –
as flow increases so does the gradient.
■ Unlike Mitral Stenosis –
■ Resting flows are higher
■ smaller AV area
■ shorter SEP
■ Larger gradients
■ Significant (>50mmHg) gradient
can be present at rest in
asymptomatic individuals.
Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty