Spectroscopic Techniques and Applications: Dr. Abhilasha Mishra

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Spectroscopic Techniques


Dr. Abhilasha Mishra

The term "spectroscopy" defines a large number of techniques that use radiation to obtain
information on the structure and properties of matter. The basic principle shared by all
spectroscopic techniques is to shine a beam of electromagnetic radiation onto a
sample, and observe how it responds to such a stimulus. The response is usually recorded
as a function of radiation wavelength. A plot of the response as a function of wavelength is
referred to as a spectrum.
Spectroscopy deals with the study of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter.

Spectroscopy is the measurement

and interpretation of electromagnetic
radiation absorbed or emitted when
the molecules or atoms or ions of a
sample moves from one energy state
to another energy state.

Electromagnetic spectrum
Origin of Spectra

Consider two energy levels of an atom or molecule. The

one with lower energy level is called ground state energy
level (Eg) and the one with higher energy level is called
excited state energy level (Ee).

Absorption spectrum: results when an atom or electromagnetic radiation

molecule undergoes a transition from the lower energy
level to the higher energy one with the absorption of a
photon of energy hυ. The energy hυ will be equal to the
energy difference between the two energy levels.

hυ = ∆E = Ee-Eg = hc/λ

Emission spectrum: results when an atom or molecule

undergoes a transition from the higher energy level to the
ground state with the emission of a photon of energy hυ .
Spectra can be classified into two categories:

1. Atomic Spectra: This arises from the transition of an electron between the
atomic energy levels. Thus only electronic transitions are involved. It is used to
obtain detailed information about electronic structure of atoms.

2. Molecular Spectra: This arises from the transition of an electron between the
molecular energy levels. Here besides the electronic transitions, electrons can
undergo rotation as well as vibration. So, molecular spectroscopy i.e the study
of molecular spectra is more complicated than the atomic spectra but it also
gives more information.

 It is used in the structural investigations i.e we can determine electronic

energy levels, bond lengths, bond angles and the strength of the bonds.
 It can be used to monitor changing concentration of reactants or products in
kinetic studies.
 It gives us an understanding of color.
Molecular Spectroscopy
Total Energy of a molecule = E = Electronic energy + Vibration energy + Rotational energy +
Translational energy

Electronic energy: A molecule possesses electronic energy which is associated with the
transition of an electron from the ground state energy level to the excited state by the
absorption of photons of suitable frequency.
Vibration energy: The nuclei of the molecule undergoes to and fro motion but its centre of
gravity does not change
Rotational energy: The molecule undergoes rotation about the axis passing through the
centre of gravity
Translational energy: The molecule undergoes motion but its centre of gravity changes.
Summary of various types of
molecular spectra

Spectra Transitions Region of electromagnetic spectrum

Rotational Spectra Between the rotational energy levels Microwave ( 1-100cm-1)

Infrared Between the vibrational energy levels Infrared (500-4000cm-1)

UV-Vis Between the electronic energy levels Visible (12,500-25,000cm-1)

UV (25,000 – 70,000cm-1)

Raman Between the vibrational and rotational energy levels Far and Near infrared regions

NMR Between the magnetic energy levels of nuclei Radiofrequency

ESR Between the magnetic energy levels of unpaired Microwave

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