Angelin Marhavyna
Up your Service on
By doing Impeccable Service -> Delighted Customer
By doing Unbelievable Service -> Loyal & Commited
By having Leading-edge Service -> Earns positive
reputation to our organization
Then it will enthuses people to makes them glad to be
working with us
The Ladder of Customer Loyalty
The Ambassador Which actively promotes you
1.Run a Contest
Genuine Compassion
Compassionate folks know that customers and
colleagus are basically good people
of Service
Mindset Eagerness to Learn and Grow
Be a person who have an insatiable appetite to
improve their skills. Take every opportunity to
upgrade your professional knowledge.
Philosophy of
• Every service should have a vision, mission and
core values
organization grow
• Example :
~ Prudential Assurances’s Vission ~
#1 Customer Focus
• Is a very minimum service • Is only the average of service • Is what people hope for • Is truly world class in service
• Ex: • Ex: • Ex: • Ex:
A taxi driver who has a smelly The taxi driver who knows the The company’s website has The company provides an on-
car and gets lost on the way of address but makes no effort to up-to-date information to help going value-added service to
customer destination. Then, he welcome the customer in the town. customer get the maximum understand your changing
doesn’t make a conversation, He just accompany the customer value when they purchase needs and provide you with
apology and no effort to help into the address then he just leave what their buy of our products exceptionally products
customer with their baggage it, without saying anything.
Types of Interaction
• Interaction which only lives temporary and shallow, • Transaction which build in several times and
fleeting each other, short-lived and over in an instant involved many participations, decision and moments
• What you see is what you get. of truth.
• There is only 2 choice in life : take it or leave it? • Ex:
• Ex:
When you purchase a clothing at a retail store, you
Buy equipment on sale at an inventory clearance notice the décor, fashions, color, price and helpfulness
sale. Then, the terms are strictly “Cash & Carry. All of the staff.
sales are final”
Types of Interaction
• A long-term relationship which having track record • It is not only a continue relationship, but in this
data of the customers. It will build the trust and interaction, both parties obtain greater value over
mutual affection each other over time. time
• Ex:
• Ex:
Order newspaper delivery from a reliable vendor.
Chips mastercard in ATM
The paper will be on the customer doorstep at the
same time every morning regardless of the weather.
Four Stages to Improve Your
Service :
2.Agree : Establish clear terms & conditions to make mutual promises that