Chapter One: Fits and Tolerances

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CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances


Fits and Tolerances

CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

?Why tolerances and fits are required

Due to the inevitable inaccuracy of manufacturing methods, a part
cannot be made precisely to a given dimension, the difference between
.maximum and minimum limits of size of a part is the tolerance

.Tolerance is the total amount that a specific dimension is permitted to vary

There is no such thing as an "exact size". Tolerance is key to

.interchangeable parts

When two parts are to be assembled, the relation resulting from the
.difference between their sizes before assembly is called a fit
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

Examples of Interchangeable Manufacture

Bottle caps Rims Tires

Advantages For Interchangeable
Replacement: One such part can freely replace another,
.without any custom fitting (such as filling)
Easy to Assembly: This interchangeability allows easy
assembly of new devices
.Repairing: Easier repair of existing devices
Minimizing time and cost: Minimizing both the time and
.skill required of the person doing the assembly or repair
Rapid Manufacturing: Machine tool enables the
components to be manufactured more rapidly
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

?How to decide tolerance

Functional requirements of mating parts
Cost of production
Available manufacturing process

Choose as coarse tolerance as possible without compromising

.functional requirements
.Proper balance between cost and quality of parts
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

1.1 Dimensional Tolerances Some of the dimensional tolerances

terms are defined as following:
1. Dimension
2. Size (It is a number expressed in a particular unit in the measurement of length)
3. Actual size (of a part) (the measured size of the finished part after machining)
4. Basic size (the theoretical size used as a starting point for the application of tolerances)
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
5. Design size (The ideal size for each component (shaft and hole) based upon a selected fit)
6. Limits of size (the maximum and minimum sizes shown by the tolerance dimension)
7. Maximum limit of size (Is the maximum size permitted for the part)
8. Minimum limit of size (it is the minimum size permitted for the part limit of size)
9. Maximum material limit (is the condition of a part when it contains the most amount of material. The
MMC of an external feature (such as a shaft) is the upper limit. The MMC of an internal feature(such as a hole) is the lower limit)

10. Minimum material limit (is the condition of a part when it contains the least amount of material
possible. The LMC of an external feature is the lower limit of the part. The LMC of an internal feature is the upper limit of the part.)

11. Tolerance (Tolerance is the difference between maximum limit of size and minimum limit of size)
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

12. Zero line (it represents the basic size)

13. Upper deviation (It is the algebraic difference between minimum limit of size and its corresponding basic size)
14. Lower deviation (It is the algebraic difference between minimum limit of size and its corresponding basic size)
15. Tolerance zone (a region representing the difference between the upper and the lower limits)
16. Unilateral tolerance (In this method of presenting the limits, variation is allowed only on one side of the zero line)
17. Bilateral tolerance (Here the limits variation is allowed on either sides of the zero line)
18. Shaft (it refers to any external feature of a part, including any non cylindrical features as well)
19. Hole (the term used for any internal feature of a part including any non cylindrical as well)
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

The Tolerance is 0.001” for the Hole as well as for the Shaft
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

Unilateral tolerance

Bilateral tolerance

Zero line
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

Calculate the maximum and minimum

possible dimension for A

CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

20. Basic shaft (the shaft chosen as a basis for the shaft basis system of fit)

21. Basic hole (the hole chosen as a basis for the hole basis system of fit)

22. Fit (Fit is the relationship that exists between two mating parts, a hole and shaft with respect to their dimensional difference )
23. Basic size of a fit (common value of the basic size of the two parts of a fit)
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
24. Clearance fit fit

Hole Shaft

25. Interference fit Tolerance Zone of

Tolerance Zone of



26. Transition fit

CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

27. Minimum clearance

28. Maximum clearance

29. Minimum interference

CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

30. Maximum interference

31. Shaft-basis system of fits

32. Hole-basis system of fits

Figure 1.3: Basic hole and shaft system

CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
Basic Shaft System of fits - 31
In this system the size of the shaft remains the same and the hole size is varied
to get the required fit. Maximum shaft size is taken as the basic size, an
allowance is assigned, and tolerances are applied on both sides of and away
.from this allowance
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
Basic Hole System of fits - 32
In this system the size of the hole remains the same and shaft size is varied to
get the required fit. Minimum hole is taken as the basic size, an allowance is
assigned, and tolerances are applied on both sides of and away from this
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

Or Zero deviation line

CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
Some definitions
Basic Size: is the size from which limits or deviations are
assigned. Basic sizes, usually diameters, should be
.selected from a table of preferred sizes
Deviation: is the difference between the basic size and
.the hole or shaft size
Upper Deviation: is the difference between the basic
.size and the permitted maximum size of the part
Lower Deviation: is the difference between the basic
.size and the minimum permitted size of the part
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

Some Definitions

Fundamental Deviation: is the deviation closest to the

basic size. This is identical to the upper deviation for
shafts and the lower deviation for holes in a clearance
Tolerance: is the difference between the permitted
.minimum and maximum sizes of a part
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

Some Definitions

The hole-basis system of preferred fits is a system in

which the basic diameter is the minimum size of the
hole. For the generally preferred hole-basis system,
the fundamental deviation is specified by the upper-
.case letter
The shaft-basis system of preferred fits is a system in
which the basic diameter is the maximum size of the
shaft. The fundamental deviation is given by the
.lowercase letter
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

Some Definitions

An interference fit results in an interference

between two mating parts under all tolerance
A clearance fit results in a clearance between the
.two mating parts under all tolerance conditions
A transition fit results in either a clearance or an
interference condition between two assembled
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

1.2 Symbols for Tolerances and Deviation and Symbols for Fits:
1. Tolerance values (The tolerance value is a function of the basic size and is indicated by a number called the
grade. )

2. Tolerance zone position

The position of the tolerance zone with respect to the zero line, is indicated by a letter symbol, a capital letter for holes and a small letter
The tolerance size thus defined by its basic value followed by a symbol composed of a letter and a number. It is established by a
combination of the fundamental deviation indicated by a letter and the IT grade number. In the dimension 50H8, the H8 specifies the
.tolerance zone

Example for shaft: 45 g7

International Tolerance Grade (IT)
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

1.2 Symbols for Tolerances and Deviation and Symbols for Fits:
3.A fit (A fit is indicated by the basic size common to both components, followed by symbol corresponding to each component, the
hole being quoted first)

Example: 45 H8 g7
Possibly 45 H8 – g7
Or 45 H8/g7
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

1.3: Grades of tolerances:

Eighteen grades of tolerances are provided IT01, IT0 and IT1 to IT16
The Table 1.1 gives the possible degrees of precision or grade of
tolerance, achieved with different machine tools.
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
Table 1.1: degree of precision or grade of tolerance

Tolerance grade Intended for Applicable to components or machines

I T 01
IT0 Slip blocks, Reference gauges
IT3 High quality gauges
IT5 Ball bearing
IT6 Grinding, Honing
IT7 Broaching
IT8 Fits Center lathe turning
IT9 Worn automatic lathe
I T 10 Milling
I T 11 Drilling, Rough turning
I T 12 Light press work
I T 13 Press work
I T 14 Not for fits Die casting
I T 15 Stamping
I T 16 Sand casting
International Tolerance GradeCHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
Tolerance Grade defines range of
Representation of Tolerance dimensions (dimensional variation)
2) Number or Grade There are manufacturing constraints on
IT01, IT0, IT1,….IT16 tolerance grade chosen
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

Metric Preferred Hole Based System

of fit
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

Metric Preferred shaft Based System of fit

CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances



Figure 1.5: Position of the various tolerance zones for a given diameter in the ISO system
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
Table for fundamental
deviations for shafts
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

Table for fundamental deviations for

Table for fundamental deviations for
Table for fundamental deviations for
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances
1.4 Fundamental tolerance unit:
1.4.1Values of standard tolerances:
T = 10 0.2 (G – 1) (0.45 3√D + 0.001D)
G = Tolerance grade IT6 – IT 16
:Fundamental deviations 1.4.2 Shaft deviation:
For each letter symbol defining the position of the tolerance zone, the magnitude and sign of one of
the two deviations which is known as the fundamental deviations (upper deviation) “es” or lower
deviation “ei”
The other deviation is derived from the first one using the magnitude of the standard tolerance “IT”,
by means of the following algebraic relationship:
The fundamental deviation given by the formulae in above tables of deviations is, in principle, that
corresponding to that limit closest to the zero line, in other words, the upper deviation “es” for shafts
(a) to (h), and the lower deviation “ei” for shafts (j) to (Zc).
ei = es - IT
es = ei + IT
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances Hole deviation:

For each letter symbol, defining the position of the tolerance zone, the magnitude and sign of the
fundamental deviation (lower deviation “EI” for holes (A) to (H) and upper deviation “ES” for holes
(J) to (Zc),
The other deviation is derived from the first one, using the magnitude of the tolerance “IT” by means
of the following relationships.

ES = EI + IT


EI = ES - IT
Determine which type of fit is presented by H7/p6? For basic size of 30 mm
determine the dimensions of the hole and the shaft for the given fit. (Fit: 30 H7/p6)

Capital H means basic hole system

and upper deviation = zero

H7 : Tol Grade 7 mean 21μ
Φ30.02 2
p6 : Tol Grade 6 means 13μ 0
(p means upper deviation is 22 μ)

Fit: 40 H8/e6
CHAPTER ONE : Fits and Tolerances

Figure 1.7: Two comparable fits, with basic hole and basic shaft, in which a hole of a given grade is associated with a shaft
with next finer grade (H7/P6 and P7/h6), have exactly the same clearance or interference.

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