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Experienced Clinical Nurse Retention

Faith London, Kachina Setram, Stephanie Steinruck, Jamie Underwood

Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing

Abstract Data and Analysis of the Issue Proposed

Solution Conclusion
Purpose: Our aim is to reduce the experienced Hypothesis: High turnover rates of experienced nurses will continue if
➢ In 2019, 48 experienced clinical nurses (5+ years)
If we create a discharge nurse position for experience change is not implemented. Experienced nurses are
nurse turnover rate from 9.3% to 8.3% by the end resigned from St. Mary’s Hospital.
nurses, then the experienced nurse retention rate at St. essential to keep at the bedside in order to promote
of the year 2020 at St. Mary’s Hospital. ➢ 12 out of 48 were due to retirement.
Mary’s hospital will increase. better patient outcomes. In our research, we found that
➢ At SMH, projected retirement is 8% for the next 2 years,
24% in the next 10 years and half of the workforce by having a designated discharge nurse will ease the
Background: At St. Mary’s Hopsital, there is a high 2042 Evidence: workload of other bedside nurses reducing the overall
turnover of experienced RNs who are retiring. Studies have shown that implementing a discharge turnover rate of nurses. Additionally, it will allow patients
In the US, due to the demands of the job many clinical nurse role allows for expedited discharge times, improve to receive thorough discharge education improving their
nurses are retiring early (Myer & Amendolair 2014) HCAHPS scores, improve quality of discharge teaching ability to care for themselves once home as well as
Proposed Solution: We propose implementing a and optimizes inpatient throughput (Shrimp & Neville, reducing hospital readmissions.
discharge nurse role on units. Variables contributing to early retirement: 2017). Economic Implications of creating a Discharge Nurse
- long shifts with minimal breaks Role on a Medical-Surgical Nursing Unit.
- want to be able to have weekends off
Implications for Practice: Implementing a - want to work part time
discharge nurse role would decrease the workload - lack of incentive Logistics
on bedside nurses and allow for a more thorough - just plain tired - Meeting with unit managers and administration to
- want to feel valued discuss creating new position
education for patients. - HR creating new discharge nurse position
- Meeting with nursing staff to explain new discharge
nurse role References
- Orientation of discharge nurse
Grant, R. (2016, February 12). The U.S. Is Running Out of
- Unit nursing staff
Introduction and Description of - Unit manager
Nurses. Retrieved from
- Hospital leadership/administration
the Issue - Human Resources

Macro Description: Potential costs Mennella, H. D. A. B. (2018). Retention of Healthcare

- Clinician burnout is bad for both clinicians and patients Personnel: Retaining Older Nurses. CINAHL Nursing Guide.
- Full time experienced nurse salary approx.
which lead to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization,
$55,000.00 Myer, S., & Amendolair, D. (May, 2014). Time is of The
and loss of sense of professional efficacy. (National - Part time experienced nurse salary approx.
Academy of Medicine, 2019) Essence: Retain your older nurses. Retrieved from
- Burn out leads bedside nurses to early retirement. 43.2% - Potential training costs for preceptor pay
stated if they had the chance to work part time would ma2/2014/05/000/time-essence/3/00006247
make them delay early retirement (Myer & Amendolair
2014) Root Cause Timeline Read "Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout: A Systems
- Around a million RN’s in the U.S. are currently older than Approach to Professional Well-Being" at (n.d.).
- Begin hiring process in July 2020
50, meaning one-third of the current nursing workforce Retrieved from
- Have appropriate units staffed with discharge nurses
will reach retirement age in the next 10 to 15 years. Per the data, burnout has been found to be a major by end of December 2020.
Nearly 700,000 nurses are projected to retire or leave the contributing factor to clinical nurse retirement. The following
labor force by 2024. (Grant, R., 2016) are components of burnout: Shimp, K.,& Neville, B., (May,2017). Economics Implications
- 38.6% of experience nurse's retired because they did not - Physical demands of Creating a Discharge Nurse Role on a Medical-Surgical
feel valued (Myer & Amendolair 2014). Data reflects 70% - Patient acuity Nursing unit. Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses 26(3) 4-6
of the 40 clinical registered nurse respondents.
Micro Description:(The following statistics are a combination of new and
- Long hours Data Collection
experienced nurses.)
- Minimal/no breaks Uthaman, T., Chua, T. L., & Ang, S. Y. (2016). Older nurses: A
- Staff ratios - Surveys from unit nurses
- 26.99% are planning to leave their unit at SMH because - Yearly nurse retention rate literature review on challenges, factors in early retirement and
of job dissatisfaction. - Shift work/rotating shifts
- HCAHPS scores relating to discharge process and workforce retention. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare,
- 4.28% have to force themselves to work most of the time readiness to care for self at home 25(1), 50–55.
- 3.18 % mention they do not have a supportive supervisor
- 2.69% Stated the shortage of nurses affect their staff to
patient ratio
- 9.84% of RNs working >8 hours w/no meal break
2019 NDNQI Nurse Satisfaction Survey revealed that St.
Mary’s Hospital was above the magnet mean in all the
previously stated statistics.

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