On Research Methodology (Satyapriya)

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 Research means search of knowledge.

 It aims at finding out truth.

 Art of Scientific investigation.

 Way of thinking, critically examining aspects of daily life.

 Fact finding Process. A movement from the Known to Unknown.

 Research is an Organised and Systematic way of Finding the Answers to Questions.

According to the American sociologist Earl Robert
Babbie, “Research is a systematic inquiry to
describe, explain, predict, and control the observed
phenomenon. Research involves inductive and
deductive methods.”
 A systematic approach must be followed for accurate data. Rules and procedures are an integral part
of the process that set the objective. Researchers need to practice ethics and a code of conduct while
making observations or drawing conclusions.

 Research is based on logical reasoning and involves both inductive and deductive methods.

 Research creates a path for generating new questions. Existing data helps create more opportunities
for research.

 Research is analytical in nature. It makes use of all the available data so that there is no ambiguity in

 Accuracy is one of the most important aspects of research. The information that is obtained should be
accurate and true to its nature.

Research Methods Research Methodology

Research methods are the methods by Research methodology explains the methods by
which you conduct research into a subject which, you may proceed with your research.
or a topic.
Research methodology involves the learning of
the various techniques that can be used in the
Research methods involve the conduct of conduct of research and in the conduct of tests,
experiments, tests, surveys. experiments, surveys and critical studies.

Research methodology aims at the employment

of the correct procedures to find out solutions.
Research methods aim at finding solutions
to research problems.
1. Lack of scientific training in methodology of research:
The scenario in most cases is like a blind leading the blind. Most of the people who hold the position of
research guides are themselves not thorough with the various methodologies. They lead the
researcher/students to copy methodology of similar studies.

2. Copying of data:
Some researchers (as they call themselves), merely copy other international studies or studies which
have been done by researchers/students of the other universities. This is a crime and should not be
promoted. A researchers can re-evaluate others study by considering and overcoming the limitations of
previous study, but at no cost should be copied or repeated. One should learn to respect others hard

3. Lack of availability or access to literature needed:

This is a major problem faced during the literature review. The lack of availability of access to internet.
Searching books and newspaper articles from conventional libraries consumes a lot of time and effort.

4. Publishing may be expensive:

Research study once it is completed, the further step will be the publishing of the same. Printing and
binding may turn to be expensive. Also, it will be very expensive the paper has to be published in any
international journals or conferences. These expenses may not be affordable by the student
5. Lack of availability of sponsors:
This may be due to lot of reasons.

a) Hesitation to contact sponsors

b) Not able to convince the sponsors
c) Lack of confidence of sponsors over the researcher

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