Goverment Influence
Goverment Influence
Goverment Influence
Chapter 6
Influence on Trade
Learning Objectives
Explain why governments try to enhance and
restrict trade
Show the effects of pressure groups on trade
Compare the potential and actual effects of
government intervention on the free flow of trade
Discuss the major means by which trade is
restricted and regulated
Learning Objectives
Demonstrate the business uncertainties
and opportunities created by
governmental trade policies
Discern how businesses may respond to
import competition
Fathom how the growing complexity of
products and trade regulations may affect
the future
Protectionism - policies that
affect the ability of foreign producers to
compete in your home market
limit or enhance your company’s ability to sell
abroad or acquire needed foreign supplies
Physical and Social Factors Affecting the Flow of Goods and Services
Conflicting Results
of Trade Policies
Governments intervene in trade to achieve
economic, social, and political goals
Policymakers are challenged by
conflicting objectives
interest groups
The Role of Stakeholders
Proposed policies on trade spark debate
Stakeholders include
Local politicians
Consumers usually don’t care
Economic Rationales for
Governmental Intervention
Learning Objective:
Explain why governments try to enhance
and restrict trade
Economic Rationales for
Government Intervention
Why governments intervene in trade
Economic rationales
Fighting unemployment
Protecting infant industries
Promoting industrialization
Improving comparative position
Non-economic rationales
Maintaining essential industries
Promoting acceptable practices abroad
Maintaining or extending spheres of influence
Preserving national culture
Fighting Unemployment
Learning Objective:
Show the effects of pressure groups on
trade policies
Fighting Unemployment
The unemployed are the most effective pressure
But, import restrictions
can lead to retaliation by other countries
are less likely retaliated against effectively by small
are less likely to be met with retaliation if implemented
by small economies
may decrease export jobs because of price increases for
may decrease export jobs because of lower incomes
Protecting ‘Infant Industries’
Learning Objective:
Compare the potential and actual effects
of government intervention on the free
flow of trade
Protecting ‘Infant Industries’
The infant industry argument
government protection of import competition is
necessary to help certain industries evolve
from high-cost to low-cost production
Used by developing countries
Developing an Industrial Base
Countries promote industrialization
because it
brings faster growth than agriculture
brings in investment funds
diversifies the economy
creates growth in manufactured goods
reduces imports and promotes exports
helps the nation-building process
Economic Relationships
With Other Countries
Trade controls can be used
to gain fair access to foreign markets
as a bargaining tool
believability and importance
to control prices
optimum-tariff theory
Noneconomic Rationales for
Government Intervention
Noneconomic rationales include
Maintaining essential industries
Promoting acceptable practices abroad
Maintaining or extending spheres of influence
Preserving national culture
Maintaining Essential Industries
The essential industry argument
protect essential industries so the country is
not dependent on foreign supplies during war
Countries must
determine which industries are essential
consider costs and alternatives
consider political consequences
Promoting Acceptable
Practices Abroad
Import trade controls can be used
to promote changes in foreign countries’
political policies or capabilities
as a foreign policy weapon
to pressure governments to alter their stances
on a variety of issues
human rights
environmental protection
Maintaining or Extending
Spheres of Influence
Governments provide assistance and
encourage imports from countries that join
a political alliance or vote a preferred way
within international bodies
Cotonou Agreement
A country’s trade restrictions may coerce
governments to follow certain political
actions or punish companies whose
governments do not
Preserving National Culture
In order to preserve national culture,
limit foreign products and services in certain
Canada’s cultural sovereignty
valuation problems
Nontariff Barriers:
Direct Price Influencers
Aid and loans