Briefing and Orientation On New Rules and Procedures of The Pollution Adjudication Board (PAB)
Briefing and Orientation On New Rules and Procedures of The Pollution Adjudication Board (PAB)
Briefing and Orientation On New Rules and Procedures of The Pollution Adjudication Board (PAB)
2 DENR Undersecretaries
EMB Director
3 others to be designated by
the Secretary
Pollution Adjudication Board
Present Composition:
Chairman: Secretary Roy Cimatu
Usec. Rodolfo C. Garcia
Usec Atty. Jonas R. Leones
Usec Atty. Ernesto D. Adobo, Jr.
Usec Atty. Analiza R. Teh
HEA Mario F. Chan
EMB Director Engr. Metodio U. Turbella
Demetrio L. Ignacio
Board Secretary:
Dir. Domingo M. Clemente, Jr.
Engr. Teresita A. Peralta (Deputy
Pollution Adjudication Board
6 October 1997
Procedures for Handling Cases
- Monitoring Compliance
1 - Complaint NOV1 Technical Period
-Inspection Conference
2 3
Regional Office
For inspection/reports
6 PAB 5
Regional Offices should submit copies of all NOVs to the PAB
Roles of RO’s in Adjudication Process
1. Action on Complaints
2. Monitoring
3. Notice of Violation
4. Technical Conference
5. Elevating case to PAB
6. Implementation of CDO
1. Action on Complaints
In all complaints cognizable by the PAB,
the Regional Office shall submit a report
to the Board containing the following:
– Result of investigation
– Status of the case
– Recommendation
2. Monitoring
The Regional Office is required to submit
monthly reports to the PAB on the
status/updates on cases referred,
investigated and/or endorsed
3. Notice of Violations
If based on investigation there is a prima facie evidence
of violation, a Notice of Violation shall be issued. The
PAB shall be furnished copies of all notices of violation
issued by the Regional Offices (every 5th day of every
month), Notices of violation shall contain the following:
– Complaint if any
– Date of technical conference
– Results of investigation/analyses
RO shall furnish respondent a copy of the results of
analysis within five (5) days from the release of the
The Regional Office is bound to implement
fully a CDO issued by the PAB within a
period of 72 hours. If it cannot be
implemented, a written report shall be
transmitted stating therein the causes of
failure to execute.