Pricing Strategies Say

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Sriram Purna Kotla
Aman Bhargava
What is Pricing ?
1. Pricing is one of the 4P’s of Marketing Mix which
plays a very Important role .All other P’s are cost
for the company whereas pricing is revenue for the
2. Pricing means determining the price of the product
a firm is selling or going to sell
3. While determining a price it involves various pricing
decisions which are to be taken while deciding a
price of a product
4. The price structure of a firm is a major determinant
What is Pricing Strategy ?

● It is the activity under which the activities are aimed at finding the optimum
price of a product
● It typically includes the marketing objectives,Consumer demand,product
attributes,competitors price and market and economic trends
● Finding the right pricing strategy is an important element in running a
successful business.
Objectives of Pricing Strategy

❏ To earn profits
❏ To increase sales volume
❏ Company Growth
❏ To maintain competitive edge
Objectives of Pricing Strategy ( Contd…..)

❏ Survival
❏ To create a good image of the product as
well as about the company
❏ To discourage the competitors to cut the
Types of Pricing Strategies
Penetration Pricing

1. It is a pricing strategy used by business

to attract customers to new product or
2. The price charged for products and
services is set artificially low in order to
gain market share. Once this is achieved,
the price is increased.
3. It is to lure the customers away from
Price 1. Price skimming sees a company charge
a higher price because it has a
Skimming substantial competitive advantage.
2. The skimming strategy gets its name
from skimming successive layers of
cream, or customer segments, as prices
are lowered over time.
3. As it starts with high pricing therefore it
attracts new competitors to enter the
market as due to which the price
eventually fall
Competitive Pricing

1. It is the pricing strategy under which the

companies use the prices of their
2. As the company thought that the
competitor has set this price by
assuming that the competitors have
thoroughly worked on the price
3. Therefore, by setting the same price as
its competitors, a newly-launched firm
can avoid the trial and error costs of the
price-setting process.
Product Line 1. Where there is a range of products or
services the pricing reflects the benefits
Pricing of parts of the range
2. It refers to the practice of reviewing and
setting prices for multiple products that a
company offers in coordination with one
3. Effective product line pricing by a
business will usually involve putting
sufficient price gaps between categories
to inform prospective buyers of quality
differentials. Also called price lining.
Psychological 1. It is a pricing as well as marketing
strategy which means that certain prices
Pricing have a psychological impact on the
2. Retail prices are often expressed as "odd
prices": a little less than a round number
eg Rs. 199 ,99 etc
3. The theory that drives this is that lower
pricing such as this institutes greater
demand than if consumers were
perfectly rational.
Premium 1. It is also known as image pricing or
prestige pricing. It is used when there is a
Pricing unique brand
2. It is a practice of keeping price of a
product artificially high to attract the
favourable perceptions among buyers
3. This approach is used where a
substantial competitive advantage exists
and the marketer is safe in the
knowledge that they can charge a
relatively higher price.
Optional 1. It is strategy when a company sells a
base product at a relatively low price, but
Pricing sells complementary accessories at a
higher price.
2. Companies will attempt to increase the
amount customers spend once they start
to buy.
3. Optional ‘extras’ increase the overall price
of the product or service.

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