Alvior Chua Diongzon Ko Tin GESTSOC - Healthcare
Alvior Chua Diongzon Ko Tin GESTSOC - Healthcare
Alvior Chua Diongzon Ko Tin GESTSOC - Healthcare
Access to Public
Healthcare in the
Group Members:
Alvior, Anel | Chua, Clariz |
Diongzon, Julia | Ko, Rica | Tin,
According to the World Health Organization,
healthcare can provide human wellbeing while
simultaneously improving the economy. This
shows how healthcare is directly involved in
one’s well-being and happiness. Both of these
are also crucial elements as to how a nation can
progress and prosper (WHO, 2010).
2. The matrix was helpful in helping us narrow down our search for our sources
since many of
the sources online were vague and sometimes multiple sources were saying
just about the same
thing. The focus of each source was also different in their approach,
because of this, we
3. Even though
specifically we picked
searched sourcesthat
for sources to specifically answer
will fit the guide certain in
questions guide
matrix. in the matrix, we
also digged deeper on each source and if there were more than 1 guide
question the source can
answer, we would also write it in the matrix. We also analyze each source
with our topic in mind
The Literature We Chose to
1. Exhaustive - Chapter 33. Professional Communication and Team Collaboration
(O’Daniel &
Rosenstein, 2008).
2. Critical - Does Corruption Affect Health and Education Outcomes in the
Philippines? (Azfar &
Gurgur, 2008).
1. Out of all the sources included in our Exhaustive Literature Review, this
source has the most
unique solution to improving the quality of healthcare. It also makes use of
elements which makes this source really interesting and thus, we chose to
highlight this
2. With the Philippines being known for its corruption, this literature is very
interesting because it
shows the effect of health outcomes as a result of corruption. Out of all the
sources in the
Critical Literature Review, this one brings a fresh new take on the problem
at hand and is
Chapter 33. Professional Communication and Team
Communication failure or misinterpretation ranks 5th of the Top 10 causes of
death. This means that human error could potentially affect the survival chances
of a patient.
This study defines corruption as “abuse of office for personal gain”. In which corruption
can affect different parts of healthcare in various ways like bribery and embezzlement. It is also
stated that this corruption can be seen as the root cause of poverty in the Philippines.
Philippines was decentralized back in 1991 with the Local Government Code (LGC) which
resulted in a distribution of responsibility between elected local governments. Due to the
decentralization, expenditures and decisions on healthcare began to vary between different
localities. This resulted into mostly positive views due to the advances the Philippines was able
to make in the fight against malaria, TB, child health and etc.
All the surveys concluded that corruption has a substantial effect on the quality of
healthcare. In which corruption affects the rural and urban areas differently. Rural areas go
through a longer waiting period, delayed immunizations, and less satisfaction towards
healthcare. While urban areas are more “corruption-elastic”. The study also concludes that
Does Corruption Affect Health and Education Outcomes in
the Philippines?
● Corruption happens in the local level and majority of the
population goes to government hospitals where
corruption is at play.
● This study highlights corruption as a major contributor to
the lack of quality and access to public healthcare in the
● This is a social problem since government officials are the
ones making decisions on the enhancements on the public
healthcare system.
● Immunization Coverage
● The communities with the highest corruption level
also have the least number of successful
immunization coverage.
● Immunization coverage gets negatively affected by
urbanization rate, unequal distribution of wealth, and
distance to health centers.
● As more people get immunize, the locals prosper
Does Corruption Affect Health and Education Outcomes in
the Philippines?
● Vaccination of Children
● The size of public health facilities in the area has a
negative impact on immunization.
● There are a lot of factors affecting the demand for
health service, two of the factors are the existence
of private health providers and distance to
alternative public health facilities.
● In government hospitals, it was discovered that the
number of immunization coverage increase when the
central government regularly audits.
● Delay in vaccination of children