Global Citizenship: Click To Edit Master Title Style

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Sir Malit

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• It is a way of living that recognizes

our world is an increasingly
complex web of connections and
interdependencies. One in which
our choices and actions may have
repercussions for people and
communities locally, nationally or

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Click toCitizenship
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• Global citizenship is a concept that

has produced varied and
contested understandings, not the
least of which is the argument that
the privilege of legal status
inherently associated with national
citizenship is not a feature of
global citizenship.

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is someone who:

• is aware of the wider world and has a sense of their own role as a world citizen
• respects and values diversity
• has an understanding of how the world works
• is outraged by social injustice
• participates in the community at a range of levels, from the local to the global
• is willing to act to make the world a more equitable and sustainable place
• takes responsibility for their actions.

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• To be effective Global Citizens, young people need

to be flexible, creative and proactive. They need to
be able to solve problems, make decisions, think
critically, communicate ideas effectively and work
well within teams and groups. These skills and
attributes are increasingly recognized as being
essential to succeed in other areas of 21st century
life too, including many workplaces. These skills
and qualities cannot be developed without the use
of active learning methods through which pupils
learn by doing and by collaborating with others.

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“Education must be not only a
transmission of culture but also a
provider of alternative views of the
world and a strengthener of skills to
explore them“- Jerome S. Bruner

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With the • socially and culturally through the

interconnected and media and telecommunications,
nature of our and through travel and migration
world, the global is • economically through trade
not ‘out there’; it is
part of our • environmentally through sharing
everyday lives, as one planet
we are linked to • politically through international
others on every
continent: relations and systems of regulation.
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According toMaster title Nations…
the United style

• Global citizenship exists at various levels, in numerous

contexts and at different times, with no single
identifiable institutional framework. In the new world
order, it seeks to expand its scope and democratize a
decision-making process that can radically affect basic
aspects of our societies, especially in people’s lives,
particularly those of minorities and the disadvantaged.
Global citizens act without limits or geographical
distinctions and they do so outside the traditional
spheres of power. Their goal is to defend human dignity
and to promote social accountability and international
solidarity, in which tolerance, inclusion and recognition
of diversity occupy pride of place in word and deed,
reflecting the multiplicity of actors involved in the
actions of global citizenship.
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The philosophy of global citizenship is a
part of the philosophy of the global
governing of humankind.

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According toMaster title Nations…
the United style
Today there are over 7 • Universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning,
billion people on the planet. is a missing part for better learning, observation,
Within the last century, the
population has increased to knowledge, understanding and living of humans;
four and half times greater
than previous centuries.
Social pressures on the • Individual social responsibility is a forgotten and a
systemic qualities of the missing quality of present humans. All living beings
Earth’s biosphere need have it and only humankind has lost it; and
harmony for successful
cooperation, survival,
longevity and prosperity.
Three important qualities of • Requisite holism as knowledge, which humans needs
humankind are missing: for understanding Universal Nature and the nature of
planet Earth.


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