Standardised PPT On GST: Indirect Taxes Committee The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Standardised PPT On GST: Indirect Taxes Committee The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Standardised PPT On GST: Indirect Taxes Committee The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
The information cited in this presentation has been drawn from various sources. While every
efforts have been made to keep the information cited in this presentation error free, the Institute or
any office do not take the responsibility for any typographical or clerical error which may have
crept in while compiling the information provided in this presentation. Further, the information
provided in this presentation are subject to the provisions contained under different acts and
members are advised to refer to those relevant provision also. For clarifications write to us at
[email protected]
© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
This standardised PPT may be used by any person with due
acknowledgement to the Indirect Taxes Committee of ICAI.
Time of Supply
Date of receipt of payment (date on which payment is entered in the books of Accounts of
supplier or Date on which payment is credited to the supplier’s bank a/c whichever is earlier-
Explanation 2 to Section 12(2)
*Where payment is received in advance, the Supplier shall issue a receipt voucher, and NOT a tax invoice
© Indirect Taxes Committee, ICAI
Time of Supply of Goods – Sec 12(2) 5
*Where payment is received in advance, the Supplier shall issue a receipt voucher, and NOT a tax invoice
*Where payment of Rs. 1000/- is received in excess, then time of supply for goods or services at the option
of supplier is date of issue of invoice (Proviso to section 13(2)).
© Indirect Taxes Committee, ICAI
Time of Supply of Services – Sec 13(2)
Payment Credit in
Section 13(2) Invoice date Invoice due entry in bank Time of
date supplier's account supply
Continuous supply of
services Date as per Receipt of Time of
Invoice date
Section 13(2) r/w Section contract payment supply
02-Feb-18 10-Feb-18 15-Feb-18 02-Feb-18
Section 31(5)(a)
Contract provides for 17-Feb-18 10-Feb-18 15-Feb-18 10-Feb-18
payments monthly on the 10-Jan-18 10-Jan-18 06-Jan-18 06-Jan-18
10th of succeeding month
12-Feb-18 10-Feb-18 25-Feb-18 10-Feb-18
the recipient
import of services from an associated
Note: This factor is not relevant in case of
invoice by supplier
case of services) from the date of issue of
31 st day (in case of goods) / 61s t day (in
In case of import of services from an associated enterprises the time of supply is the date of entry in the
books of account of recipient of supply OR date of payment, whichever is earlier. (2nd proviso to Section
13(3) of CGST Act).
© Indirect Taxes Committee, ICAI
Time of Supply of Goods / Services - Reverse
Charge – Sec 12(3) / 13(3) 16
Date of
Reverse charge invoice Removal of Receipt of Payment by Time of
Section 12(3) issued by goods goods recipient supply
As per Section 15(2)(d) of CGST Act the value of supply shall include interest or late fee or penalty for
delayed payment of any consideration for any supply.
© Indirect Taxes Committee, ICAI
Change in rate of tax in respect of supply of
goods or services – Sec 14 22
Date of supply Date of Date of Time of supply Rate of tax
of goods or invoice receipt of
services payment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Before After After Earlier of (2) and (3) New
Before Before After (2) Old
Before After Before (3) Old
After Before After (3) New
After Before Before Earlier of (2) and (3) Old
After After Before (2) New
Suppose there is change in rate of tax from 01/10/2017. The TOS and rate of tax applicable is as
under in various situations.
Date of supply of Date of Date of receipt Time of supply Rate of tax
goods or services invoice of payment
10.09.2017 05.10.2017 08.10.2017 05.10.2017 (Earlier of (ii) New Rate
and (iii))
10.09.2017 25.09.2017 08.10.2017 25.09.2017 (date of invoice) Old rate
10.09.2017 05.10.2017 27.09.2017 27.09.2017 (date of receipt of Old rate
06.10.2017 25.09.2017 08.10.2017 08.10.2017 (date of receipt of New rate
06.10.2017 25.09.2017 27.09.2017 25.09.2017 (Earlier of (ii) and Old rate
06.10.2017 05.10.2017 27.09.2017 05.10.2017 (date of invoice) New rate
Value of Supply
Value of supply of goods or services or both shall be the ‘Transaction Value’, where
Supplier and recipient of supply are unrelated
Price is actually paid / payable – AND price is the sole consideration for the supply
Explanation to Section 15 of the CGST Act deems the persons below to be “related persons”:
• Officers / Directors of one another’s business
• Partners in business
• Employer – employee
• A person directly / indirectly owns / controls / holds 25% of shares of both the persons
• One directly / indirectly controls the other
• Both are directly / indirectly controlled by a third person
• Together, they directly / indirectly control a third person
• Members of the same family
• Sole agent / distributor / concessionaire of the other
© Indirect Taxes Committee, ICAI
Transaction value: Inclusions and exclusions 26
d) If value not determinable under (a), (b) or (c), be the sum total of
consideration in money and such further amount in money that is
equivalent to consideration not in money as determined by
application of rule 30 or 31 in that order.
(1) Where a new phone is supplied for Rs. 20,000/- along with the exchange of an
old phone and if the price of the new phone without exchange is Rs. 24,000/- ,
the open market value of the new phone is Rs. 24,000/-.
(2) Where a laptop is supplied for Rs. 40,000/- along with the barter of a printer
that is manufactured by the recipient and the value of the printer known at the time
of supply is Rs. 4,000/- but the open market value of the laptop is not known, the
value of the supply of the laptop is Rs. 44,000/-.
A principal supplies groundnut to his agent and the agent is supplying
groundnuts of like kind and quality in subsequent supplies at a price of five
thousand rupees per quintal on the day of the supply. Another independent
supplier is supplying groundnuts of like kind and quality to the said agent at the
price of four thousand five hundred and fifty rupees per quintal. The value of the
supply made by the principal shall be four thousand five hundred and fifty
rupees per quintal or where he exercises the option, the value shall be 90 per
cent. of five thousand rupees i.e., four thousand five hundred rupees per quintal.
• Further, in case of supply of services, the supplier may opt for this
rule, disregarding rule 30.
When exchanged from or/ to INR:
difference of buying rate/ selling rate and RBI reference rate X total units of
(If RBI reference rate is not available, value shall be 1% of gross amount of
INR received or provided)
• If neither of two currencies exchanged in INR, the value shall be equal to:
1% of the lesser of the two amounts
received by converting any of the two currencies into INR
on that day at the reference rate provided by RBI.
Amount of currency 1% of the gross amount of
exchanged up to Rs.1 currency exchanged or Rs. 250/-,
lakh whichever is higher
Amount of currency
Rs. 1,000/- + 0.5% of the gross
exchanged exceeding
amount of currency exchanged
Rs.1 lakh and up to
above Rs. 100,000/-
Rs.10 lakhs
Rs. 5,500/- + 0.10% of the gross
Amount of currency
amount of currency exchanged
exchanged exceeding
above Rs.10 lakhs or Rs. 60,000/-,
Rs.10 lakhs
whichever is lower
© Indirect Taxes Committee, ICAI
Rule 32: Determination of value in respect of
certain supplies 41
“Basic fare” means that part of the air fare on which commission is normally
paid to the air travel agent by the airline.
• Supply of used goods as such or after such minor processing which does
not change the nature of the goods and where no ITC has been availed
on purchase of such goods,
• The value of a token, or a voucher, or a coupon, or a stamp (other than postage stamp)
which is redeemable against a supply shall be equal to:-
money value of the goods or services or both redeemable against such token,
voucher, coupon, or stamp.
Illustration.- Corporate service firm A is engaged to handle the legal work pertaining to the
incorporation of Company B. Other than its service fees, A also recovers from B, registration fee
and approval fee for the name of the company paid to the Registrar of Companies.
The fees charged by the Registrar of Companies for the registration and approval of the name
are compulsorily levied on B. A is merely acting as a pure agent in the payment of those fees.
Therefore, A’s recovery of such expenses is a disbursement and not part of the value of supply
made by A to B.
(1) The rate of exchange for determination of value of taxable goods shall be:-
the applicable rate of exchange as notified by the Board under section 14 of the Customs
Act, 1962 for the date of time of supply of such goods in terms of section 12 of the Act.
(2) The rate of exchange for determination of value of taxable services shall be:-
the applicable rate of exchange determined as per the generally accepted accounting
principles for the date of time of supply of such services in terms of section 13 of the Act.
Value inclusive of taxes X tax rate in % of IGST or as the case may be CGST,
Tax Amount =
(100 + sum of tax rates, as applicable, in %)
Mr. Mohan located in Manipal purchases 10,000 Hero ink pens worth Rs.4,00,000
from Lekhana Wholesalers located in Bhopal. Mr. Mohan’s wife is an employee in
Lekhana Wholesalers. The price of each Hero pen in the open market is Rs.52. The
supplier additionally charges Rs.5,000 for delivering the goods to the recipient’s
place of business.
Ans. Mr. Mohan and Lekhana Wholesalers would not be treated as related persons
merely because the spouse of the recipient is an employee of the supplier, although
such spouse and the supplier would be treated as related persons. Therefore, the
transaction value will be accepted as the value of the supply. The transaction value
includes incidental expenses incurred by the supplier in respect of the supply up to
the time of delivery of goods to the recipient. This means, the transaction value
will be: Rs.4,05,000 (i.e., 4,000,000 + 5,000).
Mr. & Ms. Mehta purchase 10 gift vouchers for Rs. 500 each from Crossword, and 5
vouchers from Four Fountains Spa costing Rs. 1,000 each, and gives them as return gifts to
children and their parents for their son’s birthday party. The vouchers from Four Fountains
Spa had a special offer for couples – services for both persons at the price chargeable to one.
Ans. The value of the supply would be the money value of the goods redeemable against
the voucher. Thus, in case of vouchers from Crossword, the value would be Rs. 5,000 (i.e.,
Rs.500 * 10) and the value of vouchers in case of Four Fountains Spa would be Rs. 10,000
(i.e., Rs. 1,000 * 2 * 5).
Thank You
For any Clarification, Please Contact
Indirect Taxes Committee of ICAI
Email: [email protected], Website:
© Indirect Taxes Committee, ICAI