How To Arrest Someone

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Two Methods:
Arresting a Suspect as
a Police Officer and
Making a Citizen’s
Arrest Community
Arresting someone is complicated. You must have
a legal reason to make the arrest, and you must
follow certain procedures when making the arrest.
Police officers should be given a detailed policy
explaining the amount of force that is appropriate
depending on the circumstances. If police use too
much force, then can be sued.
Although citizens can make arrests in many
countries, they should carefully analyze the situation.
Often, it makes better sense to simply call the police.
Arresting a
as a Police
1. Confirm you have reason to
Legally, you can only make an arrest in a limited
number of circumstances. For example, you can
arrest someone in the following situations:
• You have an arrest warrant signed by a
• You observed a crime being committed.
• You have probable cause to believe the suspect
has committed a crime. To find probable cause,
you must have specific facts and not a hunch that
the person has committed a crime.
2. Immobilize the suspect. 
 To make the arrest easier, you need to stop the suspect’s
movements. You can use many different methods, such as
verbal commands or Tasers. Your police force should have a
“use of force” policy that lays out what force you can use and
when. Know this policy by heart. If you don’t follow it, you
can be sued for excessive use of force.
 Typically, the manual will explain a continuum of force. For
example, you can start by issuing a verbal command: “Let me
see your ID” or “Stop.” If the suspect doesn’t comply, you can
use empty hand controls such as grabs or holds. The officer
can increase the force up the continuum until the suspect
 The final point on the continuum is deadly force. Your manual
will explain the situations in which deadly force is
 Use of force is so important you should receive training on it
before being allowed into the field. Ask a supervisor if you
have questions.
3. Gain control of the suspect. 
 Once you immobilize the suspect, you need to
control them. If you don’t, then you can injure
yourself as you try to get the cuffs on. If
necessary, you may need to move up the use of
force continuum until you get sufficient
 Be alert for the suspect to attempt to break free at
any point before they are handcuffed.
4. Handcuff the suspect. 
 You should handcuff someone behind their
back. If you handcuff in the front, they have too
much freedom to move and may reach for a
weapon or hurt you. Always cuff in back.
 Always place the backs of the hands together. This
prevents suspects from sliding their hands down to
the feet.
 After cuffing, make sure the handcuffs aren’t
too tight. Also confirm they are secure.
5. Search the suspect. 
 After cuffing the suspect, you should search them.
Search for a weapon or other evidence of a crime.
You can never be too careful. Search everyone,
regardless of their gender, age, size, or race. Even
very young and very old suspects have killed police
 You might not be able to conduct your search immediately
after arrest. For example, weather conditions might prevent
a safe search. Also, you might have arrested someone with
a mob of people seething around you. Move the suspect to
a secure location before searching.
 Check the waist and groin areas first. A weapon is most
likely stored there.
 Also be sure to conduct a second, more thorough search. If
necessary, ask another officer to search the suspect as well.
6. Transport the suspect. 
 Remain vigilant during the transport. You
might relax, thinking everything is under
control because the cuffed suspect is in the
backseat. However, the suspect’s anxiety will
increase the closer you get to your destination.
Accordingly, you should be prepared for erratic
or irrational behaviour when you near the end
of the transport.
 Remember to search the subject each time you
transfer them to another officer or drop them off at a
location. You might have overlooked a weapon, or the
suspect could have obtained one during transport.
7. Give Miranda warnings if
you want to ask questions. 
 Once a suspect is in custody, you can’t
interrogate them without
giving Miranda warnings. If you don't give the
warnings, then the prosecutor can't use the
suspect's statements in court. There are four
 The suspect has the right to remain silent.
 Any statement the suspect makes can and will be
used against them in court.
 They have the right to an attorney.
 If the suspect can’t afford an attorney, one will be
provided to them.

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