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DEPT . OF ISM& H was created in march 1995 and
renamed as dept of Ayurveda, yoga & naturopahty,
unani,sidha and homeopathy (AYUSH) in november
Ayur+ veda= ayur veda
5000 BC
Science of life
Developed from the hymns of atharvaveda
Comprehensive documentation of the knowledge of
ayurveda was done by charaka in charakasamhitha
and susrutha in susrutha samhitha
Concept and principles
The body matrix
Life in ayurveda is conceived as the union of body
,senses, mind and soul.
The living man is a conglomeration* of three humours
(vata,pitha,kapha) seven basic tissues
(7 dhatus)(rasa,rakta,mansa,meda,asthi,majja,shukra)
and the waste products of the body such as faeces,
urine and sweat.
The practice of ayurveda is based on the panch
All objects In the universe including human body are
composed of five basic elements; earth,water,fire, air,
These five elements are represented in combination of
tridoshas ,vata (ehter, air), pitta (fire), kaph(water and
There must be a balance among these elments, tissues
and humours
Health and sickness
Health and sickness depends upon presence or
absence of a balanced state of the total body matrix.
Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors can cause
disturbance in the natural equilibrium giving rise to
Diagnosis is always done of the patient as a whole
It involves
General physical examination
Pulse examination
Urine examination
Examination of faeces
Examination of tongue and eyes
Examination of ear including tactile and auditory

For successful administration of a treatment 4 things

are essential..
The physician
The medicaments
The nursing personnel
The patient
Types of treatment
Shodhana therapy (purification)
Shamana therapy ( palliative treatment)
Pahtya vyavastha (prescription of diet and activity)
Nidan parivarjan (avoidance of disease causing and
aggrvating factors)
Satvavajaya (psychotherapy)
Rasayana therapy (use of immunomodulators
rejuvenation medicine)
Kaya chikitsa (internal medicine)
Kaumar bhartya (paediatrics)
Graha chikititysa( psychiatry)
Shalkya( ENT)
Shalya tantra( surgery)
Visha tantra ( Toxicology)
Rasayana (geriatric)
Vagikarana (science of virility)
Because of 8 specialities- astanga ayurveda
5 year degree-BAMS+6 months intership

National institute of ayurveda is the apex institution-
7th february 1976

Originated in India
Living in tune with brahmand-the universe
Yoga was systematized by patanjal
It is a science which helps to co ordinate body and
MIND more effectively.
It consist of 8 components
Patanjali,the father of yoga refined yoga sutras and he
advocated 8 fold path of yoga—astanga yoga
Restraint in every spehre of life (yama)
Maintaining physical posture (asana)
Breathing exercise(pranayama)
Restraining sense organs(pratyhara)
Streams of yoga
Swami vivekananda put them as ..work,
worship,philosophy and psychic control.
Karma yoga..the path of work, way of enjpoying
work,doing it effortlessly
Bhakti yoga—the path of worship
Jnana yoga—the path of philosophy, systemic way of
tutoring the mind about the realities of life by
Raja yoga—path of psychic control
It is a way of life and based on application of simple
laws of nature
All disease case and treatment are one
The basic cause of disease in not bacteria, bacteria devolpes after
the accumulation of morbid matter.
Acute diseases are our friends not our enemies. Chronic diseases
are out come of wrong treatment and suppression of acute diseases
Nature is the greatest healer
In naturopathy ,diagnosis is easily possible
Naturopathy does not use medicines, food is used as medicines
Nature cure treat body as whole instead of giving treatment to
each organ seperately.
It treats physical,mental ,social and spiritual aspects at same time
Diagnostic methods
Facial diagnosis
Iris diagnosis
Modern clinical diagnosis
Full life histroy
Treatment methods
Water therapy
Air therapy-
Fire therapy
Space therapy—fasting is the best therapy to relieve
congestion of body and mind
Mud therapy-
Food therapy-
Massage therapy
Magnetto therapy
Unani system
Originated in greece and based on teaching of
hippocraTes and gallen.
Diagnosis is depends up on temperament of the
condition,compliaints,s/s,observation,examination of
pulse,urine, stool etc
And special treatment method like diet
therapy,regimental therapy like
leeching etc
Phramacotherapy is using available herbal drugs

8 PG depts.
Kulliyat (fundamentals), ilmul adviya (pharmacology),
Amraze niswan (gyanecology), amraza atfal (paediatrics),
tahafuzziwa samaji tib(social &preventive medicine)
Moalejat (medicine), munafeul aaza
(phhysiology ),Jarhiyat(surgery)
-5 ½ yrs u.G and 3 yrs of P.G
Siddha systems of medicine
The term siddha implies achievement.
it was practiced by sidharas who aimed to maintain
perfect health in order to achieve sidhi/ heavenly bliss.
Basic philosophy
There is an intimate link between man and envt. It
believes that all objects in the universe including
human body are composed of 5 elements. The drug /
food are also made up of these elements.
Food is the basic building material of the body which
gets processed into 3 doshas, 7 dhatus, 3 malas.
Equilibrium between these three is considered to be

5I/2 YR UG & 3 YRS OF P.G

It is based on the theory of similia similibus
currentur/or let let like be treated by like which means
any substance capable of producing artifical symptoms
on healthy individuals can cure the same symptoms in
a natural disease
Father of homoeopathy—samuel hahnemann
Basic laws
Law of similar
Law of direction of cure- during the curing process symptoms
disappears in reverse order of its apperence, from more
important organs to less important organs,from central to
Law of minimum doses-the doses applied are minimum
possible just sufficient to control the diseased state.
Law of theory of chronic diseases-most of the chronic
diseases are due to three chronic affinities-psora,syphillis,
sycosis. In human body it normally remain dormant but they
express their presnce in the conduceive envt…irregular
living,emotional stress etc.,

M.D horn

National institute of homeopathy- calcutta

Complementary therapies
During massage therapy, a trained therapist moves
and rubs your body tissues (such as your muscles).
There are many kinds of massage therapy
AcupunctureAcupuncture is part of a whole healing
system known as traditional Chinese medicine.
During acupuncture treatment, tiny needles (about as
wide as a hair) are inserted into certain areas of a
person's body. Most people say that they don't feel any
pain at all from the needles.
AromatherapyAromatherapy is based on the idea
that certain smells can change the way you feel. The
smells used in aromatherapy come from plant oils, and
they can be inhaled (breathed in) or used in baths or
Relaxation techniques
1. visualization
2. meditation
MeditationMeditation is a certain way of concentrating
that allows your mind and body to become very relaxed.
Meditation helps people to focus and be quiet.
VisualizationVisualization is another method people
use to feel more relaxed and less anxious. People who
use visualization imagine that they are in a safe, relaxing
place (such as the beach). Most of us use visualization
without realizing it--for example, when we daydream or
remember a fun, happy time in our lives. (guided
Massage to relieve tension by finger pressure; based on
the belief that there are reflex points on the feet,
hands, and head that are connected to every part of
the body
An alternative therapy is generally used instead of 
conventional medical treatment.
A complementary therapy means you can use it
alongside your conventional medical treatment
It is the discipline advocating therapy with remedies
that produce effects differing from those of the disease
Based on the principle –contraia contraiis curenture..
It is also called as western/english/scientific medicine
It is the most popular systems of medicine in the

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